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Jopyrighted by the Author, and publislied by arrangement with him. "Not always," she siruled strangely and reached out her hand to Philip. It was bot a womaji's hand, small and vclvety, but he touched it as i f tliero ere a dagger in its white palm. He knew by the look of evil triumph in her face that sho had not been away for nothing. Could it be there was anything woree thim he had forgiveii already - some page oL' Bertha's life so black uo depth of love could cover it? A deadly faintness was upon him. "I have brought twovisitors," sho went on; showing tho tips of her white teeth in a beau ti ful sniilc. ïo be sure, there sat a portly woman with the slightly elevated chin of a certain variety of the sex when on its dignity. But Jane said "two" - where was the otheri Ah, the other was in the woman's lap. It was a baby. Mr. EUingsworth tai a very peculiar cxpreseion on his face to-night, as if his wife were disappointing him. It was rather a daugerous look if Jane liad understood it. She was offending his elegant tastes extremely by bringing to his house a vulgar, f ussy old wotnan and her baby whom she, no doubt, had picked up on tho railroad cai-s. Philip trtood nervously iumbling his watch chain, and waiting for a blow to fall on him, he did not know v.lieuoe. It was a hule baby's hand that eaught at Fhilips aria, and lie turned to look iato ita great star like bluo cyes. Ho had seen that bouio marvelous tint in cheeks bef ore, and a cold horror of recognition darted through his soul. He triod to lift bis spellbound eyes, and they i-ested instead on tho face of Jano EUiagsworth, which was lit up with a flendish exu'tation as Khe held the ohild up to him. "U'bnt- not kiss the baby?" she Itmghed gayly. "sSui-h a pretty babj-, too; why it reallyhas complexión and eyesÜke Bertha's." She did not ccase to look at his shriuking face. "But its mouth and chin':- Something made him Juok at the baby's featui-es as she mentioued tliem, and then ho shuddered; it was too terrible, "are more like somebody else I knovv." Her email, ilashing black ied burning their way to his very bram. Who is it.-'1 öho bent towai-d hira so that her hot lips seemed abnost to kiss his ear. "Curran," .she whispered. Could he not tear himself away from her poisonous breathi -'.N'ot sostrange, though?" She let the baby jiut its chubby hands into his hair, though she saw every touch was a thrusfc Ihrough tbe quivering fibers of bis heart. Sbe foncied he did not understand, he was so still aml silent. "Not strange that a child should look like its - tather." Hadlhe young bridegroom forgotten all about liis wedding and the bcautiful woman up stairs wonderiag why she was uot calledí It seemed su, lor he sat down, and thoy foisted the pretty baby on him, and his face wore a ghastly smile as lie looked at it. Once, at an expression in the little face, he caught it to Kis lips, but as suddenly he thrusfc the child intu the nurse's lap and rose to his feet. "Wha.1 are we walting iori" His face was like marble for firniiiess, and it seeme j af dead. Jane drew hira quiekly into the hall. " You ai-e not going to naarry the mother of that" "Hush," and her woman's soul quailed at the look he bent on her. "If you dareto Whisper a word to Bertha, or show her that Chüd" "I thought you would thank me," whispered the false lips. She saw it was all in vain - lier journey to Vineboro. She had followcd Bertha's tracks like a bloodhound, and had found her fatherless child in a stiunger's home, learningto forget its high brud mother. Jiov surely she must suffer repulso and dain asthepoor faetory gii-1 had suit'ered it - in her very wedding dress. Tor tlie sight of tliis baby face would chil] the most arden lovo tliat ever burned in a bridegroom's heart. But no. This man's love was deeper tlian the sentiment and vanity tbat oomnionly inakea the cliief part oí what is absurdly called passion. liis faith was so sublime,, shame waa ashanicd beiure it. His face had lighted up at hor words. "Oh I will thank you a thou - a thousand times if you wil] send thux woman and the chüd away." He had t::!;':i her .hands. "Jane, tor Uod's sake do it." He would have given her a fortune, but she had Kold herself once, and her price was Onough. He could only pray to hei' in all the phrases of entreatr the agonios of Ufe have tautht mankind. "Tiie;. shall leave th house at once,'1 she said al las nl to go back Into the room. He thoughi hu prayers had nioved ber. Butsheknew her plot liad tailed; she had wruag his Ueart, but his will was unmovti'. She made a virtue of her neeeasity. Philip would be gratoful to her forever, but theiv would he gometihlng else, perhaps. Such hale as hers eould not be ttirncd aaide by so feeble a Uring a pity. "Huw palé you tare, Philip. Are