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Local Brevities

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Agricultura] ball for sale. See want column. The circuit court has adjourned until next Monday. " Will Finnegao is the happy fatber of a twelve-pound boy. The regular college and school work began TuesJay morning. The Grand Array boys install their new officers to-night. The Webster farmer's club meets at Ira BacKus's on Saturday. The Iadie3 of the Uongregational church gave a tea social last evening. Aa important business meeting of llobart Guild was called for last evening- The Michigan Fnrniture Company have declared an eiglu per cent. dividend. __ Mr. David Noyes an oíd resident of Ann Arbor eightyfour years okl is very UI. New oak chairs have been placed in the Sunday school room of the Methodist church. James Kennedy, of Northfleld, slipped on the ice last week and feil, breaking his hip. Ilead the new serial comtnenced in this number of the Argus, It will be found very hiterestincr. A petitiou is being circulated by A. .J. Sweetto have a humane agent aplointed for this city. Charles Naylor, ot Northfield, has beenarrested for bastardy ;on the charge of Caroline ïtentschler. S. Hendricksou has sold the store occupied by Jirown fc Cady, ou State street to J. D. Baldwin. ïhe nutnber of persons prosecuted in thejustico courts of this county during the past yejtr was 201. James Snow, a vagrant, got ninety days in the house of correetion from Justice Frueauff, Monday. Ou the 27th, " The Mystic Bell of Ronquerolle" by thu Dramatic Club, lt is a play with two ñames. Agnes IIenidon,the notèd emotional actress, vvill appéar atthe Grand Opera house, January L!Otli and 21 st. Cruelty to animáis is the charge that has been brought agaiust Solomou Zeebe, before Justice Frueauff. A pension, according to the ■ ington dispatches, has been granted "a minor of James McNally, at Anu Arbor." The will of Dr. Palmer bequeaths his propeity to Mis. Palmer, excepting a farm in Illinois, which Is given to a nephew. The toboggan slide is in lirst class sliape just now.. There is a line bed of ice upon it and a good many are takiug advantage of it. Howard F. Nichols obtained judtrment by default against Marvin Davenport in the circuit court Monday for $253,83 and costs. v Kev. Dr. Eddy, who has been officiating in the PiesWyterian church, intends going to Florida after next Suuday ior the winter. The University Dramatic Club is putting a good deal of hard work on the play they are going to produce on the 27th of this montli. Supervisor C. VV. McCormick, of Ypsilanti, the newiy elected keeper of I the county house, will make a most I cellent oih'cial for that place. Mrs. Anu Barry, of the fourth ward died Sunday ased 50years, six months añil 21-days. The funeral services were held on Wednesday forenoon. Mis. Ellen M. Butler, wife of Rev. Jumes E. Butler, of Webster, died Monday of blood poisoning. The funeral services were held Wednesday. William Kelley was fined $5.25 by Justice Pond last Saturday for being drunk on Thursday, or in default uf paying his fine to fifteen days iu jail. Dr. C. B. Ilowell, of Alpena, has opened an oiFice in Masonic temple. He practised for some years in Alpena, where many fiiends regret his departure. The [friends of William McCreery will be pleased to learn that he is doing tinely notwithstanding the close conünement necessitated by his broken hip. When one cannot gec things right by ordmary means, a bit of play on superstitious beliafs is not amiss. Tliat's wha tthe play by the Dramatic Clubillustrates. Mis. Jenette Crump, wife of Abner Crump, died of consumption in the n'fth ward Sunday. The funeral was held from the A.M. E. church Wednesday afternoon. Since the City Mills put in steaming apparatus for steaming the wheat, the deoaand for their flour has been so great that they have been obliged to put in new machinery. W. V. Watts representa Golden Itule Lodge, and W. E. Howe, FraternRy Lodge F. and A. M. at the Grand Lodge, which meets, in Saginaw the latter part of this inonth. During the last six months, 217,219 letters were de'ivered by the letter carriers, 42,858 postáis and 152,537 papers. During the same period they collected 162,396 letters, 30,591 postáis and 7,114 papers. Mr. Evans, of Denver, Colorado, who married Miss Jessie Henriques, formerly of this city, died December 26th. Althougl) he had beeri sick two years, his death was a surprise to his friends. Those who paid the '-booming" tax np to the night of December 7,can have their money refunded by calling on Treasurer Moore and exhibiting their tax receipt. There was about $100 paid in on this tax. Mis. Philip YVinegar. wife of the late Philip Winegar. ex-sherifF and exjustice of the peace, tlied yesterclay, aged fifty-five years. Stie had h cáncer of the breast. removed lately by a Detroit cáncer doctor. l'robably the only two niernbers of