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Board OK's Salary Plan

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t- Salary schedules and fringelt benefits for teachers, I trators and non - professional : staff at Washtenaw Commumty College were approved by the college board last night. Teacher-counselors were assigned an initial hiring range of $6 500 to $12,000, with progressión upward at $300 per year, up to $12,000 a year. Extra effort increments ol $800 maximum may be earned in no less than a three-year period, with the maximum salary including extra effort increments and longevity increments not to exceed $12,500. The teacher-counselor designation applies to most of the teaching personnel and arises f rom the college' s intent that all ■eachers speñd one-third of Iheir ;ime teaching, one-third counseling students, and one-third in! preparation and self-improvement. Teachers who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency wilL be eligible for consideration for extra effort in-, crements. Examples of factors which wilH count toward earning the m-1 crement are advanced academici preparation, related work ex-l perience, specific technical institutes, related exchange programs, travel restricted to the I specific area of teaching, business and industrial corollary; teaching, enrichment activities leading to technical licensing and or proficiency, and "superior contributions to education through innovation and expenimentation." Divisional or department heads called directors, and professional service personnel such as librarians, will have an ímtial hiring range from $9.000 lo j S14.000 per year with 10 lon- gevity increments of $500 annually. Fringe benefits, which are the ] same for both categories of pro_j. fessional staff, are sick leave of one day per month, hospital, life accident and travel ïnsurance, sabbatical leave after six years at half-pay for one year or full pay for a semester, and liree tuition for college personlr -.fnr the college to