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Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, JACOB SCHWKICKERT and Minnie Schweir.kert, hls wiie, of Northfield, Michigan, party o J the first part, did by their certain mortgage bearingdute of June 19, lbSB.and reeorded at 3:50 o'clock on Jure 19th, 188ti, in Liber72 of Mortgages.on page 35, in Washtenaff Count-v, Michigan, cotivey to Edmund C. Hogers, late oí' Ana Arbor. Michigan, the f o Uo win ff preiu ise, situaied In the towiiship of Northfipld , in Washtenaw eounty, Michigan, and described as wit: The north half of the noriheast quarterof sectiou number tbirty-onein township one Boutb, of range six east, and the eastthirty aerea of land off 1 rom the east.sideoi the t-outheast quarter oi the northeaat quarter oí said sectíon, containlngin all one hundred andrtea acres more orleei, and embracing all the land owned by the flrst party in &aid township of Northfield, to hecure the paymeot of four thousand dollars in live years frotn dute of said mortage with annual interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payttble annually accordlngtoa certain promisBory note beariag eren date with said mortgage executed by aid Jacob Schweickert to Huid mortAnd whereas, said mortgagee died on or a bout Kebmary 15th, A. D, 1887, and oae üzziel P. Öniith was on May 2d, A. I. 1887, appointed and bas since been acting ashis exocutor, And,whereai, it ia provided insaid mortgage, amone other things, that if default be made in tho paynient oftheintrestor any part thereof vrhereon the sume is made payable, and should the name remain UDpaid icr the space of ninetydaya that then 80 much of said principal as remalna unpaid with arrearages of interest, shall, ut the option of second partv, his execator and asslgns, become due and payable iminediately thereatter, And wbercaa, defanlt was made in the payment of the interest due June 19th, I8Ö7, and all intereBt itecruing npon said note since its d:tte is stlll nuPHtd . And Huid Uzziel P. Smith, a such cxecutor, hos in consequence ofsnch default, exercised r.iid oplion and declared the whole priucipal and interestdue as in said mortgage provided. Andas all of said principal sum of money and 11 interest thereon Biiice the date of said note aa provided in said mortgage is due and ucpaid and do suit or procccdiDgs hai been commenced or is pending tor its colluction. Now.lherefore, I, WJlliam Walsh, Sheriff of (Vashtenaw County, in the State of Michigan, ander the statute in such cases made and provided, and at the request of the legal bolder of said note. hereby give notico that I will on the lOth day oL March, A.D. 1 888, at ten o'olock ín the forenoon on th;it day, at the south front door of the Coxirt House, íd the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtt-naw, and State of Michigan, sel) at ptfblio rendue to the highest bidder the premifos abora Hiid ín aaid inorlg age described as provided by Uw. Dated Ann Arbor, Mich., De . 15t A. D. 1887. WILLIAM WALöH, Sheriff.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News