Violin Class For Children Is Scheduled

A new program in Suzuki violin classes for' children betwëen the ages of 3 and 8 will be offered this summer as part of i the Ann Arbor Recreation i partment's summer music 1 grams. The Suzuki method of instruction comes from Japan. Pupils must furnish their own instruments. Classes will meet in the Burns Park Center on Thursdays, beginning June 11, and will run for six weeks. The fee is $15 for one child ($2.50 per hour), and $21 for two children ($3.50 per hour). The advanced class will be I taught at 9 a.m. Thursdays, I intermedíate at 10 a.m. and I bcpinning at 11 a.m. I The teacher is Mrs. Celia llWeisB. Mrs. Weiss will interI view parents of all bcginninji llstudents prior to the start of Iclasscs. J'arents interested in ■ cnrolling thcir children sliould ■ cali the Jtecreation Department 6654821 prior to June 8 lo llmake an appointmont for regisI tration and interviews.
Music Teachers
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