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l'olitics are yet quiescent. The üfth ward boasts vi ünee meat , markets . March wastme to tradition. It carne ' in like a lion. __ There are two cases of diptlieria in ' the Ilamilton block. ïbere weie eight arrests made by the city marshal dming Fu'"'" ' , vThe Sunday school in the üfth ward i give a social at the chapel this evening. A new residence will be built on Wasbtenaw avenue bv Evart II. Alvin Wilsey is building an addition ia the rear of the rooms occupied by the team laundry. ___ Rev. Dr. Steele preached in the Jeffereon avenue Detroit Tresbyterian ehurch last Sunday. The officer oí me Ann Arbor Commandery Knights Templar will be MStalled this evening. Among u.c i. buildings to be erected in the sixth ward this sumrnei ís oue by lJrof. Carhart. Capt. Manly will build a new house on Broadway street. The house he bow occupies is for sale. Willie, the two year oíd sou of Erwiu V. Ball, of Hamberg, died Wednesday f inflammation of the lungs. Mis. o. aia died Wednes iay near Dixboro, of congestión of llie langs. Aged nearlv 7tí years. Ypsilanticity retuina $321.44 deliiiqueuttaxes, nearly equally divided be tween the two supervisors districis. JohnBurnea, a hif-u hcliuol students, ÍL-om Salem, having become slightly deranged, was oUhged to be laken home. Justice Frueaufi' on Tuesday sentenced Benjamin Gillman to tliirt days in jail for beiug diunk on Mondy. Mis. Geo. S. Morris and Mis, V. R. de l'ont returned Wednesday evening fiom a visit of several weeks in New York. Edward Johnson irainped to Monday for being druuk. It will be thirty days before he resumes his tramp. r The Carpenters Union will hold a Tery important meetinít next Monday ereuiua; in their room over Stimson's grocery. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will speak next Sanday evenina: in the Unitarian church on "Miracles in the Light of To-day." A. D. Seyler will build a residence on the comer ot Liberty and Thompson streeis. He will, thus, still remain in the first ward. It is a bright little ten days oíd daughter which graces the home of Michael Sheehan. Itsürst dancing lessons have not yet been taken. The official majority against prohibition is 1638. The üguies are the same as given in the Argus last week, excepting Ypsilanti city, where the tiry majority is 3. Oï the forty-nine attorneys ou the printed list of the Washtenaw bar, the names of but 24 appear as attorneys ia cases on the docket for the March term of court. Two lady attorneys' names now appear in the list of the Washtenaw bar in the court docket for the March term, Mrs. Mary Collins Whiting being the latest addition. A petition is talked of to ask the legislatura to pass a law prohibiting the sale of liquor within flve miles of the Universiiy. The University Prohibition Club is pushing it. The floor of the gallery in the Ladies Library building has been leveled, so that it can be used for refresbments, in case the ladies should desire to give auy entertainment there. The public reception given by the Grand Army pos last Friday was largeiy atitmled. Upon this occassion Comrade J. T. Jacobs presented the post with a five year Ie ise of the hall. Mr. Fied Krause, the auctioneer, has decided to remain in the city doring March and April lo attend to auctious in this vicinity. Orders may be left at the Argus office or with Johu Goetz. N The old Hill mansion is beini? torn down and moved trom the rounds. It is thought that Mr. White, theowner of the old llill property,intends cutting streets through and selling it off in city lots. " Mrs. Sarah F. McElrain, mother, of Mrs. M. C. Peterson, of Fourth street, died at the home of her daughter last Saturday, aged üfty-eight yeais. The remains were taken to Garrattsville ou Monday. There was $2,213.77 expended by the citj last year for the relief of the poor in the various wards, moie tuanhalf of which was expended in the fourth and üfth wards, and the least of any in the second ward . The board of managers of the Horticultural and Agricultural Society hold a very imponant