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mm í staoiTC BAKERY, GROCEBY AND FLOJR AND FEEO STORE, Wcjtecp constantly on hu rul BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, c. For Wholesale or Retail Trad. We shall also keep a supply of OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co. 's Best White Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A g-eneral stock ot 3H00ERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house tn the city. "Cash paitl for Butter, Eg-s, and Countr Produce genenülv. Goods Delivercdto anv part of the city with out extra charge. Rinitey & Seabolt. c.inTMiLLËrsr Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agenov' in the city. Ls tablished a quarter oí a century ago Representing the following flrst-class companies. Homeins. Co. Of N.Y., - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207 ,20f Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co. of Phü. ■ - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of LondoH 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Globe 3? W.000 iBT-Raies low. Losses liberally adjuslea and promptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. ÉPRATT'S Aromatic Geneva Gin CURES DISEASED KIDNEYS, VThen lt is taken Into consideration that Gin is the only spirit posscssing a medicinal qualíty othcr than a stituulant, a pure article la reouirad, PRATT'S Aromatic Geneva Gin U a pure Gneva(Swiss)Oin, redistfUed ivith èerccted huchu leaves.fresh Itálica juulper berree, gemiun ro. t, o. It Tvill bo round au Involuable remedv and cortaincuro iur ISi'ichc's nikease, Stonp ín Bladder, and ril inflaramatlnn of thé Kidnovs and trinarjJASIKS E. MORItTS, Bete Went, 165 CHAHEERS SI., NEW YOTÏK. For Sale by EBEIIBA.CI1 & BON. THE CREiM OF ALL B0DK8 OF ADVENTURE. Condensed Into One Volume. PIONEER , , DARING HÉROES M DEEDS. The tb rilling adventures of al the hero explorers and frontier flghtere with Indiana, outlawa anc wild beaets, over our wbole countiy, froin the earliest times to the present. Livea and tamous ezploitsof Ue3oto, IjaSaüe,StandiBh, Boone, Kent ou, Brady Crockett, Bovvie, Houston, Carson Ciwter, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill Generáis Milis and Crook, great Indian Chief and scoieBCfothers. SPLENDIDLY ILLUMTBATED with 220 fine engravinga. AOENTS WANÏED Low.priced, and beats auyttaing to sell. Time for paymeota allowed agenta short of funda H. SCAMMELL&CO., St. LOUIS, MO. 11 PAINT g' Paint 1-riday, run t to Church Sunday. Eight r : t Fabhionablc Shadcs; Hack, Maroon. Vermilion x „ r ■ Dlue, Yellow, Olive I-ake, Brcwster and Wagon M = y I '"O Grwiia. No Vann-shing necessary. lirios h;ird pa" nith a "ahine." üuc Cpat and job is done, r t;Q 2 YUUR oUlfljiY rio Tip top for Chairs, Lawn Scats. Sash, Flowcr " ?y .1 Pob, Baby Carriagcs, Curtiiin Poles, Turniture, 50 AJ I:ront Doors, Storu-fronts, Screen Doors, Uo.its, w a yf Matules, Jron Fenece, in í.ict everythin. Just e q - the tliinii fur tlie luJics to use about the house sL f L FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 GOIT'SHONESTi C9 Are you goiny to Paint tliis year? If so. don l ua buy a panit comaiiung water or benzine when _ï forlho same money (or nearly so) youun procure " (1T Jfc 4'0S I'LlíK PAINT ís wurraulcd to % Y a """ bcan HOSKST, GBWUISB LU8KKD-0IL PAI&T 8 Q and free from water and benzine. Petuaml thls aJ mtbrand and tale no oí hor. Mcrchants handllng = o o it are our aeents and nmhorizod by Ub. in wrttlng, x '5 = to wurrant It to oar 6 YKAUS ílh 8 C0AÏ8 or S 3 fA X YK4K8 nllh 2 ( Ü.VTS. Our Shndes are the g triest Styles used in the East now brcomin)? _" U so jKipul.Tr in the West, and up wnh the times i, f v ff Try tiiis brand of HONtST PAINT and you wilt t-SJ r ncver regret it. This to the wise is suflicient JQ o HOUSE PAINT pf S COFT'S FLOOR PIHiïKfi :l Paint that never dried beyond the sticky pomt. cfc. mm waste a week, spoil the job, and tiien sweart C3 S" Next time cali for OOIT TO'S KLOUR PAIKT - - K 4 popular and suitable, irrnni.-.l to .Irv Um m kard as rock ver niBlii. Nú truble No -- 3IWONT DRY STSCKY g EBiRBACH & SON, AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN Medicines, Chemicals, Tye Stuiïs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, ïrusses, Etc. PÜRB W1NBS & L1QDORS Special attcntion paid to the turnishing; of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosonhicaJ and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glasi ware, Porcelain Wre, P"re Heaents, etc. Phyiicians' PreicripUons Carefully Prepared t all kours.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News