Huron Youths Held As Billboard Axers

' (Special to The New) FOWLERVILLE - Six teen-age boys all students at Ann Arbor's Huron High School, were arrested here early thta morniñg alter allegedly trying to beautiS Sigan's landscape by cutting down b Chaïed w'ith malicious destruction of nroperty were: Russell C. Balch, 17, of ?629 Sondan Dr., Ann Arbor; Branden S Parkes 17 of 443 Huntmgton PI., Ann Arbor David C. Field, 18, of 3570 Frederick Dr., Ann Arbor; George W. Gibson 17 of 2872 Glacier Way, Ann Arbor; Stanley M. Pollack of 4068 Thornoaks Dr Ann Arbor; and George N. Scott, 17 'of 2260 Gale Rd., Ann Arbor. Fowlerville Pólice said the youths are charged with cutting down three billboards on 1-96 between Howelljind Jow- lerville. They were scheduled to be I raigned today in Livingston County I trict Court. Pólice said the youths apparently returned to Fowlerville after the choppings and were questioned by pólice who were patrolling the area. They were held in Livingston County Jail after pólice said they found one axe and a saw in the trunk of their car. Pólice said they also had maps of Washtenaw, Jackson and Monroe County in their possession. Last weekend, a mysterious midnight skulker was cited as being responsible for cutting down s o m e 35 billboards along both sides of a 15-mile stretch of US-23 near Monroe. Pólice said the oiüboard bandit toppled the signs with a chain saw.
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Stanley M. Pollack
4068 Thornoaks Dr