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High School Doings

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Miss Hannah Anderson will lead the Christian Association this afternoon, the subject for discussion being "The Heavenly Home."

 The following officers have been chosen for Lyceum No. 1: President, LeRoy Southmayd; vice-president, C. C. Spencer; secretary, C. F. Griffin; editor, G. M. Hosack. 


At a meeting of the junior class held Friday last, the following in respect to the memory of their late classmate, Miss Nellie Monroe, was adopted:

WHEREAS, In view of the loss we have sustained by the decease of our dear and beloved classmate, Miss Nellie A. Monroe, and the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to her, be it

Resolved, That it is but a fit tribute to the memory of the departed to say that in regretting the removal from our midst, we mourn the loss of one who was in every way worthy of our respect and regard. 

Resolved, That we, the members of the junior class of Ann Arbor high school, do hereby tender this testimonial of our heartfelt sympathy and sorrow to the bereaved family, and commend them to Him who doeth all things best. 

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the Ann Arbor papers.