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Local Brevities

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Sheriff Walsh has purchased a new horse . Dr. Ford injured his ankle the first of the week by falling down stairs. The council meets on Monday evening and the firemen set their pay. City Treasurei1 John Moore paid over $13,000 to the county treasurer Tuesday . "The Nation's lJet Sin" is the topic ior Dr. Ramsay's sermon next Sunday evening. Dr. A. C. Nichols will probably occupy the dental rooms vacated by Dr. O. C. Jenkins. A movement is on foot looking toward a citizen's ticket in the spring campaign, in this city. The last social before Lent, given by the Hobart Guild, occuned last evening and was a very pleasant one. A reception will be given by the Cocker league next Monday evening in the parlors of the M. E. church. Trof. Carhart lectures before the Bible class of the ML. E. Sunday school next Sunday on, "God in Nature " The mutes of the city were very pleasantly entertained Dy Dr. and Mis. A. B. Frescott, Tuesday evening. Larry Wendt, the year old son of Fred Wendt, of Sheiwood, Ohio, died in this city, Monday, of pneumonia. John Remick, the popular operator and ticket agent at the M. C. 11. R., is the happy father of an eight pound boy. Grand Lecturer, Arthur M. Clark, was present last evening to exemplify the work in Golden Rule Lodge, F. and A. M. There is a rumor that Horton Bryan, formerly of the Register, and his brother, are to purchase the Charlotte Leader. Barney Morrison was on Tuesday, fined $5.90 including costs by Justice Frueauff, for being drunk on Saturday. He paid his fine. The Knights Templar held a very enjoyable hop at their rooms Monday evaning. There was a Rood attendance and the hours kept were not early. Miss Susie Clark, of this city, was married to Louis W. Holiday a junior law student from Chicago last week. The marriage occurred in Ypsilanti. The Michigan Central has a young ticket and freight agent, just a week old to-day. lts súmame is Hayes and H. W. Hayes is the name of the happy father. The funeral of Thomas Cahill, of Green Oak, was held at the Northfield church, last Saturday. Mr. Cahill died Wednesday from consumption, aged 43 years. Sixteen ladies of the veteran club gave a largely attended dancing party in Nickel's hall, Tuesday night. The hall was crowded and everyone had an excellent time. A local bookkeepers organization is talked of in this city, the object being the discussion of knotty points in bookkeeping arising in practice and mutual improveroent. John Burke appeared before Justice Frueauff, Saturday, charged with having been drunk on the street on Friday. He didn't dispiove the charge and was sent to jail tor thirty days. A beautiful jewel, a combination of the symbols of l'ast Master and Knights Templar, was presented to Dr. A. G. Nichols by Golden Rule Lodge, F. and A. M. last evening. Mrs. Ann Shaw, of thia city, has filed a bill for divorce from Jacob Shaw, to whom she has been married about eleven years. She charges extreme cruelty and failure to support. Rev. Eccleston, of Long Island, N. Y., accompanied Rev. Mr. Galpin to Dexter, where he preached last Sund;ty morning. Sunday evening, he preached in St. Andrew's church in tuis city. Mrs. Mary Llowaid, of the sixth ward, died Sunday, of general debility incident upon old age. She was seventy nine years old. The funeral iras held Wednesday forenoon from St. Thomas' church. A family reunion was held at the residence of Mr. Conrad Bissinger, on West Liberty street, last Thursday. It was in honor of his'SGth. birthday. Ileis one of Washtenaw county's oldest pioneers. An Evening News staff corre3pondent, giving his name as Perry Sniith, hris been making suspicious inquires which lead us to expeet some developments to day or to-morrow. He was here yesterday. Canadian müiiey is now only taken at a discount of twentv per cent. on silver and teu percent, on paper money lf you have any Canadian quarters about you, remember they are only worth twenty cents. Chipman Smith, who recently removed from tliis city to a farm üve miles north-east of Midland, dropped dead from hemt disease at his home last Thursday evening. ile was seventy-two years of age. The United Siates Senate iii executive session Ia3t Tharsday conünueil the nomination of M. Ciemer to be post inaster of Ypsilauti and of M. V. Mont eoruery to be judge oí the Supreme court of the District of Columbia. i Rev, 11. Jefliies, pastor of the A. M E. church in Ypsilanti, married a whit couple at the home of the bride's fathe last Thursday. ïhe bride and groom were Horace Avay, .of Pittsüeld, and Miss Adelaiae l'rice, o 'Ypsilanti town The íarmers wlio plundered a freight car which íefl the track on the Toledo and Ann Arbor road at Cailand have been compelled to pay $65eaeh to settle the matter. Theie were fourteen of thetn, who walked up and planked down $65 each. Judge Joslyn has commenced suit in the Wayne circuit court for Lewis H. Lailin against Chester L. Yost, of Ypsilanti, to have the title of property in Mr. Yost's hands so reformed that an execution in favor of Mr. Laflin will lie against it. Samuel Howard, convicted before Justice Fiueauïï, Tuesday, of being a disorderly person and a vagrant, was sentenced to sixty-flve davs in jai VVhen lie emerges from his enforced retirement, the gentle breezes of sprin will watt over his head. Judge ilosmer, of the Wayne circuit court, has granted an order transferring the case of Archibald &. Ellar vb. David 15. Taylor, to the Wayne circuit court on