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Estáte of Almon B. Close. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wí At a seaeèon of the Probate Coiürt for the county of VV asbtenaw, holden at the trobdte Office, in the oïtv oï Aan Arbor, on Thur.dny thetwenty-sixth day of Jauuary, iuthe yenr onethousand eight huiirtred and fiKhty-eight. Present, WiJliam L. Hairimau , Judyeof Pro bete. [n the matter o the estáte of Almon B. Close, deceased. Densinore Cratner the sdminUtratorof said estate, comes iato court and represeuta tht be is now preparcd to reuder ni final account as such adminisirator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 21at day of Fehruury nest, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon Deaa&ürued forexamining and allowing ■uch account and the heirs-at-law of saí daceaied, and all otner penjout iutereated in said est uto, ure r quired t o appear at a tweiou of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbtr. in said county, and show cause, ií any lhre be, why the ikid nacouLt siioaid not be aliowed: And it is furthcr ordored Umi said adMiniatrato gÍT9 notice tothepersonsinteretd in ímuíI estáte of 'the ptoduc of' met account and tht hearintbereof. by oauííng a cofiy of this utder U be pabliahtd in the Ank Abbok ABüus, printed and ciïculatiiig miid county thrw successive weeks previous to said d af of hearing. WILLIAM I. HARKIMAJÍ, (atue copy) Judjgeof Probate. WilliauG. Üotv, Probate fiegieter. Estáte of Patrick Heney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WnshteijaT,ss. At a session of the Proba tt Court ior tbe County of Wiihhteiiaw, hoJdeu at iti Prob.tie OÖice. in the City of Aon Arbor, on Tuesdoy, the 24th day of January. in tbö yeai on thoueaud eight hundred and eiifbty-i;hl, Preeut,Willittm D. Harriman,Jdge of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte of Patrick Heney, deceased. ün readiogand filiog the petition, dnly venfled of Mury A. Di'fifj.pmyinetnat acimiuïatration of Miid eitate may be grttnted to Phiíip Duffy or gome otber suitable person. Threupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 20th day of February next, at ten oclock in tbc fiapfnoon, be assig-ned for the hearing ofsaidpetitlon and that the heirs at-Iaw of said deceased, and ftil other persone interested in inid estáte Are requirtd to uppear at a sessioa of s&id conrt ih-n to be bolden at the Probate office, iu the city of A.nn Arbor, and ihow cause, ifauy tbera be, wby th praver of the petitioner should not begranted: Ana it is turther ordered, khat nid petitioner give notice to the peno&s interested in said esUte of the pendency of sald petitiun, aml the hearing thsreof bycausin-g a copy of this order to be pulilUhed in ihe Au AüBüK Akgus, a Dewspfiperpjinted and circululsd in said county, three succCBüiTe weks prefious to srn'd day of hearing. WU-IJAM D.HAKRIMAN, A truecopy.] J-udye oí Prjbt. Wm. W. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Phidellia Black. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw,6S. At a seusion of the Proate Court for the county of Wanhtenaw, holdem ut tbe Probate ofiice in the oity of Aun Arbor, on Yiday, the 27 th day of January ib th er on thousand eight hunaaed and eightv-eigbt. Present, Wm. D. Uarrimun, Judgre of Probate In ttie matter of the eaUie of Phidellia Black, On rdinj and filing thepetition dulyverined of lary J. Birch, pravinu: tha-tadminiatratiun ol unid esiate iuy begrtiüted toA. L,. Walker Or eomc other suitiible perron. Thereupou itisor.iered,thatMondaythe 2"thday f KebrimrT next, :it teti o'clock in the forcuoon, be assigned for tbe h;ring uf sai petition. uid that tbe heirs-at-law of smd deccas&j, and Uother persons interest ed in said tst;ite are required to appearat a seayion of siiid conrt tbeu to beuolden at the Piobaie Office, in the cily ot Ai.n Arbor and show cause, i f any the re be, wbtheprayerofMw petitioner should not be rranted: And it is furtber ordered , tbal euid petitioner tire noticeto the persons inlorebtfd in suid estáte, oí" the peudent-y oí said petition, and the hearing thereof by causint; a copy of thitf oider to hepublished iñ the Ann Abbor Auaus, ft newspiAper printed and eirtruiated ïïj said county brea t-uccessive weok& previoua to e.iia duy of learing, WILLIAM D. ÏIAHKIMAN, [A true copy] .ludge of Probate. Wu. G. Doty. Pjtobate Kegiater. Estáte of Samuel Muholland. CT ATE OF MIÜÏJ IG A N, COÜM T V' O ) 1 Wtiohteuiiw, 8, Al a -'- wou "i tbe Probti-te ouïtfor tlieOooniy ot Washtennw, hol onal tin .'rubaU Office in the city of A nu Arbur, on Tfrorsd;i, the Uth day oí K bnuny, Ín the yèar une htniBand eiLjlu hundred and ■ nrlity eiht. Prebuiit, Wliliain 1. Uarriman, Jude of l'robat'.1. 1 ti the aiatter of ihe estáte of Samuel Mullioland, deceaaedi Quxeadiïig '■ml lili g the peJition, duly veiiliod, f M.irgaret Aun Al.u h, (j;uviim that u certuiu nat ruwe ut now on lile in tliis court, purpoitinti last will and testament of s;ül d cvhm d nay I'O adiui td to prubatö, and LÜat inlrniiiütratiou miy bc grajuttd to Euioi'j Townnénd, ext uLoj-iu saldjwill attmi 1, or u souiu other süitable vThereopon it iö ordered, thut Monday, tbe fifth day ot Maicli next, itt ten v.'clouk m theforenu.'ii, bü ussigned ior (he íiearíug ni' said )etit1on, and ih..t Uw d vis es, leifuteea aud ni-itt-iaw of sui.t d (M-ii-f i, u ud al] oiher peraoos utereatad in amú fatuto art1 requirid to appear at a subioli of tiiid éuurt, Uien lü be bolden at iic Probate Office, iu tbè city öl Ann Arbor, thd shoW causé, ii' uny ilu-re be, wiiy ihe prayur J tin.1 pel iii'iiii-t r sliouiil not be tfranted. And t ii furtber ordered, that said petitioneer giTe lotice tu the perrons ïnterested in Bald estrile, ol hu ptmdèhcy ol Büid pètitioQ und the liearring iKTtü causing a copy of this order tobe pubislied in tbe Ann Akdok Akgus a newspaper H'inted aml ciiculjt ti i, tsaia euuiiiy three sucr-esive w eek previo us ia s ,id ifjiy oí hearing. WILLIAM D. I MtiJMAX, A true oopyj Ju'lgcol Probate. w. ü, iioïy, l'n.l.atoltefiistur. , -Ntf 0MP0UN0 WHITE POND I tLï- newdiscorjffxc-Il ery, oiiu on whicu iudk-s can depend iu iwnw tn1 "'"-' r """ '" '' "■t'L" ;-"'ii]-'.i H y&ar& rtarticulars In jilaln envelope. ÜstampM. L.VT 1 Address POND LILY CuMPANY, m. V v-L Nö. ó Fisher Block, lil Wooclward avu., CJ DETUOI!. MICH.


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