you afraidr and liertha smiled royally on himas she took bis arm, and thev passed up the hall. "I ain t!e happfest man in the world," and he tried tu sinile as bis liand dosed over her Sngersj liki an iron vise, it was só oo But how sad he was, as if an exq piece of sculpture that he loved had tallen trom a great beight and been shivered into a thousand lragiueuts. The hoe and joy of his Ufe seemed slipping away fioin him. That little child's face hung between him 'T' ' the bride who was promising to befaithful- ii she unly had been faithful to him; its baby hands seemed to shield her bosotn from him, its quavering cries to reproach him for daring to kiss its mother. So small and sweet a baby, but its face seemed threatening him, its infant form linked indissolubly a past he had hoped he might forget with a presentand future he had foolishly thought had a great store of happin&ss for him. The minister had taken his scat. Was he really married to the golden haired woman whose hand he held to tightly : A";;.s this the moment ha had dreanied of as riiarking liis enti-anee into a new ideal lifeí Had h'e said everything correctly? He eould not reniember, bul he did not want any mistake made about tliis at least. Oh yes, it was nonr he was to kish his wife. He held her to his heart an instant. This was his wife, but joy was dead behind lus dry, fererish lips, and his sur. Ie, meaut to cheer her, was as if some terrible pain was gnawing every moment at his heart. But Bertha appeured to uotice jiothing wrong. The train which bore away the bridal pair had not traveled a great many miles when something caused l'hiiip to look ia the seat behind them. There sat the portly woman, with her chin at last depressed in slumber, i and tlio baby witb Bertha'seyesandCurran's j moutti. One of Bertha's coila of hair had ae loosened, and a braid of golden hair hungover theseat as slie let her bead resl on bsn husband'a shoulder. Bertha's eyes were closed drowsily, the mirse in theseat behiud nodded in her dreams, but the child reached out its baby bands to píay with its mother's golden tressee. The young bosband wutcbed the ehild's lijis forming ïgain and aam one word, "mamma," the wite feil asleep and droamed she was the haj piest woman in the world, while boneath her head evory throb of the man's heart was au aohe. t0 BE CON-TINTTED.I THE "Q" STILL FULL OF FIGHT. All the Stiikíiiií Switclimen formally Discliarged - II i ii m; New Men. Chicago, Mareh 7.- The time fov the Burlington switchmen to return to their work ezpired Monday ufternoon, and as none of the old men appeared at the yards the formal ánnounceinent was uiade that the strikers were all discharged. New men were at once hired, and severa] trains were dispatched. The "Q" officials say that none of the strikers will U: laken back ander any cü-cumstances, and that inside of forty-eight hoiu's a full werking force of switchmen wil] be secured. "The men are simply fools," said President Perkins, of the Burlington. "They had no complaints or grievances to make, and thoy have made none. They have struck for the sole purposo of helping somebody else, and the result will be they wil] lose their placea" It was stated by officials of the Switchmen's union that the strike would probably extend along the entire line of the road as soon as the men could be reached. The brakemen, it was stated, were also getting ready to strike. The arguments in the suit brought by the Burlington against the Rock Island, which ere io uave Deen maae ueiore J uage uresham in the United Status court Monday afternoon, were indeflnitely postponed on account of the judge's absence in Müwaukee. Chicago, Mai-ch 88. - The ofllcials of the Burlington road state that the men who have lately left tfae service of the road are uo switch tenders, but are the men wh makeu the trains and couplc and uncouple the cars Tliey are knmvn as yard-men. Forty new men to take the places of the strikers wer secured Tuesday, and by their efforte ninetj six cars of freight ; made up in six trains were sent out of the yards.. By Friday nex the Burlington people say the full forcé o yard-men tII have ben obtained. Ther were nodi lay. A immber o: deputy slieriffs guard the property of th railroad, and will be kejit on duty lintil th trouble luis subsided. The following message was received Tues day by President Perkins, of the Burlington date at Boston, Mass., Maren 7, 1888: The board of directora have .jusi passed the fol lowing resolutiou: "Resolved, That the board nnanlmously approve of the presidenfs course during the late strike, and consider it is their duty to offer a steady reslstaoce, regardless of consequenues. to any attempt to take the man Bgemenl of the road from the hands of its own i'l-s.


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