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Washington City, Fab. 2. - Petitions were p-esemed in the seríate Wednesday : favorinj reciprocal commercial relations with Mexico. The resolutiou asking reasons for the delay in coustruetin t,he naval cruisars was adopfced, and a bilí authorizing : the president to retalíate on tbose countries ! which discri mínate against American j ducts was reported favorably. Riddle berger twice tried to get up his resolutiou to debate the British-Americin extradition treaty in ' open session, but each time was ruled out of order. Pugh spoke in favor of tho educational bil I, and wben he coucluded the sunate went iuto executive session an l half au hour later adjourned. The house received a memorial signed by the wife of Chief Justice Waite asking for pensions for members of the life-suving service. A bilí was passed giving employés of the public printing office thirty days' leave of absence each year. The resotution for an inquiry into the Reading strike was then taken up, Rayner of Marylaud championins the minority report, which favored a special committee. He roundly denounced the Reading officials, and made a general onslaught upon all monopolies, and in the end carried his point, a resolutiou being adopted appointing a special committee of flve, with full powers to investígate the whole subject of troubles in the Pennsylvania coal regions. Tbls closed the days' business, and the house adjourned. Washington City, Füb. 3.- The first business transacted by the senate Thurs iay was ( to decide to adjourn over until Monday at the close of the session. A bridge was authorized across the Mjssissippi near Natcbez. Rddleberger wa3 ropeatedly foiled in efforis to got up his resolution to have the BritishAmerican treaty debated in open senate. Cullom's resoiution for an investi'ation of the postal service was considered without action, and then Kenna took the floor and delivered a carefully prepured and eloquent speech in answer to Shermau's torifif speech of some days ago. He was briefly replied to by Sherman, and then Stewart spoke in support of the educacional bilí. A short executive sessiou was held, after wbich adjournment was taken uitil Monday. The house passed a bilí providing that publicatioris that are simply books, bound or unbound, shall not be admitted to the mails as second class matter. The Lowry-Wliite contested election case was briefly considered, but went over. A bilí providin for a constitutional amendment to the tff.'Ct that conaress shall convens on the first Monday in January was reported favoralily. After the transactioa of some other business of no particular interest the house adjourned. Washington City, Feb. 4. - The house Friday concurred in several amendments to the bill for the punishment of crime in Indian Territory. The bilí to créate a court of customs was adversely reported, as was the bilí proposíng a constitutional amendment authorizing congresa to grant aid to common schools in the staies. They were both tabled. Private bilis were then sidérea, ana a aozen oc no general interese passed. A bilí was favorably reported providing that in cases of the will I u casting away of a vessel to derraud the uuderwriter, the aceused may be sentenced to life imprisonment if there is no Ios3 of life or personal in jury. At present hanging is the only penalty. A bilí was introduced to establish a soldiers' home at Knoxville, Tenn. The house adjourued at 4:05 p. ra. Washington City, Feb. 6.- With the ex ceptiou of the receipt of a number of petitions on various subjects, the house did nothing Saturday except debate tha LowryVVhite oontest from Indiana. Speeches were made aeainst White by Moore of Texas, O'Ferrall of Virginia and Outhwaite of Obio, and íd White's behalf by Cocliran of New York and Wilson of Minnesota (Demócrata) and Rowell of Illinois (Republican). Outhwaite spoke last and wbeu he concluded the house adjmrned. Washington City, Feb. 7. - A resolution was adopted by the senate Monday providing fora joint meeting of the two houses and the officials of all the States and territorios, together with the president ttnd other executive officers and tbe supreme court, on the ceutennial anniversary of the adoption of tbe cousütution, the chief justice to deliver an oration. Riddleberger arose with the B.itish-Americnn treaty in his hand and attempted to get up hi3 resolution for its open discussion, tut was robuked by the chair for referring to executive business in open sessioii. Riddleberger tben made an attack on Sherman for referring to tha Lamar conflrmation in a letter to a political club. Saulsbury spoke on international coinage, and Platt on the president's message, criticismo; the propositions laid down tberein. Riddleberger asked that a copy of a treaty between Prussia ani Russia, wbich he sent to the clerk, ba put on the record, the reason being that it was ia soms respects similar to the British-Arnerican treaty. He did not care what was done with it, as he only wanted to get it before the country. The chairman did not object, and the document was tabled. At 4:3J the senate went into ex.eutive session, and at 5:30 adjourned. In the house White of New York (the "Deacun") repudiated a statement in Tbe New York Tribune to the effect that he (White) had a private wire to New York .wiiich ha used to ad vanee his owu interests. He added that The Tribune had retracted the statement after makins! it. Bills and resolutions introduced: To refund the 4 per cents into '1% Per cnts; for a public building at Olney, Ills. ; to tax the sale of butler and to ropeal the oleomargarine tax (Lawler); to investígate the sugar trust; to divide the surplus between the states for the benefit of the schools; to protect the seal fisheries; to define the proper expenses of congressional elections and p:iy the saine; to investígate the production of lea ling Staples at home and abroad; Oiiio legislatura resolutions against the presidenl's message; for public buildings at Racine (Wis.), Hutchinsou (Kan.), and Vinceunes (Ind.). A resolution thanking Speaker pro tem Cox, for his satisfactory sarvio) in the chair was adopted, and Carlisle took the gavel again. The White case was then resumed, and nfter a short debate a vote was reached, the substituto for the coinmittets's resolution being adopbd, whicli givei White the seat, The vote was: Ayes, 137; nays, 105. The house then adjournei. The follownig Democrats VDted for the substitute: Anderson of Illinois, Briggs, Biiss, Bryce, Burns, Burnett, Bynum, T. J. Campbell of New York, Shipman, Cockran, Collins, Compton, Culberson, Dooker7, Enloe. Fisher, Ford, Forney, Olass, Hare, Laffoou, Lauhain, MacDonaM, Mabouey, .McAdoo, MeKiuiH'y, McShane, ISP-r riman, Neal, Nicholls, O'Neill of Missouri, Phelan, Rmdall, Raynor, Rowland, Rusk, Sayers, Shively, Bowdeu, Springer, Stewart of as, Stone of Missouri, Tarsney, Tillman, Whiing, and VVilson of Minnesota; alao Weavr Greenliackor. Washington City, Feb. 8.- Bills were reported from committees to the senate Tuesday for the relief of army nurses; to restore certain pensions, and to relieve importers of animáis for bieoding purposes. A resolution was adopled for an inquiry into tha question whelber congres8 shouid assume control of the erecLion of briilges over riveis, etc. Flatt tben took tbe floor to conelude bis speech on the president'. message, and when !.; sai dciíúá U.: B..i'"is "6"" "■ ""J M tbe Chicago, Kansas & Western railway through the Fort Riley reservation in Kansas was introducod, the senate beid a suort exficutive si's ion, and at 4:35 ailjourned. The houe adopted a resolution asking whether ihe legal tender circulation has been kept at the legal limit. Proposed consti utional ameiKlments fixing tbe honrs of labor and in relation to tbe liquor trffie were advarsely reported. The diplomatic and consular appropriation- $1, 4 ,3,S65- was reported also a bilí providing tor a fourth ussistant postmasier general ; also: Limiting the bours of labor of letter-carriers; to organiza OKlahom territory; to improvj tha civil service law. B.lis were passed: To punish negligent bauk officials, inciuding examiners; to regúlate penalties in iuterual revenue cases; to appoint two additional railway mail superintendents; to relieve certain vatarans from the consequnces of teclinical desertion. The military academy appropriation was roporLed, and the house adjourned.


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