the ground that Judge Kinne was an attorney in the case at the time the case was tned the Ürst time. The Washteuaw County Hepublican Club, the aristocratie part of the republican party which is steering the party throughthe ahoals in this county, meets to-morrow in the Courier office to elect delegates to the banquet in Detroit on Washingtoti's birthday. The leap-year masquerade party givtii by the young ladies, at Hangsterfer's hall, was a decided success. Costumes handsome, masks funny, dancing and entertainment all combined to make it an event long to be remembered by the fortúnate guests. The örst township in the county to pay tnxes this year was Lyndon. Henry J Drake, treasurer of the town, on Tuesday, settled up with the county treasurer, all the taxes in the town rng been paid. The amount he paid over to the county treasurer was $1,534.85. The remains of Wirt D. Williams, son of J. D. Williams, arrived here from San Francisco, California, Monday morning. Mr. Williams died Jan. 14, of consumplion, afted 33 years and 10 days. The funeral services were held at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon from tüe house on the South Tpsilanti road. On Tnesday evening. February 7th, the 22nd anniversary of Good Templáis in this city will be held at Cropsej's hall, by Ann Albor Lodge No320. A dood programme: Mustie, speech on local option, lodge Instan', &c, Refresliments from 6 to 7 o'clock af ter programme. All are invited. Admission f ree. D'-. Dormid Maclean is quoted by one of the Detroit papers as s-aying that the movement forremoving the clinical board of the medical departrnent is not duad but simply smouklering anrl that he expects a revival of the effort before lonjt. If lie is correctly quoted, it means that he will begin to urge the removal himself. A small flre started in the cornice in the building ocoupied as a harnees shop by J. Volland, on Huron street at two o'clock. Sunday afternoon. The re was promptly extingtiished by the re riepartvnent with a little water beore it had made any headwav. The ie caufüht f rom the cliiraney. Had it courred at night a conllagration would robably have ensued. Miss Mamie J?enham. of tliis city, was mai-ried Wednesday afternoon t the residence of her ptorent No. 32 E:ist Liberty street, to 'resten J. Pavshall, of Wayne. Only lie near relatives of the eontracting ;irties were present and it was a very jleasant wedding party. Hev. Dr. 3arp ofticiated at the service and the ridal conple lef t on the afternoon train or the east. At six o'clock. Wednesday eveninp:, Miss Francés E. Jewett, davtghter of S. P. Jewett, 'of West Huron street, was married to Dr. Hamilton E. Smith, i'well known physician, ' of Uetroit. Quite a large wedding party assembled to witness the cer&ïiony, many from Detroit and other places being present. Rev. Howard Duffield, of Detroit, was the offleiatina; clegyman. Tlie wedding trip was to Xew Orleans. , Surprise parties are quite the "craze'' this season and ono of the most successful oecurred at the resiience of John Sperry, of Ann Arbor lown, on Fridav evening, last, when aüout sixty of his fnends took possession of his house provided a most delicions Slipper, spent a truly pleasant evening and departed wjjth the fneling that so cordial a reeeption would surely tempt them to come again. The Presbyterian lecture course this year was opened last Sunday by Rev. J. V. Dickie. of Detroit, who preached Sunday morning on the sulvject of praver and in the eveninc lectured "on Savanarolo. lle will be followed by Revs. Wnllace liadcliffe and Iloward Dnffield, of Detroit, ,T. L. Withrow. of Chicago, and by Sir William Dawson. of Montreal. Satie Storms, a young girl, while going to her home, which is in the fifth ward, last Sunday, was" suddenly attacked by a blactc cat which made a furious spi ing at her. clawing her face badly. stnking her on the scalp, under the chin and making a deep scratcli across the nose. The cat suddenly disappeared, She was near home, but had never seen the cat before and no one seems to know anything about whose cat it is. Judge Peck, of the Jackson circuit court, last Saturday denied the application of the Jackson brewers to restrain the county clerk of Jackson county frora calling a local option election on the ground that the petitfoners had other remedies at law tor damages. He differed from Judge Kinne, by deciding that the eourt had jurisdiction of the case and could pass on the constitutionality of the local option law, but that, as the brewer had other remedies, tliis was unnecessary. Dr. F. G. Schrepper. a Germnn vetrinary surgeon of Ypsilanti, makes affidavit that the name G. F. Sehrepper signed to the local option petition from Ypsilanti, was not pigned by hira and ïf it purports to be his signature, it is a forgerv. After the publication of the name, in the Argus last week, just as it is on the petition, so jiany of his friends went for hitn. that he makes the affidavit to this effect. He was in the cify Monday and discovered that the Abgus had correctly reported the name. We have received a copy of the holidav nurnber of the Leadville llerald Democrnt, through the kindness of Mr. A. Brisbois. It is a forty page paper, calculated to give the reader a much greater idea of the magnitude of Leadville than he had before. We notice a very complimentary notice of Mr. Brisbois, who has been a photographer in Leadville since 18S0, and of whom it speaks in the highest terms. His last year's business amounted to $12,000. Mr. Brisbois married Miss Mas?gie O'Keefe, of this city.