meeting to-morrow afternoon at two p. m. in their room at the court house. Every member of the board is requested to be present. llarry Tons, Manager of the Eckert Robiuson Dramatic Co., which appears it the opera house all next week, is in ,he city. Ilis coinpany lias been doing i big business in Michigan. Mr. Tons nakes bis home at Tetoskey, Mich. Dr. Krehbiel formerly with the Bullis Capsule factory has organized a new jompany in Kalamazoo of which W. K. L'ayne of chis city is president. L'rof. VV. II. l'ayne of Nashville, ïenn., vice president and Dr. Kiehbiel, superintendent. Arm Arbor city returns $465.04 delinquent taxestothe county treasurer. Of this amount $234.32 is returned f rom the flrst ward, $83 tiö from the seqond $21.33 from the third, $50.27 from the fourth. $49.70 from the fifth and $25.70 from the sixth. Gideon R. l'ayne, father of Prof. VVH. Fayne, died yesterday morning, in this city, of heart disease. He was sevènty-four years three months and twenty days old. He was bom in Farmington, N. Y. The remains were taken to Ohio this morning. The following directora of Joe T. Jacobs & Co., were elected March 5th, J. T. Jacobs, D. C. Fall, VV. W. Wadhams, Jerry D. Ryan, John H. Cuttiug. The comuauy re elected J T. Jacobs, president; D. C. Fall, president; and VV. W. Wadhams, secretary. - Therehave been numeious rumors afloat on the streets, about their being a recount of the votes in Jackson county cast at the local option election, alleged destruction of ballot boxes etc Thev are grountlless. The official 'dry" majority in Jackson county is 99. Messrs Steffey and Serviss, of Daylon, Oh o, vlio have purchased the steam lauudry on Fourth street of Kearney & Costello, have arrived and will open the laundry in about ten days. They are young and active uien of experience in the business and purpose lo push business. The new gallery being prepared for Mr Eniest Kiueer over Brown's tlrus; store will be very complete and, best of all, it will be a germine artist who will take posession of it in a few days. He has been with Bandall for the past Üiree years, so tliat be will open here with a reputation already well established. l'rof. Gayley was called to lron Mountain, Mich., last week bv the illnjss of his half-brother, Samuel Urown. We are sorry to chronicle Mr. Brown's death . He was a young man of unusual proinise and had passed first among 20,000 scholara at recent school caminatiuns in Ireland. The remains were brought here for burial last Monday. Mr. E. Clancy,Jr., willsellatauction next Monday, at the first house west of the Catholic church, on the Whitmore Lake road, live miles north of the city, agood work horse, mare, two year old colt, cows, sheep, mower, binder, f arming implements, household furniture, &c. Mr. Tred Krause wlll be the auctioneer and the sale commences at 10 a. m. The Anu Arbor Counmandery Knigtis Templar, on Tuesday evening elected the following oflicers: E. C. Charles E. Hiscock; Gen'I, Benj. F. Watts; C. G.,C. S. Fall, Prelate, S. W. Clarkson; S. V.,L. C. Goodrich; J. W., J. L. 8tone;Treas., D. C. Fall; Recorder, J. R. Miner; Standard Bearer, N. J . Kyer; Sword Bearer, Geo.W. Millen; Warder, A. C. Nichols; Trustees, W . V. Nichols, Wm. G. Doty, Thos. F. HUI. Half rate Excursions to florida, Via. the popular Queen & Crescent and T, A. A. & N. Al. Itoutes. Excursions leave Ciucinnati March 13th and 27thi April lOth and 24th. One lowest unlimited fare for the round trip. Tickets good for 30 days with the privilege of stopping off enroute South within 10 days of date of sale. Continuous passage returnitig. Forfurther information apply to A. J. Faisley, Passenger Agent. Au auctiou sale will occur at the residence of Mis. Charles Clements, four miles aouth-west of Dexter, in Lima, on the Scate road, eight miles west of Arm Arbor, Monday, March 21, at ten o'clock, when two span of work horses, a carriage horse, 21 cows and heifers, 145 sheep, binder, mower, hay loader and mauy other farming tools besides buggies, wagons, scales, harnesses, &c, will be sold. Fred Krause is the auctioueer.