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Mortgage Sale. WIIEIIEAS, JACOB 8CHWICICKERT and M innle Schweii'kert, his wite, of Northtiekl, Michigan, party o 1 the first part, did by their eertuin morigae hearing dikte of June 19, lSG.and recorded at 3:50 o'clock on Jure 19th, 11815, in Ijiber 72 of Mortgages,on page 35, in Waan tena n Countv, Michitrau, convey to Edniund C Hogers, late of Ann Arhor. Michigan, the followint? premisea, situaied in the township of Northfield, io Wiishíenaw "county, Michigan, and deseribed as follows, to wit: The north half of the northeast quarter of section number thirly-one in township one south, of range sixeast, and the east tn'frty acres of land alt" 1 rom the eastsideot the foutheasi quarter ol the nortneasl quarter ot said section, containinj in all one himdred and ten acres more or lcsf, and embraciiii all the land owneu bt the lirst purly in sald township of Northfield, to secure the uayment of tour thuusAud dollnn in tive yearii froni ri;ite of said moitaííe with annual mtorrsLat the rale ol aeven per cent. per annuiu, payable annualty af'cordin to a certain proinispory note hearing even date wlth said murtgage axeouted by suid Jacob Schweickcrtto said mortagee. Anil wliereas, said ujorteaee died on or about Kebruary I5th, A. D, 18bt, an.l oue CTzztel 1J. Suiilh luim May 2d. A. 1). I8S;, appointed and bas nince been aoiiDK ashi txt'cutor, is proyidcd insaid niorfage, unionji olher tlunus, that if defaiüt l)e imdc in the na y ment ol theiuterc3tor any part thereof whereon the same ia made payable, andshould tbensme remaiD iinp.iid Ier the spaceof uinetyday that tien so mach of said principal as remainsunhiaidith ,.r rearares of in; f rest, shaü, at the oplion ol s :ni party, his executor and assigiis, become due and payable immedi.itely thereutter, And wlieri'as, dt'í,ull wasniHilein the pavinent of the interest duc.Juue ISth, 1SS7, and all interest Mcrulag upon said note since lts date is still unpaid. And said Ozziel P Smith, a auoh exicutor, luis in cousequence of snob default, ezerclsed said option and ïeclttrod the whole prii-cipal and interest duo as in said mortgage provided. And ai all of said principal suin of nioncy and uil Interest thereop alneettedateof aid note aa provided in said mortgage f line and unpaid and no suit or pyocuedings has been commeDced or is pending lor its colleelion. Now, therefore, I, William Walsh, .Sherift" or Waslitenaw Couuty, in the State ot Michigan. ander the statutê iu such cases made and provlaed. and .it the request of the h-gal tiohier of said noie. hurebj give notice that I will on the luth day of Murch, A.D. iSSS, at ten o'cloi-k iu tlu loreuoon on that da, at the south front door of the Cuurl IIoukc, in the (tv of Ann vrhor, CouotJ ofWashtenaw, and State of Michigan, solí at public vendue to the hiuhest bidder the pretnises above and iu suid mortgage deaoribed as provided by law. Dated Ann Arbor, Mich.. llpn. 15, A. D. 18S7. W1LL1AM WALSH, Sheriff. IMPORTANT. When yon visit or leave New York City, save BagKiigc Expressage and Carriafre Ilire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fltted up 'at a cost of one raillion dollars, reduoed to íl.00 and upwards por day European plan. Elevator, Kesturent suppUed with the best, Horses ears stages and elevated railroad to all dopots. Families can live better for lesa money at the Grand Union Hotel than at anotherfirst-class hoto! in the city.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News