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Estáte of Mary Jane Johnson. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtbnaw, ss. At a sesaion of the ProbateCourt forlhe Countyof VVashtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottice in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Mondav, the 9th day oi" January In the year one thouaand eight hundred niid elghty-eight. Present, William IXHairimH.ü, Judge of Probate, In the matttr of the etle ol Mary Jane Johnson, deceascd.. Charles 8. Gregory, the adniiuistrator oi aid estáte, comes into court and representa that bs is uow prepared to reader bis linul account as aucü aclnnuis trator. Thereupon, it is ordeied tbai Tuesday, tht "th day of Febüuary iioxt, ui ten o'clock in the fornoon,be aasigned íor examininj; and allowiug such account aud that the hairs-at-law of said deceasedand allother persons iutereeted iu suid estáte, are requirea to appeai at a seü&ion of said Court, then to be holden at the probnttolüc in the city of Am Albor, in said county. and show cause il any theie be, why the said accounl abould ahould not be allowed: And il is ïrthei ordered that sai4 AdminUtrator give notice to tb pereons interested iuHaid ebtate, of tbependency of said account and the hearing thereof, by caueing a oopy of this order to be publuhed in the Ann Arboi Akuus, a uewepaper printed aud cireulatingin said county thiee auccessive weeks previous toaaid day of heariüg. WiLLIAM i). HABE.IMAN, {atruecop-y) Judö ol Probat W. G. 1.)tv, Probate Résister Estáte of Sarah McDonald Milten. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY" lOul Washtenaw, ss. Al a sesatouof the Probate Court lor tlie-Uouniy ot Washleuiiw, holden at the Prubate Utticeiu the city of Aun Arbor, ou Thursday, tbe lth day ol' Jaunary, In the yeai' one thousaud eight hundred and elghty-ei)fht. Present, William 1). llarniiiau, Jude of Proluthe matter of Ihe estáte of Samh McDouald Mi'lcn.deceaBed, Chauiicay H. Mille ■ and Charles S. Mlllen,exi'iuiorsof the last will and testament oi said deCeuöcd, conie luto court and represent that they are now preparcd to rende'r their luial account as such executors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tut 31M duy ol Jauuary inatant, at ten o'ciock 111 ussigned lor eiamining and allowüigsuch account, and that the devis:C9, lfgatecs and In ii i-m-law of said deceued, and all oiher persona interested in taid cslatc are requirtd to appear at a bestión of uairtcorit, UieD to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city oi AunArbur, iu said County, and uhow canse, if any there be, wby the -aid account, sliould not be allowed: Aud it is further ordi-red, that said execuiors give notice to tlie persons interested iu sakl estáte, ot the pendency ol said accouut and the hearing cáusing acopy ol thin order to be published in the Ann Akbok Akous a newspaper Drinied and clrculating il aldoounty two successive weukt previous tosnid day ol hearing. v W1LLIAM O. HARKIMAN, (Atrue copyj Judgeof l'robute. Wm. ü, DÓTTi Prohate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News