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' WANT COLUMN. ■Want notices, for sale, for rent, lost, etc., hree lines for three weeks iu this column for wenty-flve cents. 71 OR SALE-A GOOD PHAETON CARBIage in tirst class order, Inquire of G. F. winner, 22 8. Fourth Street. 15-17 H)R RENT- A corner front room, 30x22 third ■- floor, gcrmania block. Inquire of M. StaJer. 1."H r ANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try the horso shoe brand of land rertalizera for ale by M. Stabler, Washington street. Btf. 7H)R SALE OR TRADE- Span of work - horses bulk weight 1200 at Green's Uyery arn east sido of the court house . 15-17 ?ORSALE OR EXCHANGE.-Will exehange ■ valuable farms for valuable city property r will sell on timo. D. Cramer 15-17 HERMAN CARP.- Send your orders for VT stockingponds, either with spawners or oung ah to R. C. Reeve, Dexter, Mich. 7H)U SALE AT A BARGAIN- The stere bolonging to the estáte of M. Clancy. now ocupiedbyC. F. Burkhardt, No. 4 East Huron treet. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at No. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. ltí 71OR SALE AT AUCTION-The Canadian i Draft Stallion, Young Ivanhoe, at Cook's arn, Ann Arbor, Saturday, April 21st, at 3 clock p. ra. Josiah Beamish. 14 15 1"ANTEDAT ONCE.- Five lady and four ' gentlemen eanvassers. Apply !to the inger Mfg. Co., Ann Arbor. D. B. Gallagher, leeial. 14-16. rHE WOMAN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU is located at No. 88 East Washington street n charge of Miss Sperry. 14-16 71OR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Farm of 370 j aerea. 2tO acres under cultivation. Good uildings modern improvements. Land very roductive. House in Ann Arbor or farm ear city taken in exehange. Particular iven by Eugene K. Frueauff, No. 48, S. Main treet. 14-19 71OR SALE- A pair of four year old horses, i sold together or singly. Enquire of or adress M. D. Sullivan, Unadilla, Mich. THE UNION HOTEL gives a good Meal for 25 cents. 16 W. Washington, St. 13-15 "THAS. L. ALLIN, Contraetor and Builder, J Plans and Specitlcation Carefully Drawn Res. 4(i E. Cathenne St. 13-15 ANTBD.- To buy a seeonrl hand union 1 cultivator. Inquire, 68 South División t. 13-15 MRS. LEE, Carpet Weaver, 129 Broadway, Lower Town, North of Ann Arbor. 13-15 7OR SALE.- One ten year old sorrel mare, JC sound and kmd. 1100 weight. Price $80. au be seen at Stoam Saw Mili at Ann Arbor. ohn T. Hallock, Milan, Micü. 13-15 OR SALE.- A farm of over 200 acres all in good repair. Will be sold at a bargain if old within the neit sixty days . Address boi 203, Chelsea, llich. 13-15 VOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Three hundred v and ten acres óf land situated iu Bollinger County, Missouri, 3',- miles from Marble Hill, he county seat. Willsell cheap or exehange or a small farm in Washtenaw County, For articulara, Address, L. R. Lee, Dexter. 13-15 FOR SALE.- Farm of 180 acrei in Saline township, large barn, two house aud good ut buildings. Inquire of J. VV. Forbes, aline, Mich . FOR SALE.- A numbor of pea fowls. WEBB DEPU Y. Saline, Mich. TO RENT.- Very convenient rooms for housekeeping. Either up stairs or down. Apply at once at number BChurch street. 1-15 rOB SALE.- One and one-half story house V seven rooms, three lots, barn, etc. Terms asy. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Mam Street. 7OR.E.ENT, Seyeial Very üesirable PIANOS, ■ in Excellent Coudition.- Apply at the A.BOUS Office. 48tf FOIi SALE.- Twelve acres peaches and small fruits. Good house and baru, two miles, 'rom court house. Terms rsasonable. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street, FOR SALE.- Six acres suitable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K. Frusauff, 48 South Main Street. TAR WALKS.- I maki' and repair tor walks, also do teaming. Orders will be promptly attended to. Address O. il. Thompson, P.O. Box 1846. FOR SALE.- House and two Iets in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eueene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at county treas urer's office . FOR SALE-- Lot No. 111, Smith's addition, sixth Ward. Long time to one wlio will build. Eugene K. irueaufl, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE, two houses, No. 6 North State Btreetand No. 32 South Thayer. These houses are sold to close up an estáte. N. G. Butts. No. 1 . Voland St. tí UREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONKEK. Will attend to all sales on 6hort notice at reasonable charges. For further particulars oall at the Akqus office. 1 HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OOM 4, MASONIC BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichols' office, Telephone, No. 100, at the House. Calis Answered Day or Nigrht. 77 R. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT Uff, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. w w. nichols & a. c. nichols, d. d. s. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use oi -italizcd air. rjLIHTJ B. POND, JUSTICJE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street Collections promptly made. Agent for the Union Insurance Company of California Fair ratus. Prompt payment of loBses. ltf- tf riRAMER & CORBIN, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ann Arbor, Mich. Special attention to Ldning Money and all Financial Mattere. TkR. H li. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reached at rest dence. West Huron St., at the "Prof. Nichol placo" by telephone No. 97, and will reply to calis in the evening.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News