the Aun Albor Commandery whonever dance, attended the grand ball of the Kmghts Templar in -Detroit last eveninef. They were Sir Knights W. Gr. Doty and J. E. Beal. Mason Union%No. 7, have sent I!. T'. O'Mara to Boston to fittend the National Convention of the Brlcklayers and Masons' Union. Jleleft last Friday. The Coiivenliou began Tuesday and is-now insession. "Tudge Kinne didn't mak e a speech wheu he assumed tlie reins of judicial power, ilonday. That interesting event vvill occur at the beginning of the March term of court, when the lawyers ure all present. Ann Arhor Encampment, Xo. 7, installed the followng ofticers at a special meeting, Mondav night: C. P„ VVilliam J. Miller; H.Jf., ,1. Sprague: H. VM M. Staebler; J. VV., Louis Betz; Treas., C. Schlenker; Scribe,C. Knipf. The Col. H.H. Jefford, post G. A. i . tjive an entertainment iOHowed by a dance the Dexter rink next Friday evening, January 2üth. A general invitation is extended, especially to the membera of the Grand Army in this city. " Frank Robbins has signifled his intention of exhibiting his circus in this city next summer. This circus lias been exhibiting tor nearly seven years and according to the Néw York Sun takes 2,000 feet of railway cars to transport the outfit. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday evening, Jan. 15., on College Secret Societies. All the college, fraternities are invited, and any other persons interested. His morning sermón will be upon Rationa] Methods of Bible Study. The old transportatiou committee was discharged by the pomológica! society, Saturday, haviug completed a good year's work. The new comjiittee consisLs ot B. E. Nichols, J. D. lialdwin, J. J. Parshall and J. ff. Olpugb. The first work of the new eommittee will be the shipment of strawberries. Miss Grace Hiltz, ofChicago, who lias several times appeared in concerts in this city, will give the next ChamDer Concert at Hobart Hall, Saturday evening, January 21st. Miss Caruthers, who assists her in a recital at Ft. Wayne, Ind., the previous evening, will accompany her and play one or two numbers. The Germán Farmers Fire Insurance Company of "Washtenaw county held their annual meeting Monöay evening in Beethoven Hall and re-elected all i ■ their old officers. The company has i made no assessment for the last two years and have resolved to extend their charter for ttiirty years longer alter August 30th 1889. The Arm A'bor Building and Savings Association elected officers last Saturday evening with the following result: C. H. Manly, president; T. J. Keech, vice-president; X. J. Kyer, treasurer; J. R. Miner, secretary; Executive committee, John A. Gates, Gottlieb Luick, W. E. How'e, Ernest Eberbacb, John E. Flynn. In reierring to the concert by the Costa Olub of Chicago, the Times says of iSJiss Hiltz's singing. "The soprano solos Svere sung by Miss Hiltz with the finish of style characteristic of her. She never sacriüces purity of tone to noise, she never mumbles her words, she never niifses the key, nor fails to understand the music she sings." The Knights of Labor held an entert linment aud public meeting Tuesday evening. Captain Manly presided over the meeting and introduced Hou. C. R. Whitman, the speaker of the evening, who made an admirable speech. Jim Ilarkins songs were loudly encorred and he was compelled to return five times. The hop which iollowed lasted until two o'clock. . WashtenawLodge, No. 9, I. O.O.F., installed the following officers last Friday evening for the ensuing term: N. G., C. H. Jones; V.G.,F. Gerstner; R. S.,John Feiner; P. 8., C. Krapf; Treas., M. Staebler; W., II. Atkinson; C, E. J. Morton; R. S. N. G., È. S. Elmer; L.S.N.G., B. F. Boylan; R.S.V. G., L. Betz, L. S. V. G., Ó. D. Royall; R. S. S., John V. Johnson; L. S. S., L. Curtís; I. G., H. Richards; (J.Q., II. Krapf. In bringing to Ann Arbor the Rev. John 0. Eccleston in his three illustrated lectures on Dante, Hobsrt Guild is f urnishing the people of this city the privileges of an exceptionally good iutertaiument. These lectures are on a Bubject rendered interesting by the lecture of Canon Farrar two years ago in University Dr. Eccleston brings with him nearly two hundred views by Dore aud other masters which views are reflected on a screen as the lecturer explains the Divine (Commedia. The dates are Jan. 26th, 27th and 2Sth. From the handsome gnl's head, lithograplied in colors, nicely cut out, to the litst slip of the pad, Hood's Household Calendar for 1S88 is thoronghly artistic'. Every naanth is beautifully engraved, and each 8lip as torn off presents a new and pleasing combination oí color prinüng. Hood's Calendar easily leads tlie procession. It is nice enough for any parlor and has so ruany excellent points in arrangement and convemence Lhat it must be seen to be appreciated. Copies may be obtained at the drug stores, or by sending six cents in stamps to C. I. Hood & Co Lowell, Mass.