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ANN ARBOR 8HALL PRÜ1T MJR8BRY All kinds of Berry Plants. Fruit and Ornamental trees f rom Ellwanger Barry, ítochester, N. Y. t3& Orders must be sent at once. _ Wii)es aï)di)rüps Sweet and sour home-made wiue for invalids. Bonesett Shrub, liaspberry Wine and Svrup. Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BAUR, West Huron Street. C.H. MILLEN Insurance Agent No. Í South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest' agencv in the city. Ls tablished a quarter of a century ago Representing the following ürst-class companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207,20e Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co. of Philt. - - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of Londoa 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Globe 3? '0.000 tanates low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. C. E. MILLEN. mm m ! Is given on trial andiwarranted to ffive satisfaction or money ref unded. Chronic Cases a Spettialty. Office No. 6 Wasb ington St. Over Rinsey & Seabolfs Store, Ann Arbor ■ ■NIH II KUWARDED are those who read nTflTTT Vtllis andthen aot' they win flml II II 111 Ij i honorable employment that will ■ ■■UltM ■ not taku thcia f om their homes ■■■■■■ "and families. The proflts are large and surc for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dolíais a month. It is easy for any one to make f5 and upwardsper dav who is willing to work. Eithcr sex.youngorolcí; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. N o special ability required, you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us for particulars, which we mail free. AddreBsStinson & Co., Portland, Maine. HOÑEY )3EEm You never can obtain, except at fabulous prices, coffee that will better suit your taste than the celebrated Hoi! Bee Cifi KOLD HV E. WAGNER, wlio is making TEA M MM i 5PEGIALTY. He also has a fine line of Groceries and Provisions, Glassware, Tobacco, etc. The proof of the pudding is the eating, so try bnying your groceries of TCAGlffER, 33 S Main Stieet. Ann Arbor. _mfM%Mt Patents obtatned in Tj. S. rfJRKfï. ftn a foreign countries KViuI! Examinatious made. LÍíilMlillHijfi censes and assignmenta SSpPTjTrfrJl dra n. Infrinmenta ■sfyijil H: H.MÑ-McourtB. Advice anti pmntvlilllBllni3p'letsfrec' ScionUfic cxWtflll ILÜWpert vulidtty opiuiona ■fy 1 n I mWrT i i ni KomaUelsretiulrra. wLNSBRJ' Estabilshed A. D. ïstó. 51 Cures Weakness, Spermatorrhea,JaLJk yRjP Emissions, Impotency ejaáaW Dis-S" j jjOiS' ease8caused by self-abuse or n-w' ifiiS. diacretion. One package $1, sis S5."a [bbfobe] Bymail. Writo forPamphlet. JaptekJ llïureijia Chemical Co., Detroit, Itlicb. fpv PGNNYSOTAL WAFEBS ara Í5 successfully used monthly by over 10,(XX ' iLadies. Are Safe, Effectualand Pleasani %3 $1 pr box by mail.or at druggwts. Seaied ■PortiirtttoiS 2 postage atamps. Address Tb Eureka Chbmicai Co., Xtsraort, Mioa Sold by H.'J. BROWN.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News