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Wcc Students Studying More, Board Told

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Studente at Washtenaw Community College are studying more than their predecessors, according to a report the WCC trustees received Tuesday night. There are now 6,281 students enrolled for 46,721 credit hours, at an average of 7.4 credit hours per student, Registrar Alton L. Kleinhenn reported. Last fall, there were 5,216 students taking 35,088 credit hours, an average of 6.7 per student. This means approximately one in every three credit hours being taken this fall "is new," President Gundar A. Myran emphasized. He predicted WCC's total Fall Semester enrollment will probably increase another 450 to 500. In addition to overall growth, there is a slight shift from occupational studies to general studies at WCC. This fall, 52.7 per cent (3,308 students) are taking occupational courses, compared to 54 per cept last winter and 54.3 per cent last fall. General studies are now drawing 47.3 per cent (2,973) compared to 46 per I cent last winter and 45.7 per cent last fall. The largest increase in any single category of students is among women, who I total 2,719 compared to 2,091 a year ago, I an increase of 29.7 per cent. At least 75 per cent of this fall's stuIdents are part-time students, a ration Ithat maintains a previous pattern, nenn said. At, the same time, however, the number of WCC students who are military veterans, who usually attend full-time, has increased from 761 last fall to 1,135 this semester. There are currently 52 retired persons taking advantage of WCC's "Golden Eagle" program, which enables them to attend as many courses as they wish on campus for the formality of paying $1 a semester. More retired persons are expected to enroll at off-campus locations. WCC's occupational studies and their enrollments this fall: 1 Business and industrial management - 4,623, up 50.3 per cent from last fall; health occupations - 2,437, up 13.8 per cent; technical and industrial courses - 10,450 up 25.9 per cent; community service courses - 1,646, up 5.1 per cent. General studies and their current enrollments: Black studies - 665, up 72.7 per cent; communication arts - 7,367, up 27 per cent; exact sciences - 10,509, up 54.7 per cent; social sciences - 8,667, up 26.9 per cent; physical education - 357, up 75 per cent. A total of 5,006 of this fall's WCC students live in Washtenaw County compared to 4,200 a year ago, an increase in that category of 19.2 per cent. Students who never previously attended WCC account for 2,456 of this fall's total, a 9 per cent increase in that classification. In other business, trustees: - Authorized hiring of 200 part-time instructors for the Fall Semester, to supplement the full-time teaching staff of about 140. - Received WCC's annual audit report from Icerman, Johnson and Hoffman of Ann Arbor, stating the college finished fiscal 1975 last June 30 with a surplus of $208,104 over expenditures. Discussion of the report and its recommendations for management changes is planned for the trustees' next monthly meeting. - Accepted six change orders in the construction contract for WCC's threestory classroom-office-library building, raising the cost by $52,336.90, to $9,765, ' 336.90. -Authorized a downward revisión in costs for providing water for WCC's athletic fields and gardens on the north side of E. Huron River Dr., from $64,000 to $45,000. This reflects a decisión to dig a well instead of running pipes underground from the main campus, based on higher than expected bids for water lines and meter installation. - Approved new salaries for nonunionized WCC staff members, providing 7 per cent increases, as follows: Executive officers: Dean of Business Operations Richard W. Hall - $27,350; Dean of Student Personnel Services James A. Jones - $30,550; Personnel Manager Harry J. Konschuh - $28,300; Occupational Studies Dean Joseph M. Miller - $29,400; Administrative Dean David S. Pollock - $30,550; General Studies Dean John P. Wooden - $29,950. Administration: Controller George J. Braun - $23,850; presidential administrative assistant Geraldine H. Brengle - $15,250; construction project representaI tive Raymond Q. Duke - $18,050; per.I sonnel assistant Mary L. Sabada - $14, I 450; computer programanalyst Stacy J. I Shrader - $15,400; Foremen: William Cole, custodial - I $13,350; Raymond Killham, maintenance - $14,500; James King, electrical - $12, 450; Cornelius Reeves, powerhouse - $14,500; Executive secretarles: Nancy Gerrard, personnel - $9,550; Oma Turner - $10, 860; Security guard Calvin Ford - $8,300; I ] day-care center supervisor Jeanette Ronayne - $7,060. Dental insurance recently negotiated with WCC instructors is being extended to the nonunionized staff. WCC is seeking bids from insurance firms by Nov. 3, to specifications available from Braun.