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Estáte of Mary Jane Johnson. STATE OF MlJHIliAN,UUU.NTY of Washtejïav, es. At a session of the Probu te Court fort heCounty of Washtenaw, holden it the Probate Otficeiu thecityol Ann Arbor od Mondav, the 9th day of January In the yeat one ihoueanci eight humlred and elghty-éight. Preeent, Williani D.Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eetate ol Mary Jane Johnaou, decraeed. CbarliaS. Uregury, the admiDistrator of anin éstate, comes into cemrt ai d represent ihat he i? now prepued lorenderhis nnal account as auc admimstrator, Thereupon, it is ordered thnt luesilay, the 7th day of February next, at ten o'clock il the fon aw-igni-d ior exaiulnlng and alluwing such acouuntaud that the heirs-at-law ol said deceased anu mlotber persons ïnterested ii auid estáte, are rtquirea toappeai ata session oí aid Court, then to be holden at the probmeoHie. saideountv, and show cause il any Uure be, why the sllid accounl should ihould not be allowed: And it is furthei ordered that said Administrator givc notice to the persons interested insaid ate. 'ui the peiidency oi said accouut xud the hearing tlurcof , by i-ausmn s copy of thisorder tobe publisbedin theAnn Arboi Akgds, a uewspnper printed and oireulating in salí' eounty ihiee suecessive weeks previous tosaid rla; of heariug VVILLIAM D. HABKIMAN, (atruecopy) ■ Judge ol Probate Wm. G. üjTT, Probate Regiíter Estáte of Sarah McDonald Millen. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV O )l-Viwbteiiaw,ss. Ai a m-sdiou o( the Piob;tc fuurt lor tnel.uuniy ol Washieuaw. buiden al th.Prubatu ot&Ye in the ciiy o' Ann Arbur, on rnursday, the IZth dny ol Jauuary, lu the ytar omtliousuuil eight huuilred und cighly ei;ht. l'reseiit.Williaui D. Harnmau, Judge of Pro"ífi'ihe matter of the estáte of Sarah McDcualu MiUen, deeeased. _,.,, (;,:auUcej H. Mille and Charles S. Milieu, executors of the laet will and testament, of said deCcased, couie into court and reprcsentlhi t they ar. now prepared to rtndtr their final accouut as such eXf hereúpon it b ordered, that Tuesday, the : Sist day o! January instant, at ten o'clock in theforeDoin beassigued lor exauiinin aad allowmgsuch acoount, and th..t the deviseB, leñatees aud heirs-atlaw of said decefed. and all other penoDa interested in tald esUite are requind to pparat a KoaloD of said co.rt, then to he holden at the Í 10 bate Office, in the city of AnnArbor, in ud County. and show cause, if any there be, why the aid accouat should uot be all'iwed. And it is further ord.-red, that said executoir gie notice to tte persone interested in said eatute, 01 the peudency ol said account and the hearing cauaing acopy of thia orc'erto be published in the Ann Akbok Akgcs a ncwspaper urinted and circulating i saidcnunly twu successiTe week, P-viouosaidayf heanu. a (Atrue oopyj J udgeof Probate. Wm. G, Doty, Probate Ke gister. Estáte of Almon B. Ulose. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Oef At a session of the Probate Court for the county of a.thtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Thurfdi.ylhetwentv-sixthday of January, inthe year onethousand eiïht huudred and pighty-eight Present, Willlaui l. Uairimao , Judgeof Pre In 'the matter of the estato of Alniou B. Close, decnasod. Densmore Cramer the adminiFtrator of sniö eatate, comes luto court and represeuts he is now pre pa ea to render hia final account as such adinisnalor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tbc 21st day ofFebruary next, at ten o'cliKk in the lorenoon Deassianed for examining and allowini auch account iiud that the htlrs-at-law of said deceased, and all other person-6 interested in said estáte, are nquired to appear at a session of said cnurt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arb( r. in said county, and show canse, if any t.herf te, why the said accouf.t Bhould not be allowed: And It is further orderi'd thnt said adminis trato" give notice tolhepersonsinterested in said eslate ol 'the pendency ol' stud account and the heariniithereof. by cauin' a copy of this order to be pul'lished in the Ank Akbok AnGUB.anews paper prmled and cnculating said county threc successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM 1). HAltltlMAN, (atruecopy) .ludge oí' Probate, William G. Doty, Probate Résister. Estáte of Patrick Heney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a session of iho Probati Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden atlht Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, 011 Tuesday, the 24' h day of janttsry. in the yeai onethoiisandeii?ht huudred and eighty-righl. Present, William 1). üarriman,.Tudge of Probate In the matter ot ;the estáte of Patrick Heney, deceased. On readincand filinR the polition, duly venfltd of Miry A. Di'If,prayhiKth:it adminisr.ration of snid estáte may be grunled to l'hilip üuffy or sonie other suitahle person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 20th day of i'ebruary next, at ken o'clock m tbc forenoon, be assigned 'or the hearing ofsaidpetition and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and uil other personB interested in siiid eettte are required to appenr at a session of said court thfn to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Arbor, and show cause, if any tbere be, why the pntyer of the petitioner ghould not begranted: And it is further ordered, that Raid petitioner Kive notice lo the persons interested in said etitate of tiie pendency oí said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing acopvofthis order 10 be published inthe Ann ubor Argus, a Dewspaper printed and eirculatad ín sjtid county, three fcuccessive weeka previous to aid day of hearing. WII.UAM D.HAKRTMAN, 'A truecopy."} Judge oí Prjbate. Wji. U. Doty, Probate Register. jk &ff% buys our DAISY Harness Wrjflft worth, at retail, fcOR ■AH ISenttoexamineVfc' IBand return at our expense. Catalogue Free. NATIONAL HARNESS COMPANY, Wholesale Manufacturera, 86 MICHIGAN AVE., - DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News