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Mis. .N . B. Beers has returned from Chicago . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haliock and child are at his mother's. Stuart, son of C. S. Millen, paid a visit to Detroit last week. Ecl. C. Hinmann, of IJattle Creek, was in the city last Suuday. Hon. John J. Robison was out at his farm several days this week. Miss MarsaiPt Sinclair, of Detroit, visited friends here this week. Editor Chilson, of the South Lyon Ticket, was in the city, Monday. Mrs. Frank Blanchard, of New York City, is visitins? friends in the city. Mr. Batten, of Philadelphia, was a guest of Mr. C. S. Millen on Suuday. Mrs. McGregor, of Albion, has been a guest at Major Soule's the past week Alderman A. Hammond is spending the week witta his daughter in LaPorte Ind. Mr. McMonaerle, of Middletown, N. ST., spënt Sunday with friends in this city . Mr. and Mrs. Ilairy Morse, of Alpena, have beea visitmji Prof. and Mrs. Chute. Wesley Hicks, of the Michigan Central railroad, spent Sunday witli his family. Editor llorbacher. of the South Lyon Excelsior, was un Aun Arbor visitoi' Monday. Taylor Geer has returned home to l'lymouth from his ranch at Durand, Colorado. Mr. Louis Rolland, anold Ann Arbor boy, novv of Denver, Colorado, is visiting in the city. Judge ï. M. Cooley, chairman of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, was ai nome last ftaiuiaay. Mrs. C. A. Kent, a gaest of Mrs. D'Oodge, returned to her home in Detroit last Monday rnorning. Mis. E. D. Kinne visited Detroit and Monroe this week, Judge Kinne holding court in the latter place. Mis. Oltnstead, nee Maloney, formeiiy of this city, has a position in one of t)e departrnents at Washington. Mrs. L. Komney who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. WilliamG. Doty. for the past few uiouths, lelt for Texas last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Pendill visited Mrs. Pendill's graudfather, ex-Governor Felch last week, on their way honie from their wedding trip to Florida. Miss Ilenriqiies, of South Fil'th 8t., returned last 1iesUay raorning from an extended yisit in Europ. Her friends and neighbors are glad to see her back again. Mis. Norman Cliapin, of South Fifth Street, returned home Wednesday after an absence of sonie months. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wilson, ut Chicago, and grand son Joe. Rev. C. Schiller and wife of the German Reformed ohurch, of Toledo, O. spent Monday with Mr. E. Baür an fauiily. This was' their flrst visit t Ann Arbor and they returned to thei l'orne much pleased with the crty au University.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News