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jCIREDEKICK KRAUSB AUCTIONKBB. WiU attend (o all gales on short notico at roasonablr charge. For further particulars cali at the Aitaus office. l HOWELL. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, OOM 4, MABONIC BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichols' oflice, Telophono, No. lüü, at the House. Calis Answered Day Or Night. YiHACNCKY JOSLYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, %& Office ovek the Postofkiob. 1 B. WILLIAMS, ATÏORN-EY AT LAW, MILAN, MIGH. Oonveyancing and Colloctions. TK. H K. AHNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to 12; 2:B0 to 3:30. Can be reaehed at resiience, West Huron St., at the "Prof. Nichols place" by telephone JNo. l7, and will reply to &lls in the evening. TJH. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. Heeidence ti South División Bt. Office hours from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. tjj b. nokris, Attornky at Law. Does a general law collection and con veyanciog business. A modei-ate ehare ol' your patronage respectfully solicited. Oflice In the Court House. TTT W. NICHOLS & A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. S. DüNTISTS. In the old St. James Holel lilock. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Titalized air . JLIHU B. POND, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. Collections promptly uiadc. Agent tor London and Lancuslme i'ire Insurance Co. lair ratts. I'ioiupt pajment oí loBtes. la- tí A NN AliBOll ENGINE &, BOILER WORKS. Machine Shops. Manufacturera of boilers, water-tanks, oil tanks and smoke-stacks. Kepairing pfomptly done. QRAMEK & COKU1N, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ass Akbor, Mich. Special attcntion to Loaning Moncy and all Financial Alatters. WANTS, FOR SALE, TO RENT, Etc CH)R KENT, tieveral Very Desirable PIADOS, ■ in Excelleut Cunditiou.- Apply ui the Akgl'8 Office. 48tf fliAXIDEKMY.- Uirds and animáis mouuted. lnetructiongrivt-n. Method easily acquired ta a lew lebsous. Terms very readonable. JOS. C. UOUDS. 48 S. 12th Btreet, Ann Arbor. TAKESSMAKING AND HAIBWOEK prompt-' ly dono in all the latest styles a.t Mra. Orave's rooms over J . ï . Jacob's Btore. MJXIJÍÍEHT 8TOEE FOK SALE.A good ■Wbusiness place umi money made in it. For I articuláis lrave word at this oliice. LOST. -In or uear the postoflice, a. paekajfe of legal papera. The packHgre had shawl straps aiounü ir. The litfder will confer a favor ud receire a reward by leaving it at the postofflce or Vale's News suuid. U'ANÏED.-Hy a lady oi' reflneraent and II musical ability, Hho wflluea student at the UniverBity, roouie or board in a lamilv. in oxchanKC lor musical instruotion.- Keterences- Addicse Argrus Uffii-c.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News