Short Items From Supervisors

Robert Cassidy of the Michigan Office of Civil " Defense showed a training film to the Board of Supervisors yesterday and offered to give the board members a 5'2-hour course. This will be arranged later. He said it is necessary for continuity of government in the event of nuclear disaster. He told the supervisors, "We can't discount the possibility of disaster because we have had some accidents," referring to the recent loss of bombs over Greenland. Knowledge of how to protect ourselves from nuclear fallouti carries over into natural disaster, he said. A request of the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport Advisoryi Committee for creation of a Municipal Airport Zoning Board was referred to the supervisors' Planning Committee. This would lead to adoption of a zoning ordinance involving safety and nuisance factors. The county board would have three of the five members on the airport zoning board. o o The Equalization Committee reported that the county Equalization Department will take minimum five per cent and maximum 10 per cent samples in Ypsilanti city, Pittsfield and Superior Township during 1968. o o A request from Drain Com-, missioner John Flook to increase the salary of a position of regtstered engineer, a post which has never been filled, and to adjust his salary to "reflect the responsibility of a departmentl head in relationship to his em-l ployes" was referred to Waysl and Means and Planning ComJ mittees. A health department request for $16,507 for three additionaï well baby clinics a week, and increasing pay for doctors and nurses at immunization and wel] baby clinics was referred to the Ways and Means Committee. o o The Health Committee of tha County Board of Supervisors told the full board that it will meet with state health and Livingston County officials to discuss a possible affiliation of Livingston with Washtenaw in public health. This was requested by the State Health Department. o o A moment of silence in memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was observed by the County Board of supervisors at the suggestion of Ypsilanti Mayor Jo'hn Burton.
Washtenaw County Equalization Department
Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors
Physicians & Surgeons
Michigan Office of Civil Defense
Health Care
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport Advisory Committee
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Robert Cassidy
Martin Luther King Jr.
John Flook
John Burton