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Timr 'P ")t ( - ■ r' '-"US i E v.n-, , i,..ui jutUVi U, 1OOI. EASTWAKD. ifllífi I. I stations, i ;S flllLl s c!r o he q A M A. M. P.M.IP. ]f. P.H. P. M. -. Chingo, Lt. 6 SO 9 00 i 4 40 Ría n id 3 69 Kalamaioo.. 12 17 1 :' 688 k 50 12 88 2 27 6 38 Butile Crek 113 2 27 'i K- a. ín. 1 25 3 18 8 SO Jackson 3 15 4 20 8 49 9 15 3 15 4 50 8 SO Grasa Lake.. 3 3S 9 34 5 13 Ghelsea 3 50 9 55 5 S.i Pexter 4 14 10 1 8 5 50 Delhi Mills... i 22 1017 Ann Arbor... 4 33 680; 9 ilO S3 4 35 6 OS Ypsilunti.... 45(1 5 45 IMIIO'47 4 2 6 Í4 WayneJuncí í lo 60í 11109 o ií 6 47 Detroit Ar I 6l0 6 45:1045 11 50 6 un ; 30 fat. The as i 11105 2 00 Lu U0 9 40 3 25 Falla View... 117 Niau'raFallsl I 2 21' 4 59] 122: 6 511 Buffalo I S35I 6 1M B25I 2 4o' 8 OSl WESTWARD. il_&_l_íl A.H. A.M. A.M. A. II. Buffnlo 1130 5 46i 7 I'S 9 00 100 Niag'ra Fall 12 45 6 31 7 43 2 15 8t. Thomas... I 4 2n 10 ■ 0 9 55 1 05 6 40 a.h. a. m. p. v. p. k.p. h. p. m, Detroit, I,v ..' 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 i 8 00 10 15 WayneJunc 741 9 63 2 031 4 45! 8 37 10 35J Ypsilanti S03J10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 11 lSl Ann Arbor... 8 18 10 30 2 32 6 30' 9 12 11 33' Delhi Mills.. 8 28 5 42 Dexter 8 37 h 6 50 193Ï, Chelsea 8 62 6 05! 9 5S üraea Lake.J 9 ñ 627Í10 15 Jacksoti... . 9 4S 11 35 3 32 710 1052,1254 6Í5 Battle Creek II '.'0 112 4 40' 8 52 12 !2 2 21 tij Knlainazoo...12 17 1601 5 15 9 45[ 12" 3 07 9 0 Chiraeo Ar.l 5 40 G40I !l 30 I 7 OU 7 45 6 40 O.W. UUGGLES,1 H. W HAYES, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Ag't Aun Albor. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table soiog into effect, Sunday, Oct,. 9, '87. Gointf North. Oöing South. STATIONS. I 4 213 5 Pass. Kxp. Mail Standard Time. Exp. Paos Mail f M. p. m. a. m. Lv'e) I Arr a, h p. m. f. m. 6 25 3 1 5 1.1 l'OLKlX).... 9 00 110 8 42 7 51 4 0 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 1012 31 1 7 51 8 05 4 12 6 10 . . . . Dundee 8 0312 24:7 40 8 35 4 36! 6 35 7 45 12 04Í 7 20 9 OS 4 5IJ 7 0(' .... l'ittsflelrt ..:.. 7 26 11 43 7 00 9 SS 5 10 7 15 ..ANN AKBOR. 7 15:11 30' 6 50 9 50 5 3t) 7 3:i Ltlimd's 6 3u!ll u! 6 30 r. M.j 5 45 7 4 Whitmure Lake A. M.ll Ooi 6 16 5 52 7 ii3 Hamburg 10 55' 6 10 6 28, 8 30 Howell 10 20 6 SS 7 2o 9 30 Diirand 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 56 Corunna 9 08 9 15 7 65 Owosno 9 00 948 Ithaca St. Louis 7 21 226 Alma 7 20 10 50 U 3O...Mt Pleueant 6 30 1 30 I'. M. I'. M. . Ia. M. P.H All passenger trains run (loily exc ept Sunday. Trams run on the South I-yon Braneh leavt Ann Arbor at 9:n6 p..ra. l-eland'it 9:-ïO, Wordet.'sat 10:0u und arriveat boutii Lyon at 