'Harvey' Topples Attendance Marks

The University premiere ot the Phoenix Theatre's "Harvey" starring James Stewart and Helen Hayes has broken all attendance records in Ann Arbor since the Professional Theatre Program was established in 1961. Stewart's return to the theater evoked superlatives from the critics, who also saluted Miss H a y e s ' s performance with glovving praise. John Allen of The Christian I Science Monitor termed 1 art's portrayal of Elwood P. Dowd "close to perfection. . . al maturity and mellowness hke I old wine." Of Miss Hayes, Jay Carr of The Detroit News said: "Her lightfingered, unerrmg portrayal is masterful and profoundly satisfying!" Playgoers flocked to Ann Arbor from as f ar away as Chi- cago Cleveland, and Toronto to see the stellar team supported by a notable Broadway cast which included Jesse White, Marian Hailey, Henderson Forsythe, John C. Becher, Joe Ponazecki, Maridare Costello, I Peggy Pope, Dorothy BlacKI burn and Dort Clark. According to Robert O . ISchnitzer, executive director of II the Professional Theatre Proliram, the Michigan engageI ment of "Harvey" was comI pletely sold out almost a month II bef ore the opening, which was I -.ttpnHPd hv state and regional leaders from political, social, and educational circles. After the University engagement closed Saturday, "Harvey" moved directly to New York's ANTA Playhouse, where it opens a limited run on Feb. 24, ____