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KÏRKf8 Wriíít! lD in t J1 FLO&TSC SOAP !S THE CHJEF For the Bath, Toilet and Launclry. Snow White and Absoiutely Pur If your dealer does rot ksep White Clond Pin lend 10 cents for sample cake to the maki; JUS. S. KRK & CO., '''"ruco. THE AM ARBOR SAVI1TGS BANK ANN ASBOIt, MICHIOAN. Capital paid in $60,000.00 Capital Security - $100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking business; buys and sells Exchanges on New York.Detroitand Chicago sells drafts on all the principal cíties of Kurope; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Imdon and Glasgow, vía. the Anchor Line of Steamships, whosc rates are lower than most other firstclass lines. -■■■ This Bank, already having" a large business, '.nvite merchants and otliers to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dea.lin# consistent with safe banking-. In the Saving-s Depnrtmunt interest is paid semiarmually, on the first davs of January and July, on all sun"s that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus the people of this city and county & perfer'v ,depository for thcir lunds, toLfCther wnn a air return ín interest for the same. ;";,'' :C"'íi - erl Secui ities. Directors- Chnstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W D. Harriman, Daniel Iliscock, Wm. Deubel, and W'illard B. Smith. OFFICERS : CHR1STIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice Presidcat, CHAS. E, HISCOCK, Cashier. piRE INSURANCE: CHRISTÍAÑ MACK3 Agent for the followiti(? Firat-Class Companie representing over twenty-eifht Milliou Dollars Assosts, ïseues policies at the lowest ratea .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of 2ST. Y 2,700,729.08 German-Americanof N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford ] ,774,505,00 Phenix, i . Y. ■ 3,759,036 -IWSpecia] attention given to the in6urance uf dwellings, schoola.churches and public buildiriB o.n terms of three and üve years. C. H. St. Ciair & Sons, MANUFACTURERS OF Schooi and Church FUJEfciVITUTfcE Opera House cjnairs and WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture school and church furniture, opera house chairs, lawn settees and camp tables and the TKIUMPH windmili, the bestand simplest and most reliable in use. Repairing done on short notice. AlsO dealer in pumps, cylinders, pipe, etc. Tan3 made to order. Ladders, berry crates, peach boxes in fact, UI IIÏ1E WE TO ORDER Ho. 33 Fotirtb Street MIJBBDRJflCL f&fiïföfa Patektsoiïtained in TT. S. ■iKpBSpSáfEíjijSb. censes aiirt ossignments fcjEM 'J 1 1 I 3 1 -Á'lvice Riid piiniU4 II Sclentlfic exWvbUaBTgivcn. Noiuodelsrequired. MMIjRg Crïipresa Street "West, Clauas Full Nickel Plat- "jf ed'Shearsand Scïsors. Warranted. No.i, 8inches, . 93ccm, -postape paúl. No. 2,7" . . j, "il B 'c, . 3, 6 " . - 773 Sastylesind sizes. Send fór complete cáíoiogue. Address HOME C U TLERY CO., Go'-e F snr.ers üank, Fremont, Oh!o. STEPHEN PRA 'JTS STEAAI B01LEH WORKS (Established 1865.) Mamif'r of Hicfh and low Pressure and Steam lleatinfi lïoilcrsof all kinds; smokc pipes, brcachings, etc. Okl boilers taken in cxchanííe for new. Hivets, boiler plates and boiler tubes for sale. Cor. Fouhdry st , and Mich. Central R.U. tracks. DETKOIT MICH.


Ann Arbor Argus
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