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KIRK'S FLOATSBIG SOAP IS THE CMIEF For the Bath, Toilet and Laundry. Snow White nnd Abolutely Puro If ycmr dealer (loas not keop White Clourt - send 10 cents for sample cake to the m J8S. S. KIRK & CO. THE ANN ABBOR SAVINGS BANK ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Capital paid in $50,000.00 Capital Security - $100,000.00 Transacls a jrenerai Banking business; buys and sells Etchmiges on New York.Detroitand Chicago sells drafis on all the principal citics of Enrope; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Imdon and Glasgow, via. the Anchor Iine of Steamships, whose rates are lower than most other firstclass lines. This Bank, alrendy havnL a large business, nvite merchante and others to open accounts with iLem with the assurance of the most liberal dealing; consistent with safe b:.nking. In the Savms's Department interest is p".id semiannually, on the: lirt davs of January and July, on ill mui s that were deposited three months previoos to days, thus aflording the peoplc ol this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a fair return in interest for Öie sairie. ),'■ '■ fj-yiin on Approved Securities. DiRKCTOP.s- Chnstian Mack, W. V'. Wine, W D. HÈarrirnnn, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubcl, and VVillaid B. Smith. OFFICEKS: CJIRJSTLN rACK, W. W. VVINES, President Vice PresideM. CUAS. E I11SC0CK, Cashier. pfRE INSURANCE! CHRISTÍAÑ MACK, Agent for the fbllowing First-ClassCompanl-M tepresenting over twenty-eijfht Milliou Dollarb A{?60st8, isues policies jit the Iowe8t ratea Etua of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,728.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.0O London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505,00 Fhenix, üï.YV.' 3,759,036 OSpccial attention given to the insaranoe ai dwelhngs, scboola, ehurehes aDd public buildinei on term of three and five years. C, H. St. Ciair & Sons, JÏANUFACTURERS OF Schooi and Chura FTJlVITLURIi: j Opera House' unairs and WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufactuVe school and church furniture, opera house chairs, lawn settees and camp tables and the TKIUMPH windmill, tlie bestand simplest and most reliable in use. Repairing done on short notice. Also dealer in pumps, cylinders, pipe, etc. Tang made to order. Ladders, berry orates, peach bóxea in fact, ffl ABW HAR TO ORDER So. 33 N. Fourth Stuet AHM ARBOR IICH, ■pyftfcw r.TKNTSOnTTN-ED in TT.S. jtfPViiifiVWyiw and alt foreign countriefl JM&KfBtFQazLty&k Kxamiiiatious made. I-i#BfuSBnnKL3% censes and aniuinenta F4m ■ M lT3r ll r a w "■, in'Vingement fctj ! f 1 1 & 1 1 E Ur4 P'osccuted In idl Tili-nú BÜliiilB IKV3c'lur"' Advlce and pani5Tj f 1 1 1 8 I Iritáíl'hk-is frec. Scicnllflc exMuflk 1 1 H I Uadl ritrt vnlldiiy opinio 3 ytKUuBÊÊBySSf Sjvon ortiodeisrequirnd, UjjrJWFWxÖr Thos. S. Si"noi'E&'sox, .TÍ Kl iBliMir O-ngress Sti"ect West, ■■ Detrutt, Mlcli. Our S, w Store, wliltll we now uccupjT' ha alnnt 3 ces of Ploor Spuce. OTltr BITYERS' Gl'IDE ti Issnfd Sept, and March, ench year. 364 pa . Sy2 x HJj utvlirs.ivith over 3,5OO illusrat(ons - a ivhoJe Picture Gnllery. GIVES lt.!-gale Price dn-i-et tn,„n,- Oi all goods for personal or family nso. Tclls liow io order, rui! gives exact ost or evervthillS yon „so, rat. drink, war, or ( Iiavf run wit. TitcsiK ISVALUABLE UOOK.S rontain irformation gleaned Grom the miikrtl of tlp tvorld. A opy s,„t ÍTRK.E Kpon rerdpt o iu t(s. to ilcfrny -ïP2ise vt mailing. MOMTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicajro, 111. :■ r.ari ■ - ri Pa4rrtct Ttiinwt, , ., , . ,1. . r r n A .,I(ïm 1 'i ; A - , '.r.u. .


Ann Arbor Argus
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