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Full Text Of Local Option Law

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There has been so many requests for the;repubhcation of the local option lav that we here give it in f uil. It is what is known as act 197 of the session laws of 1887, and the f uil text is asfollows: An act to regúlate the manufacture and sale ot' malt brewed or fermented, spiritous and vinous liciuors in the severalcountius iu this SectiosI. The Peoplenf the State of Michijanemut, Thatthe manufacture and sale of malt, brewed or fermented, spiritous and vinous liiiuors in th several counties in this state beand the same ishereby retjulated asCollows: That upon application by petition, sigrncd by not los than one-üftb of tho voters oi' any county, as shown by tbe last precedíog: vote on goveruor, who are qualifled to vote for county otticers in any couuty in this state, the county clerk of sucli county shall cali an election to be held at tho places of holding elections for state and county take place within forty days af ter the receipt 9f such petitiou by said couuty clerk, to determine whether or not intoxicating liquors, as mentioned in section twoof this act, stia.ll be mmiufautured or sold within the limits of suoh deiignated county. l'rofi'icil, That no election held under this act ahall be held in any nionth i:) which anelectiou for state, couuty, city, village or towuahip ollieersis held; andsuob question huviug been once submittedanddeeiüed Li the rotes of the electora elmlL uotbe again eabmitted tor aperiod uf thrce years. but simll at auy tiiiic af ter the expiration oí tUe said uiree yeare, upon liko petition, be aguiu subinitted. Notice tiat such a gueiètion ia to be fiubmittod shall be giveu by the county clerk íor th saine time and in the same marnier as is provüled by law lor Kivintr notice of special electioná for county oliicur. The vote hall be by ballot, and tue ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes turniehed for the purpose, and separate poll-lists and tallysheets shall be kept. The county clerk shall provide poll-lists, tally sheets, and a sufficient nuuiber of tickets for sucli election, at each pollinif place at the expense of the county. All the electors votintr at any sueti elecvion that tlie manufacture and sale of intoxicatlng l.Mjuors for use as a b3veratfu shall be prohibited, shall have prlnted or written, or partly printed or partly written on their ballots the words. "Airainst the maniif.ieture and sale of intoxicatuiK llquorB," mul UI the electora voting at any such eleotion that such manufacture and sale shall not be prohibited, &hall have printed or written, or partly printed or partly written, on their ballots the words, "For the manufacture aud sale of intoxicating liquors.." The inspectora of eleetions, as provided by law. shall act, and shall have authority to appoint assistaotd, ïf any shall be necesaary. The ballots shall bo caatand counted, and the returus of the saine shall be made frotn each votingrprecinct to theclerk of the county iu which suoh eleetion ie held in the marnier prescribed by law for the eleotion of county orticers. The clerk oí said county ahall enter in a bouk to be providt'd Dy hun for that purpose a tabular statement of the nuinbur of votescast for andafiuinst Buoh propositloD In each voting preoinct in said eounty, as shown by said returns, together with tne ifgretrate numberof votes cast for and ajraiiisisuchaale lntbeeleotive coanty . Said statement so recorded shall be a poblic record of the countv, and ahall be prtma facie endenqe of the truth of the matters therein stuted . Beu. ü. That trom and lifter the flrstMonday in Muy next, altor such special eleotion. it is hereby declared unlawful to manufacture, sell, grive away, or furuish muit, brewed, fermented, vinons, or iutoxicating liiuors of any kind, or inany quantH), or iiijuurs, any part of which ie malt, brewed, lermented, vinous, or intoxicating, or to keep lor sale, or keepaplaue wbere sueh llquors are iiianut'actured, or keep lor sale, jfiven away, oj furnished, within the limitsof auy couuty in whieh a majority of the votes cust at the eleetion nextpreceëing, upoii the ouestioo of prohHntins the 6ale ol ïntoxicatini; iKjuors, as pruvidedin sectiononeof thiaci. have been cast aamst the manufacture aud sale of intoxieating liquors; exeept where done by a druf((iet whois, or who employé a reRistered pharmaeist, ütrictly in compliance with the liiws lor the reirulation of drugjfists. And whoover, within sueh liiniis, hiiueelf or by an agent, or otherwise, thus manufactures, 6ells, furnishes, or gives away, any such liquors, or keepa for ale, or keeps a place where such liquors are nanulactured orkept lor sale, givon away or iuroiahed, apon oonvictlon thereol', in any court of competent jurisüiction, shall be öned n any buid not less than üfty uor more i han Ive hundred dollars, or be imprlsoued in the eounty jail not less than ten daya nor more thau Hix months or both, In the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. In any county in this state, in which theejectors of sueh county, as bereinbefore rovided. have roted to prohibit the ïii-'nyfacture and saleoï SQCb lüiuors, by u majoiiB vote, then in such case the provisión ol' 1 general luws ol' this state tor the taxation t regulation of the business of the sale. niJI facture or dealingln sucli Liqüors is suspcrurH or superseded, f rom and alter tht; üi'st day nB May next f ollowing, ao lar as relates to the territory of such county, and all sales made bs iiruggista in sucli county shall be uudu' all the restrictions iinpox-d upon drugyfistsby eaid general lawsol ilu ?tate. Approved June 18, 1S37 .


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