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OCR Text R. Stuart has retirec i rom the management, and proprietorship of" the Sault SteMarie Democrat, the largest weekly paper in the state. The new proprietors Burchard and Brownell will continue to expound true democratie doctrine and the really excellent anc enterprising paper will greatly aic in the coming campaign. Let a democrat talk of tariff reform and a cutting down of taxation upoti nccessities and the republican press brand him as a free tratier. Republican politicians do the same and vet if you pin them down they will admit that the Utriff onght to be reförrned. The diflerence between the democratie and republican method of reforming the tariff is that democrats want the tax reduced. on necesBities.of life the repüblicans on luxUfies, and because oí this difference, the democratie party will win this fall. It yet looks as it Mr. Blaine had the best prospect of beiug the next republican candidate for president. VV hen the convention is held, Mr. Blaine will be upon the ocean. Should he be mentioned, he cannot telegraph a positíve declination and ii nominated hu cannot decline until after the republican convention has adjourned, which would ot course be much too late. Mr. Blaine's determination to sail from Europejune léth, three days before the Chicago convention ís a very pretty scheme. ■ It is one of many indications that he is not averse to again running for president. The Ypsilantian's Lansing correspondent speakes of Gov. Luce's versatility and the ability ot his off hand addresses, etc. We remember an hand address of his made at VVhitmore Lake last suinmer. We know it was off-hand because Luce said it was. He said he never could tnemorize a speech and spoke of the task of making so many different speeches. Judgeofour surprise at iïnding exactly the same speech, using the same anecdotes and putting Jthe arguments in the same words in the Adrián papers as delivered y Luce at the Devils Lake farmers gathering. Our admiration for Luce's versatility as shown in offhand addresses feil below par. The Allegan Journal and Tribune is one of the bitterest repubhcan papers in Michigan and the last paper in the state, where we would expect to see an intimation that Michigan migfat be regarded as a doubtful state. Yet it does so intímate in the following language: "PresidentCleveland has done thing in his pover to draw the StaU of Michigan into the Democratie column. Some of the highest offices under his control have been freely given to Michigan men and more are promised and the Democrats, nol without reason, count it a doubtful state and claim that they will carry it next November." Ünder republican presidents, Michigan was considered of little importance. But democratie president has given it a place in the cabinet and several ol the highest offices in the erovernment. Michigan might properly show her appreciation of this tieatment by giving Cleveland a majority next fall. Chas. R. Pattison, formerlv editor of the Ypsilanti Commercial, and for many years a staunch republicanj but more recently a prohibitionist, writcs thus from Florida, wherc he is now staying, to his oíd paper: "The fact is that the intelligence and the better element is democratie here. The whites are almost solidly democratie, and a liberal slice ot the negro vote is also democratie, besides. Grover Cleveland is as popular here among republicans as he is with many northern republicans, and will get thousands of votes given to Blaine in 1884. The Prohibition party has but recently organized. Thcy have started a paper at Sanford, and have held a state convention and sent delegates to Indianapolis. But it is a sure case that so long as the Forakers and Chandlers and the Ingalls keep up their infernal ravingsand lies, and intense hatred against the south, will her white vote 3e solidly democratie. This northern rant works harm in the south. It ieeps back improving and elevating Torces. It also disgusts white republicans here, and the eyes and ears of the colored voters are being opened so that they are getting to loathe it too, and more and more vote with their persecuted white brethren, who treat them a heap sight better than northern republicans have ever done." Some of the republican papers of this district are patting Allen on the back lor a recent short speech whicn he made in Congress. They seem to have the idea that the sound oi words is of more importance thrn their effect Of this speech the Adrián Press says: It was rather cruel for old man Holman, but it had to be done, anc Congressman Allen had to be carried out on a stretcher, last week Ed. as everyone knows, has a voii e almost as big as liis stomach, and a tongue limber as any that evei licked up the English language He is not verv excessively modest either, and loves a debate naturally as much as the average fepublican does an office. It has been a mattei of surprise that he has refrained from entering the arena of speech making so long, and he probably thought it was time to let Congress know that he was no duffer, if he did come from M chigan and last week he essayed to make his maiden speech, on a proposition to increase the salary of injan Commissioner Stevens, from $i,oooto $1,500. He was wound clear up, and when . he exclaimed, "Mr. Speaker," the goddess of liberty on the dome trembled, and there was silence in the house, while he began his clextrous handling oi Anglo-Saxon in behaif of his measure. Holman objected, vvhereupon the doughty Allen went for the old man with a vigor and vim that was pleasing to the entire house, but after he bad run outpretty well on the length of of his rope and was proving Holman's helplessness, tl' e old man quietly laid hini on his parliamentary back by a simple point of order, that a raise of salary must be first approved by the appropriation committee. Allen was carried out on a stretcher, but they all know now that he can talk if he don't jct tripped up.


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