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Eaton Mills is happy to think that it will have a dressmaker. Many Hamburgites are petitioning for the apppintment of J. F. Lemon as post-master. FiveJIocal option meetings were held in Ypsilanti city and township to wind up the campaign. It is said that nearly every child in Dundee, has had the measles. The epidemie may now be considered over. The Milan Leader promises to begin a crusade against the cigarette after the local option campaign is over. The Ypsilanti Firemen's masquerade ball last week was attended by 170 couples, most of whom were in masque. The new editor hadn't been in flrass Lake ten days before he found that there were fifty new dwelling hoiises needed. John Riedel, of Bridgewater, for the past two years a gay soldier of the U. S. A., is spendiug his furlough in his old home. The mean daily temperture at Chelsea during January was 17o below zero and the total precipitation for the month was 4.75 inches. James Sweeney,while chopping in 'he woods on his farm, was felled to the ground by a tree falling upon him crushing a leg and injuring his ihoulder. George H. Mug-g, of Dundee, has again been arrested, ta-ken to Calhoun county and bailed ior being president of a late Bohemian Oat asSpcjation. Oscar Kilbourn, of Ypsilanti, was sent to the Reform School from Ypsilanti last week. He was convicted of petty stealing and was 13 yg,ars of age. The Grass Lake News comes out this week in a new dress and is very tastefully gotten up typographically and we are well pleased with the style of the new editor's items. Robert Campbe'l died in Ypsilanti on Tuesday of last week, aged $6 years. He carne to this county from Scotland forty years ago. The funeral services were held in Stony Creek last Fridy. The Milan Leader is six years old, never was more prosperous and it will be many a year before a coroner sits upon it, even if one who has "a sit" upon it, did try "for the coronership two years ago. A very sad accident occurred in Pinckney this week. Thomas Glenman, a carpenter, feil from a school building, where he was at work and was instantly killed. He will be mourned by his many friends and acxiuaintances. The funeral was held in Brighton yesterday. A team drawing a large load of young people from Pinckney going into the country for a social visit balked six times in going tvro miles. They were only started by applications of hot soapstone, and at the end of the two miles the load gave up the task of driving the animáis. THE NEW SALEM CHURCH. s The new Baptist church in Salem, was formally dedicated on Wednesday, February 6th, Eev. Dr Grenell, of Detroit, preaching the morning sermón, the resident pastor of the village taking part in the pre]iminaries. At the close of the. sermon, the report oí the treasurer revealed the, tact that nearly $1,200 reniained unpiovided for, whereupon Dr. ürenell produced a blackboard and by means of this brought the fi'nancial standing before the people. Amounts of $50 down were received and before the close of the service the amount asked for was provided . A brief description of the building may be acceptable to your columns, which has been furnished your correspondent. The general plan s cruciform, semi-gothic as to its outward appearance, with brick neered vvalls. A tower on the corner furiiishes the main entrance. The distance to the top of the spire is about seventy-five feet. The windows are ot cathedral glass, from original designs turnished by parties in Chicago and form no small feature in the attractiveness ot the audience room. The auditorium room is 35X 45 feet, with open titnber finish - posts fourteen feet high and ceiling finished over the rafters The walls are tastily decorated in distemper by S. C. King, of Detroit, a gentleman who had charge of the frescoing at the Capítol building a few years since. Gas is furnished by a machine in the cellar, which, by the means of patent reflectors, provides an abundance of light. The chanel is separated from the audience room by means of a sash partition, in three sections each of which operates on the principie of a window, the lower ection being hung with heavy weights is easily lifted into a receptacle, giving an unobstructed view from the most remóte corner of the iLom. The audience room is seated w;hairs of a late design having Hg seats and reclined backs afmL a comfortable sitting. The mm baptistry is in th% rear of the pPlpit, and is said to be very convennent for the administration of the ordinance. Rear rooms are provided for preparafion and class purposes. The floor of the building is covered with carpets of attractive designs, and a furnace gives sufficient heat for the most frigid creatures, which was demonstrated last Sunday evening. The entire cost of the building is something over $5,000 and is regarded as complete in all its requirements. Rev. Dr. Haskell preached in the evening of dedication day. The ordinance of baptisim was administered Sunday evening before a large congregation. - South Lyon Picket.


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