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Ry nei"T TUIT ft CU'S OXE-CVAT Kt UCT PATxT r'iii t 1 -iifliiy, run it tothurcli Suiulay. Eiffht I'a&liionable Shatlcs: I lack, M.iroon, Venniuon Blue. Ycllow, Olive Lnkc, Brewster and Wagon Crcens, Ko Varnljshing r:;ct:ï.&.iry. brie lui-U wilb & "kliiac." One Coac anti job is done. YOUR BUCCY Tip top for Ciiairs, Lawn Seat-;, Sash. Flowcr ï'ots. ii.iby Carriages, Curtflln Poln, luniiturc. Front Dours Store-fronts, Screen Doors.-Boats, Man lis, Iron Fenece, m fjet everylhing. Just i)ie tiing for the ladics to use about the houc FOR ONE DOLLAR COIT'S HONEST Are you poing to Paint Ihís yearf lf so. don't buy a p.iint contalnihg water or benzme when füri'vc s.iri!c monev (ornearly so) you can procure HUTA ( U'S II ÜK PAI.NT that is warrantfd to beun HOM ST, CKMIK Ll.NSEKD-OIL PAIXT ind free from water and benzine. Dpnianrt thïs iirnni und f:ikp no otin-r. McrchanU huidBtig it are our agents uid auiïiorizcd by us. in writfng, to wnrrnnt i to ionr ü VKAUS .th COAT or 8 VKAHS Httb t (OATS. Our Shadö are the I.atest Styles ud in the East now bccomi so popular in tlie West. and up ■with the times Try Hns brand of 1IONKST PAINT and you WÍU never rcret it. This to the wise ís sulTicicnt HOUSE PAINT coit's floor ?mm Palnt that nerer dried beyond the sticlcy point, waste a weck, spoil the job, and then swearT Next time cali for (IT fO'H FLOOR PA11H 4 popular and suitable shades, warrmntvd to dry kH a rock .ver aight. No trouble No BssWDHT DRY STICKY ) i i J , e S - e a ■-. f "Sa M ..'3 "O E7jS = -u la # t; 1? - 5 c 2 S Hl ïl O Q a2 -es


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