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PREDEKICK KRAUSB AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. Kor further particular cali at the Akgus office. Í1 HOWELL. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, tOOM 4, MASONIC BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Niehols' office, i'elephone, No. 100, at the House. Calla Answered Day or Night. TThauncey joslyn, ATTOKNEY AT LAV, tO OlTICE OVEU THE POSTOFflCE. ri K. WILLIAMS, ATTOENEY AT LAW, MILAN, MICH. Conveyanein(j and Collections. R. H R. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 té IJ; 2:30 tu ;í :JSO. Can be reached at residence, Weet Huron St., at the "Prof. Nichols Iflace" bv telcphone No. V7, and will reply to elle in the evenlng. TJR. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Huron and Main. Residence 6 South División st. Office hours tromi to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. tf b. norr1s, Attornet at Law. Does a general law collection and conveyanctog business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully solicited. Office in the Court House. tttc" w. nichols & a. c. nichols, d. d. s. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of rttalizedair. gjlihu b. pond, Jtjstice of the Peace And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. CoilectionB promptly made. Ajfent for LondonandLanca8hireFire Insurance Co. Fair ratoe. Prompt payment of losses. 19- tf a nn arbor engine & boiler works. Machine Shops. Manufacturera of boilers, water-tenis, oiltanks and emoke-stacks. Repairint? promptly done. QRAMEK & CORBIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ann Akbor, Míen. Special attenticin to Lening Money and all Financial .Matters. WANTS, FOR SALE, TO RENT, Etc FOK KENT.- My dwelllng, South Fourth Strtet. WM. MoCKEKY. FOK SALE.- A house and three lots and a half, good barn, wel] cistern, all kinds of fruit on place, tvvo and a halt' blocke trom court house square. House conUiins ten rooini, Enquire at Akgus otïiue. HOUSE WANTED TO BENT. For a term of years Suitable for keeping boarders convenicnt to the University, Address Lock Box 1!. Wllliamston, Michigan. FOR SALE.- One and one-half story house geven rooms, three lots, barn. etc. Terras easy . EUGENE K . FKUEAÜFF. 4K South Main Street. ipH)R RENT, several Very Desirable PIANOS, tu Exctlleiit Condition. - Aonly at the ABGU8 Office. 48tf ifOIt SALE- ïwelve acres peucheB and sniall ■ fruits. Good house and barn, two miles, froni court house. Terniö reasonable. EUGENE K.FRUEAUFF, 4 South Main Street. FOK SALE.- Six aeres Buitable for fruit On good road near the city. EUGENE K. FKUEAUFF, 48 South Main Street. TAK WAI.KS.- I make and repair tar walks, als do teaming. Orders will be promptly t-tendeU to. Addrcss O.M. THOMl'SON, P. O. Box 1846. ÏJ1OR SALE.- House and two lots insecond . ward. Lot sold separate. Termseasy. KLGENÏK. FKUEAU1F, 48 South Main FOR PAI.E.- Houícandlot lol foulh Main St Inquire within or at coiinty treasurer's office. F OU SALE-- Lot No. 111, bmith'8 additlon, gi.xth Ward. Lonpr time to one who will build. EUGENE K . HUEAUFF, 48 South Main Street. FOHSAIjB.- A grood horse, carriae and harnees for sale very cheap. Inquire at Akgi's office. FOR SALE. - Two new top bupgics for sale cheap ibr cash. These are oarg-ains. Inquire of tí'. Charles SchulU. Duffy bloik, Ann btrect or 39 strect. JOST. - SmaH inink colored dog withsilver rollar jmade ofdimcs mnrked with name Bcsmíc. Snitable reward will be paid by rcturning to 51 East Librrty strcet. fOR SALE, two houses,No. 9 North State strce and No, 3a South Thaycr. These houses are oíd to close up an estáte . N. G. BUTTS, No. I. Volland st.


Ann Arbor Argus
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