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The New Council

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The fiist meeting of a new council always calis out a number of spectators and the meeting last Monday evening was no exception to the rule, the liniited space allotted to spectators beiug crowded. The voll cali showed a full council of fóurteen members for the Ürst time in a year. The council proceeded at once to the election of city officers in the order named iu a resolution, offered by Ald. Wines. The informal ballot for marshal resul ted, Fred Sipiley 9, A. II. Filmore 5. The formal ballot resulted Sipfley 8, Filmore 6. Sipfley was thereupon declared elected. liefore the election for treasurer, the following resolution by Aid. Hammond was carried unanimously. Besolved, That the treasurer of this city now to be elected shall be required to turnish with eaeh monthly statement an affldavit from the cashier of the bank, in which the city funds are deposited, showing the amount of funds in said bank at the time of the statement for the month. The balloting for the treasurer, resulted: Informal let 2nd 3rd John Moore - 1 1 Z.Roath - 4 4 8 GeorgeH.Pond 3 4 J 2 Total H 14 14 14 John Moore was declared elected. The ballot for city attorney resulted Zina P. King, 8; C. Joslyn 2, John Law. rence2, J. Sheehan 2. The other city officers elected were: City engineer, J. B. Davis; city pbysician, Dr. C. G. Darlmg; board of health, Dr. W. F Breakey, H. B. Dodsley and Eli Moore. The standing committees were then announced as follows: Finance, Martin, VViDes, Allmendinger. General Funds, Herz, Allmendinger, Miller. . Streets, Sutherland, O'Mara, Spokes, Barker, Ware, Martin. Sideicalks, Kearns, Allmendinger, Herz, Hammond, Miller, VVines. Fire, Miller, Sutherland, Hammond. Pólice, Ware, Wines, Herz. License, Recorder, Kearns, Spokes. Parks, O'Mara, Barker, Spokes. A petition for a sidewalk on the north side of Wilmot street between VVashtenaw avenue and Elm street was referred to the sidewalk committee. The Students Christian Association building committee petitioned for the use of State street in front of their lot while building. They were given the use of óne-third of the street, under the supervisión of the street committee. Aid. Herz introducéd the following: Mesolved, That permission be graiited to Heinzman & JLaubengayer to build a sidewalK across West Washington street east of theT. A. A. and N. M. R. R. track. Referred to the sidewalk committee with power to act. A)d. Wines moved that the mayor appoint a committee of flve, of which the mayor and city attorney shall be members, for the purpose of revising or amending the city charter, said committee to report to this body on or be. f ore the first regular meeting in November next. The following aldermen were appointed members of the committee, Aids. VVines, Allmendiuger and Kearns. A motion of Aid. Wines that the committee on revisión of the city charter be empowered to employ a secretary and obtain such materials and advices as may be necessary to a proper execution of their work was laid on the table until the next meeting. Aid. Hammond moved that the approaches to the Pontiac street bridge be taken out from the middle of the street and put in their proper places and the crossing be built as soon as possible. Referred to the street committee with instructions to report at the May meeting. The janitors of the engine houses of the fif th and sixth wards were re-appointed. Recorder Bach introducéd the tollowing: Resolved, tuat the finance committee be requested to report at next meeting of tlie council the önancial condition of the city and an estímate of the necessary ordinary expenditures for the year, together with the amount available in the various funds on February lst 18S9, subject to, the order of this council. Alderman Allmendinger moved that the recorder be instructed to receive biels for interest on city deposus and report the same to the council. The motion was carried. The motion introduced by Aid. Allmendinger that the finance committee be given the usual sum of $25 to investígate the books of the treasurer and recorder was carried. On motion of Aid. Ware the finance committee was allowed the usual amount, $50 for clerk hire. Aid. Herz moved that a committee of five be appointed bv the chair to report on the official bonds. The mayor appointed as such committee. Aid. Allmendinger Herz, Miller, Barker, Sutherland. A recess of 3 minutes was taken togive the committee an opportunity to look at the bonds flled, after which the committee reported that they required further time to consult the city attorney to see if they were in proper form. The Mayor then announced that he had not had time or opportunity to prepare an address to the council, but he desired to say a few words in relation to the financea of the city. The finances are not in a condition to allow any extravagance whatever during the ing year. The balance now on hand is several thousand dollars lees than has been placed to the credit of the city in recent years when a new council has taken charge of the city's aflairs. And there is a certainty that we shall receive less money f rom the liquor tax . Even if the same number of saloons continue in business this year as last, the city's reoeipts will be $1,600 less. The taxes last year reached the limit allowed by the charter. As we cannot bring the receipts up to those of last year, we must economize. Uur charter permits us to raise $19,000 annually by general taxation for all city purposes. The expenditures for the fiscal year ending February, 1888, were 38,201.51 and between the ürst of May, 1887, and the first of February, 1888, tbey were J35.077.u7. 1 refer to these figures not for any invidious purpose, but merely to cali your attention more clearly to the fact that it is absolutely nec:;tsary for us this year to reduce our expenditures far below those of last year. We havn't the money to spend and henee unless we watch the expenditures very closely, we shall meet with great flnancial difficulties and find ourselves unable to pay those who do work for the city. Henee I need not remind you, geutlemen, that we should thiuk ,wicebefore incurring any expense and consider whether or not it is necessary. Anothf.r matter I desire to cali y9ur attention to is the necessity for looking af ter the sidewalks. While we concede the necessity of looking after the streets, we should remember that we do not all ride, but everyone of us walk. Many of the sidewalks need looking after. The importance with which the people view this subject is shown by the increased number oE petitions for sidewalks which monthly come before this council. A little attention to this may save us from the expense of damage suits for injuries receivedby reason of detective sidewalks. I believe that we all believe in the enforcement of the laws. If any of our ordinances should be thought to be too stringent in their provisions, it rests with you gentlemen to repeal or amend those ordinances. They cannot be suspended by resolutions. The mayor closed by requesting the indulgence of the council as their presiding ofücer for the ensuing year.