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Wahr's BooksioreSI! SI FOB THE NEXT ;!O DATS we shall offer our entue stock of Miscellaneous Books, Standard Books in sets at H DISCOUNT PROM PUBLISHERS PRICE. We shall offer Wall Paper and Window Shades at prices never before lieard of in the city. Don 't fail to examine prices before making your purchase. Our Stock is the most complete and best selected in the city. Wahr'sBookstore Masonic Block. Grand Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY. MOND AY & TUESD AY FEB. 20 and 21. TBE LATEST NEW YORK SENUflU ! Waldrod Sc Knys grand produotion of the great Romantic, Plcturesque Melodrama Ths Light bïi The Psmt A rivcr of real water, Steamlioats and othor boats passing and repnssintf. Midsummer eveniugonisland on Longleland Sound; Sunsetatsea; The moonrise on the water; The auneh of the new boat; The flsherman's lome: Nantueket Bay: Tlw Litrut on the Point. Beyond trnthful contradiction the most powerful and realistio drama ever produced. All new nnd beautit'ul soenery, painted by the eminent arttet. Mr. Laf 'jetto. W. Seavy, of New Vork, from models by Mr. Nat. Morcan. S'ew musie by Dave Braham, of Harrigan's Park Theatrc, New Vork. New and wonderful mechanica! effects bj Mr. Nelson Waldron and ono of the most thoroughly organized oompanies travsling. "A new fairyland discovered in stago mephanism and ecenic splendor." New York World. ADMISSION, 75, 50, and 35c. Ri-served seuts at Wahr'8 SherifPs Sale. STATK OF MrCHIGAN, OOUNTÏ OF Waehtenaw: ssLaura li Gtodfrey, P laintiff, vb. Hughey McLaughHn.üefendant. Notiee s horeby viven that b.y virtue of wrlt of Fieri Kacias issued out of nnd under theseal oí tbe Clroult Court f or the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan in the above entftled cause to meïdirented. and delivered asrainst the roda and ehattels, lande and teñamente of Hughey Mel.aujrhlin, I did on the lllth. day of Auifuat. A. D.1887, levy upou and sieze all. tbe riffat, title, ivnd interest of the said Hughey MeLaugmta In, and to the following lande bounded anddesorlbed ae follows to wit: The Norlh half of thn North-West fractional ouarter of seotion Two. and the North-East niartnr of the North-East quarter of seetio Three in the township jf Sylvan, Washtonaw County, Stato of Michijran, also the Sonth-Eaat cruarter of the South-west quarter of seetioii Thiity-flve in the township of Lyndon in said eounty.allof whieh 1 shall expose for sale at public' auction or rendue to the hi(f heat bidder it the South front doorof the Court House in. the city of Ann Arbor, in said county on the lüth. day of Mareh, A. D. 1888, uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dav. Dated this lHth day of Jauuary, A. D . 188S. WILUAM WALSHT,: Jacob 8tkfn, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriff. Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw- tw. In the matter of the Estáte of Elvira Marsh, deeeawHi. Notice is hereby given, that In pursuance of au order yranted to the undersigned, Adniinistrmtor of the Estáte of said deceased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the ICounty of Wa8htenaw. on the twentleth day of JanüaiT A.D. 188T, thero wiU be sold at Public Venduè, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House in tho city of Ann Arbor. in the County o ( Washteuaw in said State, on Tuesday, the tventieth day of Maroh A. D . 1888, at ten o'clock in the foronoon of that day, subject to all eneumbrances by montage or otherwise oxistin;,' at the time of the death of ssiid deceasod, the following doscribed Keal Estáte, to-wit; The North part of the North-West ouarter of the North-East quarter of Section ThirtyKix (88) in Townshlp Numlier Two () South Range Five (5) East (aoio) in Michigan. Also the undivided one-lhird part of the North-East quarter of the Noith-West quarter of said Section No. Th i ty-six (3B) in Towuehip Two (2) South Kanse I'ive (5) East (Scio) in Michigan. JAMES W.WING, Dated. Januari1 2Oth, 1888. Adminiatrator


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News