Supervisors Appoint Bargaining Group

Tlie County Board of Supervisors yssterday designated its bargaining committee which will negotiate terms of employment with whatevér organization is recognized by the state Labor Mediation Board to represent employés in the Sheriff's Department The board will be represented by1 the chairmen of its Ways and Means, Sheriff's and 1 ministrator's Committees, who will be authorized to cali on any members of the county's administrative staff to assist. Board Chairman Robert M. Harrison said he will name the new committee chairmen shortly. He was elected board chairman yesterday. Harrison said the board's bargaining committee cannot give final approval of any agreement, that that authority rests with the f uil Board of Supervisors. Currently, the supervisors are committed to holding a first meeting with the Washtenaw Deputy Association on April 26. However, another group, the Washtenaw C o u n t y Deputy Sheriff's Bargaining Organization, says it now has more than [half the deputies in its memberehip and that it, not the assotiation, should be recognized as the bargaining unit. The association was recognized by the supervisors March 7. Presumably, if the Labor Mediation Board has set a date for la representation election by April 26, negotiations will be put off until results of the election are known. Yesterday, Prosecuting Attor- ney William F. Delhey told the supervisors that the Deputy Association has agreed to withdraw charges against the board in a hearing which started this morning before a mediation board examiner, leaving the sheriff as the sole defendant. Delhey said the board must continue to recognize the association "until the Labor Mediation Board determines that we should recognize someone else." I