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"PKEDEIIICK KKAÜSB AUCTIONKEH. Will attend to all sales on short notlce at reaaonable charges. For í'urther particular eall at the Akous office. 1 HOWELL, M. D., PHT8ICIAN AND SURGKON, BOOM i, MASONIC BLOCK. Tolophone, Dr. Nichols' office, Tolephone, No. ltX), at the House. Calis Answered Uay or Night ïHAUNCEY JOSLYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, p& Ofitice ovbu the Postofkick. Q R. WILLIAMS, ATTOBNEY AT JLAVY, M1LAN, 11ICH. Oonveyancing and Collections. L)R.H R. ARNDT, OfBce over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to K; 2:3ü to 3:30. (Jan bo reached at residence, W est Huron 8t„ at tho "Prof. Nichols place" by telephone No. 7, and wil! reply to tKUs in tho ovuiiiiiK ■ TB.. JAMJE8 C. WOOD, Ofïce Cor. Huron and Main. Hesidence6South DiTision at. Office hours ftroma to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. g B. NORKIS, Attorney at Law. Does a general law collection and conveyanc tbg business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfuUy solicited. Üfllce In the Oourt House. q c. jenkins, 'Dentist. Ovr Andrew's Bookstore, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Tjn" W. NICHOLS A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. S. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ritaüzedair. TFLIHU B. POND, JTT8TICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street Collectious proruptly made. Agent tor JLon don and Lanoashire Fire Insurance Co. iair ratee, l'ioniptpayment ol lotsaes. 19- t a nn arbor engine & boiler works Machine Shops. Manufacturera of boilers, water-tanks, oil tanks and smoke-stacke. Repainng promptly ione. QRAMER & COHBIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Astn Akbor, Mich. Special attention to Loaning Money and all Jj'inanci&l Malters. WANTS, FOR SALE, TO RENT, Etc trOKÜÜÏCr, beveral Very Desirable PlAKOb ■ in Jtxctüeut Condiuou.- ABply at tlie AROU8 Ulüce. tl ItAXlDEKMY,- Birds and animale mounted. lnttructiou giveii. jVietiioü eaoüy ucquirec Ju a lew lestüUö. Termb vety rea&unaOie. JOB. U. jUUUiJÖ. 48 S, 12th etreot, Ann Arbor. ÏOR SALE.- 'I he three story and basement aouble brick building, brick álable two larelots known as Agricuuuraí Hall, Ann Arbor, or 1 exchange iur gsmati, well improved iarm netir c'nj íty. Ii.Xj. Abhicy, Parker House, Aiiniicapulis, Miiia. "TKESSMAK1ISG AND HAIKWOEK promptJ-' ly uono m un tlio latobl aiyles üt Mrs. öiuve's rooms over J . T . jucou b btore. pKUFOSALS íor County House S'hysician x tor oue yc-ar íroin i'euruary 'itü, IBBo. Pnysician 10 visit tue Coumy House once each week or oíteuer, íf neooBsary, uuu to lurBihü all Meaicinos ana perloim un Uperatious. ëniiiü i'oi, iiJi-iitA. 'inebupenutuuubutë reserve Líiü riglit to reject auy ur an uiua. KL,ItíA 1.UUA1ÍO, becretary. Vi tí. .rLULL,, E. P.Maaon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News