WCC Black Studies Demands Supported

The Washtenaw Community College Faculty Assembly yesterday went on record supporting demands of the Black Student Union for an autonottious Black Studies Program. The faculty body passed a resolution approving the demands while Dr. David H. Ponitz, WCC president, and Jim Jones, deán of Student Personnel Services, were meeting with representatives of the black students to discuss the demands. Dr. Ponitz told the students WCC "has not been able to develop the Black Studies Program as quickly as it would like, because of severe budgetary problems." However, he added, "it is my recommendation to continue the program at least at the level it is presently budgeted at, with its independent expenditure of funds like other programs at WCC." Dr. Ponitz said "very specific efforts are also being made to obtain money independent of the college to continue improving the Black Studies program."
Ann Arbor News
Old News
David H. Ponitz