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Declines The Presidency

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The Ahous by private wire lias received the folio wiug letter to the republicans of the country, written by WllliamToogood wno appeara to be one of the numeious local celebiïties mentioned in connection with the republiean presidentialriotnination. The letter is certainly very much to the point and aside trom the slight egotism displayed. it has themeritof beingarauch f ranker declination tlian that written bv Blaine. It was not however probably desigued for democratie ears. Allonkz, Mk ii., Usrcli 3rl, 'kS. TO TUE REPUBtlCANS OK AMEIUCA: My friends have been urginij me to accept the noniinatiou for the presidency on the republican ticket, and while I am sorrv not to be able to favor them by allowing my name to come before the American people for an offtee so honorable, lo which is attached the paltry salary of $50,000, I must still decline to allow myself to be dragged trom the seclusion of my seat upou a dry goods box in our yillage grocerv into the arena of politics, at least at the present time, or at any rate for any office where the party has not establislied its ability lo elect the nominee. Mot that I fearthatl cannotbe elected. liut because I cannot so lower myself as to accept of a nomination which even that down easter. J im lïlaine and that horseman, J'hil Shendan, decline to take. I am aware that my declinatiou may have a discouraging effect upou t be party and had I never atlained to the dignity of bossing ttiis towo i'roui my seat at the village grocery, I migbt Stvallow my pride and accept what such fellows as Hlaine, Sheridan and Lincuhi affect not to want. Dut the sacriQce would be great and I believe unnecessary. We have just elected a congressman from this the eleventh congressional district of this state. He had all of 400 majority. It is true that the false and malicious democratie press refer to the fact that some tour years ago, when the mine owuers and the luruber kings in this vicinity were able to vote their men like sheep, this district save S,0(XJ uoajority tor the republican CHndidates, and claimed this eiection as a democratie victory. liut the undeuiable truth is that it was a great and glorious victory for the great morality party, the party of the nabobs and the mail route agenta. We elected our congressman, a man pledged to support the industries of our state and to compel farmers to pay $-.2 a thousand . feet extra for lumber. We did, it is true, have to resort to our old time method of compelling the employees iu acouple of mines to vote for Seymour or seek other employment. Hut we did it to prevent the eiection of a common labonug man, whomhowever much the party may pat on the back when thev want h is vote, it would never do to place in a position whe re he might legislate agaiust U8 who make ur living without vvorkiug for it. In this great victory I admit that L had a share, for it was'l who impresseil pon the minds of the mine owners the fact tliat unless they did so compel their employees to vote for Sevmour, copper stock mitcht not be worth several times par, because the people of the country might want to buy the articles they consumad at a smaller price and the farmers might insist that a bushei of wheat should buy as manv things as itformerly did. This grand victory encourages me to believe that the republicans will be successful this ear. 1 ara also encouraged by the fact that thirty two counties of this state have voted for prohibition, for though I am aware that republican prohibition will not maKe liquor so scarce that we of the great raorality party cannot get all we want to drink, yet we have successfully kept up high taxation in the thirty-two counties as we ai e striving t keep it up in the nation. W hile, gentlemen, jour candidato 1 cannot be, I catmot neglect this opportunity of re-alh'rming my belief in the cardinal principies of the republican faith. I believe in the ellicacy of high taxation. It keeps up the price of lumber and enable us to produce such lumber kings as Alger. It also enables us to import Canadian lumbermen to work in our woods and as they have no vote we are not troubled by any effort they make for legislation, favoring the poor man. It enables üs to keep a big balance in the United States treasury and gives us an excuse for big tions. 1 aiso beneve that the Dattiea of the war of the rebel lion should be fought over every presidential year. There are a lot of young men north and south who affect to believe that this is really one country, one united nation and it bwhooves us to keep the south from being recognized as a part of the country. The belief also enables us to keep some votes. ïrusting, gentlemen, that you may nomínate the winninK ticket and pleoging the upper península for a flve hundred republican majonty, I remain, with profoünd respect, yours for taxation .


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