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Bach & Abel. 

Local Brevities

Whooping cough has made its appearance in our city.

C. Bliss & Son have just expressed goods ordered from New Mexico.

Miss Bower, of New Hudson, was the guest of Mrs. C.C. Warner last week.

April first falls on Sunday this year and the small boy will miss some of his usual fun.

the annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association will be held Monday, April 9th.

D. Cramer has traded his Lansing property for a farm immediately adjoining the corporation of Fenton.

President Angell lectured before the YMCA of Detroit Wednesday evening, taking as his subject "A Peek at Peekin."

Miss Mary Jacobus, of this city, was married in Toledo on Wednesday of last week to Peter Manz of that city, where they will reside.

Supervisor O'Hearn seems to be as sure of election as man well can be and this is as it should be for he is a first-class supervisor.

The Toledo & Ann Arbor sell round trip tickets for one fare to all points on their lines on Saturdays good returning on the following Monday.

John Miller was convicted before Justice Pond last Friday of being drunk the day previous. He was fined $4.50 costs or in default thereof ten days in jail.

O.D. Royal, left for Bartow, Polk County, Florida, Tuesday evening. He will look after the interest of H.C. Clark, who expects to return about the last of April.

Frank Campion has received an offer from the Jackson baseball club, a member of the Tri-state league, to play short-stop this season at a salary of $75 per month.

The Easter services in St. Andrew's church next Sunday will be at the following hours: Morning Prayer and Address 6am, Holy Communion and Sermon 10:30am, Children's service 4pm.

The democrats of the fifth and sixth wards will probably renominate Supervisor Butts this evening. Mr. Butts has made a most efficient supervisor and is a very valuable man to keep on the board.

Mrs. Arabella Westfall, formerly a resident of Lima, died Monday of general debility attendant on old age. She was 82 years ten month and 20 days old and was the mother of Mrs. Ageline Westfall of North Division street. The funeral services were held Wednesday morning, the interment being at Dexter.

Miss Nellie A. Monroe, daughter of G.M. Monroe, of the third ward, died last Sunday of quick consumption. She had passed her nineteenth birthday only a month before her death. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon.

Johnnie A. Smith, son of John Smith of Salem, died last Saturday of inflammatory rheumatism at the early age of eight years, seven months and three days. The funeral services were held on Tuesday form Peebles church.

If you have anything to sell, wish to buy anything, want a girl, want a situation or want anything else, you can advertise in our want column free of charge to the extent of twenty-one words, for three weeks if you hand in the advertisement before our next issue. After that date we shall charge for advertising in the want column.

The monthly meeting on the pomological society will be held April 7th at 2pm in the Agricultural room a the court house. The topics will be the reports of committees, fruit exchange, new varieties of peaches, peach prospects in Washtenaw, and question box. An exhibition of fruit, preservers and flowers will be made.

The Chicago Herald in describing the Woman's Congress in Washington says: "Louise Reed Stowell, of the Michigan State University, followed with a paper on "Retrospection." Mrs. Stowell is a pleasant faced woman with a smooth deliberate voice. Her gown of black satin had trimmings of Nile green silk. On the waist was a cluster of white roses. Mrs. Stowell, like several of the delegates, wore her bonnet."

Rev. Dr. Haskell in his farewell sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday referred to the establishment of the Baptist church in this city in 1828 and traced its progress. During his seventeen years pastorate it had built and paid for a $30,000 church and in the same time had raised $68,000 for different purposes. Dr. Haskell had spent forty-one years in the ministry in Detroit, Kalamazoo and this city.

The republicans of Ann Arbor town renominated F.B. Braun for supervisor by a vote of 17 to 12. The balance of the ticket is John T. Fuller, clerk; John Keppler, treasurer; C.M. Osgood, justice; A.G. DeForest, highway commissioner; W.J. Whitlark, school inpsector; John Baesler, drain commissioner; and as constables B.F. Bradley Jr., B. Bluett, G. Stabler and F. Hicks.

The Starr Opera Company which commences a weeks engagement here next Monday evening, is the same one that a couple of years ago gave a free entertainment to the convicts of Jackson State prison, and had on that occasion a very large and very appreciative audience. It has been enjoying crowded houses at the stands it has been making this season in Michigan. It plays for a week in White's theatre in Detroit early in May.

The Democrats of Ann Arbor township having put the following ticket in the field should now work for its election. Supervisor, Walter S. Bilbie; Town Clerk, Charles T. Parshall; Treasurer, Charles F. Stabler; Justice of the Peace, George Warren; Highway Commissioner, Thomas G. Burlingame; Drain Commissioner, Andrew C. Mead; Constables, Albert West, James Stefee, Frank Hagen and William Hayden, Jr. The town committee for the ensuing year is J.J. Parshall, Thomas G. Burlingame and Andrew Smith.

There will be a special Easter service at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. The church will be decorated with flowers and there will be extra music together with recitations and addresses, adn commemoration of those in the congregation and Sunday school who have died during the past year. Also a number of personas are to be received into the church. In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give the eleventh of her lectures on the Books of the Bible. Subject: "The Apocryphal Books."


The Starr Opera Company while playing in East Saginaw a couple of evenings ago had what was called an Elk's night. The East Saginaw Herald says:

At the conclusion of the "Gaspard" scene in the "Chimes of Normandy" the curtain was rung up amid the most enthusiastic applause, which was called forth by the fine acting of Mr. Deshon, Rev. Rowland Connor, a member of the Elks, stepped upon the stage from one of the boxes and addressing Mr. Deshon said that he was delegated by the East Saginaw Lodge of Elks, to which he belonged, to present him with a token of their esteem in the form of a buttonhole bouquet. The head of the elk was made of carnations, with roses for the eyes, large green leaves for the ears and heliotrope for the mouth and nose. The massive antlers were covered with smilax, and altogether it was a magnificent piece of floral work, and was designed by Herman Deckman, the Washington avenue florist. Accompanying the elk head was an elegant bouquet, and hanging were cards on which was written: "To Frank Deshon," and on the other: "From the East Saginaw Lodge of Elks."