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United Way Section Leader Appointed

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Russe,, &,M&'' Ui ' nimPri erSUy f Michigan' has been named a vice chairman for this fall's Washtenaw United Way campaign David hasaT' Ch Reister will direct one of the four major sections of the campaign, including Employé Gifts, Hospitals and Social Agencies, the Mail Campaign a"d Departments C and F Commentmg on his appointment, Retóter said, "During this year when human needs have never been greater it ;ShiHae"!ialthateach of us particípate in n tl We must co"tinue o try to close the gap between the dolthdeVnrSerVÍCeStOOUrcom"' ty and the dollars contributed during the mpaign. I am pleased to be ablé to as sist in closing that gap " Reister received his bachelor and master of business administraron degrees froni the U-M. He is a member o? the Rotary Club, the Ann Arbor Personnel datZatÍf "n ,IndUStrial Relations a""o cut on of Detroit, International Per. let .nf f,"16"1 Association and the Colege and University Personnel Associan "; Hu7aS President of the Washtenaw United Way ,n 1972 and chairman of ts budget committee in 1971 Reister lives at 2082 S. Seventh St with his wife and three children. Workine with Reister in each of his departen"! are Employé Gifts, G. Dean Rotramel manager, Sears, Roebuck, and Co aS. sisted by Larry Zahn, Paine, Webber Jackson, and Curtís; Hospitals and Social' Agencies, John F. Ernán, sales manager K ng Engineering assisted by Gene I rell personnel director, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital; Wayland Skeels, purchaTsnK agent, Mercywood Hospital; Lrs Fran I tis Gallaway, Beyer Hospital' nJSrT" inClüding 'sma11 b"" "es ,n YpsHanti, Milan anri whmnm j akefMrs. William (Marie) Orr assist Ui Rbert Sch0ch' Gilmore L ke branch manager, Ann Arbor Bank and Trust; Gerald Risch, plant layout Gener al Motors' Hydramatic, and James Se senior vace President, Ypsilanti Savings Department F, including commuters and „ational firms, Mrs. William (S Rhar?0MSSÍSted by Edmond Hickey, ?Í . Personnel director General Motors Hydramatic; Rober Wteeler industrial relations, Genera Motors Assembly División; and David boT TÍsatSSÍStant VÍCe PreSident' Ann Ar" This year's campan begins Sept. 30 with a goal of $2,170,977.


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