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Mrs. Bray' visited Ypsilanti last week. Miss Grace Blackmer is ill with malarial fever. Mr. Calkins, oí Dexter, was a Milán visitor this week. Mrs. Wisdon and daiighter were Saline visitörs last week. F. Hill lcft for Detroit the last of the week, drivim? through. Carriages have taken the place of sleighs for the last few days. Mrs. Williams was quite ill last week but is now convalesccnt. Mr. E, Knickerbocker is clerking in the Post Office for the present. James Donovan left Milan Monday. He will be missed by manv. Several of the Milan peoplc visited Ann Albor one day this week. Mrs. Thomas Dexter is visiting her daiighter in Inkster for a few weeks. Prof. Hearn had to close his school, Wednesday, on account of sickness. Attorney Williams artilles are are highly spoken of in the Washington papers. Dr. Merrie is very ill with a fever which causes him to give np his patients for the present. Mr. Lyman Burnham has a new and enterprising clerk, whose name is Thurlow Blackmer. Mr. Wm. Howard returned from New York City last week and will spend some time at home. Mr. Will Woolcott, H. M. Burt, Mrs Coe, Mrs. Taylor were Detroit visitörs the last of the week. Mr. H. E. Burnham and family left for Detroit Friday. Their many friends were sorry to see them " Amos Taylor ha? a nice situation at the Stony Creek foundery and says that they are doing a fine business. Died Sunday morning, Mrs.Lizzie Brown Ddrymple. Funeral at the residence of Mrs. R. Brown, Monday afternoon. The F ree Methodists have again started revival meetings. The Union church wasfilled to overflowing last Sunday evening. The Home Missionary Society, under the auspices of the Baptist ladies, meet at the residence of Rev. Huntington, Tuesday afternoon. Charles Clark and wife are entertaining a wee bit of a baby. It bas been with them two weeks and they have given it a permenant home. The Presbyterian entertainment at London was vvell attended by the Milan young people and greatly enjoyed, the recitations and music being fine. The young peoples society called theHelping Hand of thePresbyterian church give a valentino social, St. Valentines night and a good time is anticipa ted. Friday evening the Y. P. S. C. E. will hokl a musical at the residence of Mrs. H. Hack; a good time is anticipated as Mrs. Hack's is a jolly place to go. The surprise party last Saturday evening at Eugene Reynolds residence was a very pleasant affair, it being the twenty-third anniversary of their wedding dav. The trumpet like sound of nose blovving may be heard semi-frequently by the citizens ofour village. Cause bad colds, effect red nose and eyes and a fine assortment of adjectives. M iss Nettie Palmer and Mrs. M i' k spent Sunday with their sisïter, Miss S. A. Palmer, who is very 11 at the Ypsilanti Sanitarium. She has been thcre under treatment for several weeks. The Milan people listened with great interest to Hir Knight Conner of Saginaw as he told them, "how to kccppoor" at the Milan opera house Monday evening he is a very interesting speaker and kept his aiulience interested from first to last. St. Valentines day will soon be here. We wonder if it is out of order for middle aged people to indulge in the sending ot Valentines, just for fun, you knovv and see if we - .. ,..!. aunic wi úit; oki time sentiment and quick heart throbs, hey ? Sorne of the rnarried peoplc of Milan in tended having a leap year sleigh ride a few evenings ago but the sleighing vanished and some of the gentlemen that were invited, were afraid their wives would care and so it was given op until better sleighing and more courage was come-at able. Dr. Pinkham forgot or didn't tie his horse one day last week and Biily (the horse) took a fine and swift promenade down the street to the demolishment of the cutter VVhen Büly stopped he looked cheap and the Doctor said - well - that he would remember and his horse next time. Wise conclusión.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News