10,20 p. m.; leave South Lyon at K:oo h. m., Wordpn's at ó:20, Leland's at 6:30 and arrive at Ann Arbor at 7:15 a.m; Couueutions al Toledo with railcoads diverginp;. At Manhatan .lunction wiih Wheeling 4 Lke ErieK. R. At Alexis Juiution wiib M. (J. K R., L. S. lí'j uní! F. A 1'. M. R. li. At Monroe Junetioe L S A M. S. It'r. Al Dundee with L. 8. ft M . S.,aud M. ft O. Ry. AtMilanwith W.,St.L. AP. Ky. At rittstlelJ wiih L.S.M.S.Ry. At Ann Ar ir with Sdtcbfaan Central 1(. K , and at South Lyon wiih Detroit, l.;m.-ing and Northern R.E.. ardG. T. Ky. At Ilamliurg wiih M A. LineDiviKion GrauU Truuk Ify. At Howell with Detroit, Lanaing & ,Nortliern R'y. At DuraBd with Chicm-'o JkOrand Tronk R'y and Detroit, Grand uaven .5 Milwaíakefl lí'y. At Owosiso Juuntior with Di'frmt, Gnind Hoven & Milwaukee kv'y aml Mlelilgxu Uentr! R'y. At Bt. I.ouin with Dwioit. hHiiitif; & Norihern ïï'y and Saginaw Viüley & SI i,ouiK'y. Al AIiuh with Detroit, Lh slnjf & North ra E'y. UMI. Piensan! with Klim c l'i'ie Maiquotta R'y. H. W. ASHLEY. BKNNETT, Suivrin'i iiilmt. Gen. Pass. Agent; A. J. P 1 1SIKY, A'jent. ______ lii ir pc fiJfcTy' fc_M ■ W " " - f'T A CC 1 bh Mi rïii fip4 EiBd nT5 a 1 ii I I W B hI hJ II iSj'iE lm i XwJm J J. H. THiuii'SON & CO., Importurs aiiü Jobliers oí Fine Teas, Coffees, Spices, Etc. ' (BEE SPICE MILLS) 59 JEFF. AVE. DETROIT, MlCH 13 VVO clr.KKi, fÈEmËSÈSÊm COMPARISON yBujEam&6biim& M:inufftctured hy FMíftVltfBiMttl IEI TIIIÏE ÍFKE CO lrfíflii31lB::K1=tJ (RANDRAPIDS. Agents Wanted for tne mut complete popular family physieiun book ever produed. SelftQt sumething thohoJOIílv UBKFUL, of iruk TALOS, and sales are alw;iys lUXfl and larse. ENTILitGLY NEW, up to the very latest srience, yet in piain language. A GREAT NOVELTV in uil ííb p;irls and attiacts instant attent ion. 25'i ensravings. The most profusely and tnaulitully illustraied book of the kind ever got up. BËTOF ALL, il is BY FAR the LOWËST PUICBP ever pubiished- less tlian halt the cost 01 iiny decent volume yet out. Agents who are lired of struggling with hiphprictid boukis, wrlte for puiticulare of this great new depnrture in bookspllme. PLANET PUBMSIIING CO. 3b& Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. 3 day's time given A genis without capital. ANN ARBOR üUiWIIITMIilURT All kinds of Berry Plants. Fruit and Ornament! trees trom Ellwanger Barry, Roohester, N. Y. Í '"' Order must be sent at once. _Kl Wiï)es ai)dSirUps Sweet and sour home-made wine fór invalids. ]ionesett Shrub. Kaspberrv Wine and Svrup. Dried Pears. KSake riytnouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BA UB, West Huron Street.


Ann Arbor Argus
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