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Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, JACOB Sf'HWKICKKRT and Minute Schweickert, h irlle, of Xorthfteld, lichignn, party ol the first part.did by their certin niorigage bearingditte of June 19, 1SS6, und ecorded at 3:50 o'clock on Jure l'Jth, lssri. in jiber 72 of Mort gages, 011 page 86, in Washtenav )unly, Michigan, convoy lo Bdmund C. Rogers, ate of Ann Arbor. Michigan, thn following pi-etnses, situaied in the township of Nurthfield , in Vitshtenaw county, Michigan, and deseribed as wit: The north half of the northeast uarterof section number tbirly-one in township ne somh, of range six enst, and the east thirty eres of land offlrom the eawtsideot the routbeast uarterotthe northeusl quarter ot said sectton, ontainingin all one hunrlmi and ten acre more r lt'Bt, and embracing all the land owned by the flrst parly in said township of Northfield, to ecure the payment of four thouBnnd dollars in ve yeara front date of said mortgfage with annual nterestat the rate of aeven per cent. per annurn, ayuble annually accordingtoa certxin promtsory note bearing even date wlth said mortgage xecuted bys&ld Jacob Schweickert to aaid mortagee. And wherea, said moHeajree died on or about 'ebruary 15th, A. D, 18S7, and one Uïv.iel P. mith was on My 2d, A. D. 1887, appointed and las i tice been act ing afthis txecotor, And.whereas. it is provided insaid ntortage, among other things, that If default be made in the tavmeiit oftheinterestor any part thereofwhereon he s:tme is made payable, and should the name remam unpaid Ier the space of ninetydayti that thfn so niuchofsaid principal as remalnsvi 11, oaid with arrearages of interest, shall, at the optiou of setond party, lmexecutor and assigns, become due and payable immedintely therealter. And whercas, defnnit was made in the pavment of the interest due June 19th, I8S7, and all interest accruing upon said notesince itsdnte is still tiniaid. And said] P. Siuith, as sttch executor, las in consequence of such default, exercised Baid option and declared the whole principal and interest due as in said mortgage provided. Andas all of said principal sum of money and alt interest thercon since the date oí said note as provided in said mortgage is due and unpaid aur no suit jr proccedings has been cominenced or is pending for itscollection. Now.lherefore, I, William Walsh, Sheriff o Washtenaw County, in the State of Michigan under the statute in such cases made aud proviaed and at the request of the legal holder of said note hereby give notice that I wilt on the lOth day o Muren, A. D. 18SS, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on that day, at the south front door of the Cour House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County. of Wash tenaw, and State of Michigan, sell át publi vendue to the highest bidder the premifes abov and in said mortgage described as provided b law. Dated Ann Arbor. Mich., Dec . 15, A. D. 1S87. WILLIAM WALSH, Sheriff. C.H. MILLEN Insurance Agent No. i South Main St„ Ann Arbor. The oldest agenev in the city. Ls tablished a quarter of a century ago Itepresenting the following flrst-clasa companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207,20e Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1.735,568 Girard Ins. Co. of Phll. - - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford -1,419,522 Commercial Union of LondoH 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Globe 3? 'iOO.OOO HgRaU,8 Imo. Losses liberally adjustea and promptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. EBcRBACH & SON. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street IN Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stufïs, Artiat's and VVax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PJIH[S{lillöI]0i Special attcntion paid to the iurmshinfr of Physiciiitis, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophical and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemia.ii Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Pre Hcajfenis, etc. Physicians' Preicriptions Carefully Prepared at all honrs. IMPORTANT. When you vieit or leave New York iCity, ivc Kuffgas1 Kxpix'ssajf-' and Cai-riaif' Hir and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposit Grand Oentral Depot. Elegant rooms fltted up 'at a oost of on million dollars, reduocd .to $1.00 and upwaidi per day European plan. Elovator, Resturent supplied with the bent, Horses cars, Btases and elevated railroad to all depots. Kamilieí eau live better for less at the Grand Union Hotel than at another flrst-class hotel in the city. FARMS Wot Sale IN MICHIGAN. New Price just issued for Kree Dlstrlbution. Oïer30floi the flneet farms in the State folly Ucscribcd. j8PÖ" A Colored Map of Michigan, showing railroada, towns, uitiee, etc., íor 10 eents in stampa. GEO. W. SNOVER, Keal lístate and Loau Agent, in Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. RDUEÉS! Is givcn on trial andwarrantel to give satisfaction or money refunded. Chronic Cases a Speaialty. Office No. 6 WasbJnjEjton St. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store. Ann Arbor ■ ■■■■■ 1 REVVARDED are thosc who read nTnTTT Vthis andtten ■ tbey w" fimI II II iH II 1 honorable employmcnt tliat w!ll illUllU ■ "01 tiikc Ihein f om their homes ■■■■■ ind families. The proflts are large and sure for every industrious person, niany have made and are dow uiaking several hundred dolíais a month. It is easy for any one to ranki' 5and upwardsper duv who i willing to work. Either sex, younp or olí; capital nofc needed; we start vou. Everything ucw. N o special ability, reader, can do it as well ns any one. Write to us for particulars, which we mail free. AddrcssStinson Co., Portland, Maine.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News