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Local Brevities

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At the opera house tomorrow evening -- Si Perkins. 

Judge Kinne is holding his first term of court in Monroe. 

There were only two deaths in the poor house during the past year. 

William Clark and Miss Eva Ferris of Dexter were married by Justice Frueauff, Monday. 

Mrs. Lovina E. Cooper, of Ypsilanti, has filed a bill for divorce from her husband, Abram Cooper. 

Next Tuesday is St. Valentine's day and a number of comic valentines have already been purchased. 

Wm. Reynolds and Miss Mary beaver of Ypsilanti, were married by Rev. Wm. DeBever last Tuesday. 

The Toledo and Ann Arbor road announces that it has always sold one-thousand mile tickets for $20. 

Mrs. B. Whitehead died in Geneva, Ohio last Friday. She resided in Ann Arbor for several years. 

A handsome large French plate glass show case has just been placed in Wagner & Co's store, the finest of the kind in the city. 

The Salsbury Troubadours will be greeted by a good house next Monday evening when they produce the humming Bird here. 

Sixty-six persons have been naturalized in this county since January 30th. The number naturalized this year to that date was six. 

Mrs. E. A. Cooley, of Bay City, died suddenly on Wednesday of last week. She was the daughter-in-law of Judge Thomas M. Cooley. 

Mrs. E. Burnett, of the second ward, died at four o'clock yesterday morning, leaving three children, the youngest of which is only five days old. 

A.L. Noble, of Ann Arbor, has given each of the senior medics a silk plug -- Lansing Journal. 

We know that Mr. Noble was selling goods at very low prices, but we didn't know he had cut silk plugs quit so low as the above item indicates.

Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give next Sunday evening fourth in his series of practical sermons to students. Subject: "Choosing a Profession."

The meeting of committees on fruit exchange and fruit statistics next Saturday will be held at two p.m. sharp in the basement of the court house. 

There seems to be a number of marriages to chronicle this week, and the reader will probably find some one he knows in the marriage license column. 

Congressman Allen is said to have made up his mind to speak on the Blair bill and the admission of Dakota when these measures come before the house.  

Dr. J. A. Dell read an essay on dehorning cattle at the meeting of the State Veterinary Association at Battle Creek, Tuesdy, which excite considerable discussion. 

James McMahon, of Northfield, died of heart disease, Tuesday, aged fifty-one years and five months. His death was a sudden one. He had been out riding in the afternoon and died that night. 

Herman Wanzig died Wednesday evening at the home of his brother-in-law, Paul Schall. He had been ill with inflammatory rheumatism and going out doors, had taken a cold which settled on his lungs. 

John Webber was sent to jail by Justice Frueauff for sixty days for being disorderly. He had been abusing his family as usual and but narrowly escaped a sentence of a year in the house of correction. 

T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., will sell tickets to New Orleans and return at very low rates, on account of the Mardi Gras festivities. Tickets on sale Feb. 6th to 15th inclusive, returning on or before March 31st. 

Mr. Thomas J. Villers, of Rochester Theological Seminary, New York, will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church on Sunday, February 12, preaching before the Young People's Society in the evening. 

John K. Robinson, son of Prosecuting Attorney Robinson, of Detroit, and grand-son of Hon. John J. Robinson, of this city passed first in a class of 95 at the semi-annual examination at the Annapolis Naval Academy. 

Celia May Donnelly, the youngest daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. Donnelly died Wednesday of rheumatism of the heart, aged fourteen years and eighteen months. Her parents were heart broken at their loss. 

Sixty of the Young Peoples Society of the Baptist church attended a social given at the residence of Mrs. M. Moore, five miles southwest of the city, Friday evening. They went out in big sleigh loads and had a jolly time. 

It is now Ah-men instead of Amen, at least the clergy of Detroit so pronounce it. -- Ann Arbor Courier

And so do the clergy and most everyone "Down East" say Ah-men. Why not? We all sing it that way too. 

The Ann Arbor Argus prints the names of the signers of the petition for local option election. If Editor Beakes were less the brawny, physical man than he is, his skull might be in danger from the man who "didn't want it known." -- Adrian Press.

Mrs. Mary B. Ide, wife of Oscar Ide, of Jackson, died last Thursday in Jackson, aged forty five years, nine months and twenty six days. Her remains were brough to this city for burial and the funeral services were held on Monday in St. Andrew's church. 

Secretary E. C. Warner writes us that the county board of school examiners desires to meet as many applicants for third grade teachers certified as possible at the court house next Friday, February 17th. The examination on that day will be for third grade certificates only. 

Dr. J. A. Dell, last Saturday, purchased a fine standard bred Wilkes colt twenty months old of Farrel and Godfrey of Parmington, for $500. The colt is a pacer, and although but twenty months old weighs 954 pounds. It is sired by Irs Wilkes who has a record of 2:224 as a pacer, and of 2:28 as a trotter. 

A very pleasant party was held at the residence of Mr. Wm/ Parker, at Geddesburg, last Thursday evening, the occasion being the 21st birthday of Mr. Parker's son, Fred. there were present 107 persons, or 53 couples besides a number of children. Dancing was indulged un until the wee hours of morning, and supper was served at about midnight. It was one of the largest parties ever held in that neighborhood. 

the Ann Arbor council, of the Bay State Beneficiary Association elected the following officers Tuesday evening: President, J. T. Jacobs; vice-president Prof. M. E. Cooley; secretary, George H. Pond; examining physician, Dr. C. G. Darling; board of Trustees, A. Kearney, H. Randall, W. A. Tolchard, H.J. Brown and S.W. Beakes. 

A back horse was stolen from the barn of August Seybolt, two miles west of the city, last Thursday night, together with a cutter and harness. It weighed 1150 pounds, was a six year old with a white hind foot and small star in forehead. A reward of $25 has been offered for the arrest of the thieves and $30 for the return of the property. 

Announcements of entertainments, lectures, etc., and all items for the ARGUS should be handed in Thursday morning, and as much earlier as possible. Every week we are obliged to omit several because received too late, some not reaching us until Friday morning, after the papers are printed. Our friends should remember that the ARGUS is a Friday morning paper. 

We are in receipt of a communication from a Chelsea correspondent in relation to the granting of recess and expelling the scholars of that school. He claimed that at least one young man who lives south of town had been expelled, and gives a number of rules of the school that he had learned from his own and his neighbor's children, but our space does not permit of giving the full communication. 

A very enjoyable entertainment was given at the ladies' library building on huron street, Thursday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Ladies' Library Association. Mrs. edna Chaffee Noble who has to have given the readings, was unable to do so on account of illness, and the programme was altered by Mrs/ Custer Calhoun who took her place. The Music was furnished by the Amphion club. 

The first Valentine of the season was received by Letter carrier Frank O'Hearn this week who found an open letter not enclosed in an enveloped and bearing no address, in a letter box. It was a poetical effusion beginning: "Dawn of the morning and spring of the year/ That was the time that came to us dear." It was written in a feminine hand and was no doubt appreciated by the recipient.