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We Lead All Other Dealers

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Ladies Can Moe Easily Realize Why IN PRICES AS WEIX AS VARIETY Upon cocsidering that we run two stores, buying goods in rauch larger quantities, therefore getting lower prices. ' With the many advantages of immense sales and little profits, as well as the long experience in buying, we, beyond any question, save money for every purchaser, large or small. ' _____. TTTST OFEIV ■ i ■ , Some More Spring1 Inducers. A ful) case, 32 pieces Manchester Cashmere, twenty-eight inches wide, all good and desirable shades, at 12 1-2 cents per yard,. An entire line of Lupin's Celebrated French Black Goods, bought from an overloaded importer at our own price. These are worth at least $1.00 per yi rd; our price 70 cents. A large line of Lupin's and Priestley's all wool and silk warp Henriettas in all the new spring shades. We cannot duplícate these at the prices. One case of Serge to sell at 50 cents and one case of Sebastopole to sell at 60 cents per yard. They have both been sold at 75 ets. to $1 per yard. Remember all New Spring Shades. These new goods are ari-iving in such quantities that it is useless trying to mention all, but we gladly show them all to customers in little time. We have the newest novelties in Trimming Braids, Beaded Goods, Morie Silks, etc, to match our dress goods. A new line of Swiss and Pique Flouncings. Extra value in Fancy White Goods. Our PARASOL. OPErtílÍG INÍEXT WEE!!MACK flt SCHMID.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News