17 Japanese Students To Arrive Here Friday

For the past four years, the end of July and first part of August have meant a visit to Ann Arbor by Japanese high schoolers from Kagoshima Prefecture. And this year is no exception. Twelve boys and five girls from Japan will arrive in Ann Arbor Friday for a 10-day visit. They will be sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor, and are expected to meet with Mayor Robert J. Harris on the day of their arrival. Sixteen local families with teen-aged sons or daughters will host the visitors. They are Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Andrews and Sharon, 2781 Kenilworth; Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Beamer and Joyce, 2104 Scio Church Rd.; Mrs. Laurence Critchell and Peter, 400 Wesley; Mr. and Mrs. George Harry and George, 3053 Rumsey; Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Hoefle and Gary, 2108 Broekman Blvd.; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Isaacs and family, 4158 Thornoaks; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil B. Janssen and Sarah, 1530 Waltham; Mr. and Mrs. Chihiro Kikuchi and Gary, 260 Sumac Lane; Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Morgan and Bob, 3678 Frederick; Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson and Doug, 1354 Ardmoor; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle O. Paige and Patti, 1235 Glen Leven; Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Rice and Helen, 3270 N. Maple Rd.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Roeger and Carl, 1523 Pauline Blvd.; Dr. and Mrs. Josef Smith and David, 2810 Byington Rd.; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell K. Trotter and David, 731 S. Seventh, and Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and Matt, 2013 Washtenaw. The Milton L. Hoefle family will host two visitors, the other families, one apiece. The Nelsons, Paiges and Woodwards were also host families last year. Helping to coordinate the visit are Travis Cash, Mr. and Mrs. George Nace and Mrs. Laurence Critchell. The purpose of the visit is to learn first-hand about life with an American family. The Kiwanis Club has many activities planned, including a tour of University Microfilms, a luncheon on Aug. 3, and a farewell picnic at the home of Travis Cash. The host families also have many outings and activities planned for their particular guest, such as swimming parties, baseball games, and short trips.
University Microfilms
Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor
Kagoshima Japan
Japanese Students
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Virgil B. Janssen
Travis Cash
Stevens Rice
Sharon Andrews
Sarah Janssen
Russell G. Beamer
Robert F. Nelson
Richard E. Roeger
Peter Critchell
Patti Paige
Norman A. Morgan
Mrs. Virgil B. Janssen
Mrs. Stevens Rice
Mrs. Russell G. Beamer
Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mrs. Richard E. Roeger
Mrs. Norman A. Morgan
Mrs. Milton L. Hoefle
Mrs. Lyle O. Paige
Mrs. Louis G. Andrews
Mrs. Laurence Critchell
Mrs. Josef Smith
Mrs. John Woodward
Mrs. Gerald Isaacs
Mrs. George Nace
Mrs. George Harry
Mrs. Darrell K. Trotter
Mrs. Chihiro Kikuchi
Milton L. Hoefle
Matt Woodward
Lyle O. Paige
Louis G. Andrews
Joyce Beamer
John Woodward
Helen Rice
Gerald Isaacs
George Nace
George Harry Jr.
George Harry
Gary Kikuchi
Gary Hoefle
Dr. Josef Smith
Doug Nelson
David Trotter
David Smith
Darrell K. Trotter
Chihiro Kikuchi
Carl Roeger
Bob Morgan
731 S. Seventh
4158 Thornoaks
400 Wesley St
3678 Frederick
3270 N. Maple Rd.
3053 Rumsey
2810 Byington Rd.
2781 Kenilworth
260 Sumac Lane
2108 Brockman Blvd
2104 Scio Church Rd.
2013 Washtenaw
1530 Waltham
1523 Pauline Blvd.
1354 Ardmoor
1235 Glen Leven