Real Estate Transfers
Recordetl in the office of the Registei of JDeeds during the veek ending Wednesduv evening, December 7. Cari ton A. Nims to John S. Waterbury, Ypsilanti $1,325 00 ('-liarles 11. Kempf to Alice A. Gemglity, Chelsea 135 00 Emraet O. Allen to George W. Allen, Bridgewater 1,025 00 George V. Allen to EmmetO. Allen, Bridgewater 1,200 00 Manly Jlolbrook and wife to Mary E. Hogers, Ypsilanti city 2ö9 00 Mathias Clawson lo MagdelenaEaston, Ypsilanti 1,000 00 Auditor General to II T. Morton, Aun Arbor city. . . Deluhina Budd to Robert Campbell, Pittslield 3,700 00 David L. Gates to W. V. Whitlark, Aun Arbor 200 00 Thomas Kichards and wife to S. C. Blinn, et al. trustees Alilan 100 00 S. E. and A. L. Tate to John Jenkins, Manchester 8,040 00 John Jenkins and wife to Frank Jenkins, Bridgewater 7,000 0( Friink Jenkins to John Jenkins, Bridge water 1 ,200 00 Frank Jenkins to Ilenry H. l'almer, Bridge water 5,000 00 Isaac N.Aldrich and wife to llenry and Louisa Keedle, Ann Arbor 900 00 ChristiRn Wu&tttr to Mack & Schmid, Freedoin :;,6S7 73 Auditor (General to 1). D. Baker, Augusta Lyman DennistoJohn Ilubbard, Augusta 150 00 Adelaida Barril] to James M. Chidester Ypsilanti city... 500 00 Patterson & Jiowen to Lucy A. Chidester, Ypsilanti city 100 00 Joseph Stierele to Jacob Schairer Scio 3,500 00 Benjamin Allen and wife to Francia ileason, üexter... .5,000 00 ílasley B. Jenks to Charles Cox, Augusta 4-50 00 Thomas Grogan and wife to Alfred Foreman, Salem... 240 00 Selvina S. Cowles to Eli W. Moore, Ann Albor city,. . . 1,200 00 Christina Schmid and wife to E. W. Wallace, Salem 470 00 Begole& Brown to S. and L. Oondi, Augusta 500 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Carlton A. Nims
John S. Waterbury
Charles H. Kempf
Alice A. Geraughty
Emmet O. Allen
George W. Allen
Manly Holbrook
Mary E. Rogers
Mathias Clawson
Magdelena Easton
H. T. Morton
Delphina Budd
Robert Campbell
David L. Gates
W. W. Whitlark
Thomas Richards
S. C. Blinn
S. E. Tate
A. L. Tate
John Jenkins
Frank Jenkins
Henry R. Palmer