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Local Brevities

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P. J. Schleede is remodeling his house on Second Street. A. J.Sawyer has been giving his re?idence a new coat of paint. TheT. A. A. li. 11. Co. are building an addition of 60 feet lo their freight Jaouse. The Ann Avbor city band will give a concert in Beethoven hal), next Friday evening. liightning burned. several telephone poles between Mooreville and Milan Tuesday night. J. J. Koch is iitting up lus place on Washington street for a restaurant, cigars, tobáceo, etc. S. VV. Clarkson was elected a director of the Peninsular Savings Bank of Detroit, Monday. Eumor is current that a very brilliant wedding is to take place in Dne of our city churches in June. Dr. Wood is making repairs and improvements on his residence, corner of Fourth and Packard. Joseph Biscurnb and Frederick Gaus were admitted to full citizenship in the circuit court last Friday. TheT. A A-Co., are contracting for materials for their new passenger depot. It is to be of stone and brick. The Bishop will visit St. James church, Dexter, next Sunday morning and Delhi Sunday School at 3 p. m. Will Eldert has a new ten pound boy at his house. Tally threefor the passanger department of the M. C. B. B. Capt. Janes, late of the regular army, will be the orator at the Memorial day exercises of the G. A. R. Post in this city. A song service was held at St. Andrew's church the evening of Ascensión day. Prof. Cady had charge of the music. Alvinzie S. of Postmas. ter Doty, of Manchester, and unele of Probate Register Doty, died in Tecumseh last week. Those contemplating a change to "the glorious climate of California" should read Mr. Fritz's letter in this week's Augu. John Plisterer is greatly improving his property in the second ward by arching and regulating the cretk flowing through it. _ Rev. Dr. Kamsay will deliver the second of his lectures on the "Evils of the Tongue next Sunday evening. C. M. Thompson is putting down a new tar walk in front J. J. Goodyears new residence, also at the corner of Fourth and Packard. Judge Cheever's residence on Madison street and Mrs. O. Root's residence on Ann street, have been greatly improved by being newly painted. George Grossman, formerly of this city has removed from Detroit to Saginaw City and has gone in the drug and grocery business with his brother William. Casper Rinsey took possession of the Franklin House last Saturday morning. Mr. N. Drake has charge of the house for Mr. Rinsey and he makes a good landlord. Last week there was a S15.000 transaction in New York of Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad bonds; $10,000 went at KW and $5,000 at lOOf.- Evening News. Tha Dundee Fuel Gas Company hold a meeting Monday evening when they expect to make arrangements for borng. Nearly all of the shares of the company have been sold . Mrs. Joseph Jedele, .of Lodi, an old pioneer, died at her residence onJTueaday. Funeral to day from the house at Oo'clock a. m. She was a sister of Mrs. J. Schairer. of Second street. Tne following cases are on cali befóte Judge Lane, Monday, May 14: Gorslin vs Bucklin, Liesemer vs Alber, VVebb vs Alber, Gilí vs Hutchinson, Gorman vs Clark, Moorman vs Hale and Cornwell. An informal reception will be given the Bishop in the parlors of Hobart Hall for members of tlie congregation oL St. Andrews church and of Hobart Guild, Saturday evening, Iay 12 at8:10 n. m. W. G. Doty G. C. G., C. E. Hiscock E. C, and B. F. Watts J. I., will attend the Grand Coramanderv of Knights Templar to be held at Grand Rapids on ïuesday and VVednesaay of next week. Mr. F. Krause, the popular auctioneer, reporta a very successful season. His last sale was on May 2rtd. Persons wishing his service will flnd him as heretoTt'ore on the Heading farm on the gravel road . The Knights Templáis decorated the graves of the twelve Sir Knights buril d in Forest ill cemetery, yesterday afternoon. On the grave of each one was placed a cross of evergreen with gcarlet and white llowers. Justice Frueauff had a very exciting case before him Wednesday. Anton Otto vs. August Dupsloff for settlement of account. J. W. Bennett appeared for plaintiff and F.Pistorius, for defendant. Judgement was rendered against defendant for $74.89. Miss C. Anderson and Mr. S. Morgan were thrown from a canias e last Saturday by the horee shying that Mr. Morirán was driving. Asicle from Mus Anderson's bruisêd and cut face no great amount of damage vvas done. .f. J. llöbison, assignee of Hsnry üsborne, has made satisfactory arrangements wilh the creditors and Mr. Osborne will resume business. They are to receive 2ö per cent. of the amount due them now and the balance within four years. Two of the.members of Company A joineü the ranks of the Benedicts this week, and the company carne up to the scratch with appropriate presents which may have the effect of spreading the epidemie of marriage in the ranks of the company. Dr. Eldridge, of Flint, the first homceopathic physician in this city, celebrated the Hfcieth anniversary of his marriage last eveuins;, on which occasion many of bis friends, including some fromthis city, assembled to see he knot re-tied. Mrs. Richard Z. Johnson, ot Boise City, Idaho, who is visiting her son, in attendance at the University, feil down a ilighi of stairs at the Cook House Tuesday eveningbruisingherself badly. She has been conflned to her room most of the time since. There will be a song service at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening with a chorus of about 15 voices, consisting of the two chorus choirs of the church, assisted by Dr. Blanchard. This will be the last of the evening services f or the season . The offlcers of the Ann Arbor Typographical Union, No. 154, elected last Monday evening for the ensuing year are Hiram Sweet, president; Frederiek Schulz, vice-president ; Cari Kern, seeretary; George Stauch, treasurer ; W. A. Groom, sargeant-at-arms. O. D. Royall, who is looking af ter H. -U. Clark's interests in Florida, reports heavy rains and prospects good. Mr. Clark has 13,000 tomato plants and 4.000 hills of cucumbers, and is getting from $3.00 to $3.50 per crate of three pecks for them in the Eastern market. The Michigan Central will, on May 12th, 15th and 19th, sell tickets from Ann Arbor to Detroit and return, at the rate of SI .65. including adtnission to bal'Vround, returning on the date of sale, un account of league base ball games. II. -W. Hayes, ticket agent. - - Mrs. Alice Courtney, of the Fourth yard died Tuesdav, May 8th, at the age of 75 years one month and 14 days, of cáncer. She was born in lreland and had resided in this county for 64 years. Funeral services are held today at 9 o'clock at St . Thomas church. Charles Roehin, a carpenter in Krapf's sash and blind factory, and Miss Henrietta Keniper were married Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, No. 45 Fifth street, by the Rev. Mr. Belser. They are keeping house at their home on North State street. Mrs. N. Stimson, of this city, wntes the Detroit Journal that she thinks July 15, August 15 and 16 will be the three hottest days of this surcmer. Martha Winster writes that these days will be August 1, 2 and 3, while Mrs. M. tí. Whiting predicts the most torrid weather.Junel2, 13 and August 1. The school board have decided to build the addition to the Union school at once, if it can be done according to Spier & Rohn's plans and specifications and come within the $24,000 appropriation. The plans and speciücations can be seen at Mack & Schmid's store, tiïds will be received for the up to May 19. The Slattery monument placed in the Datholic cemetery yesterday, by James fc 15arney,;is certainlyjathingof beauty, [t is of sand stone in the form of a rustic cross. It is a perfect imitation of an oak tree, with an ivy entwined about it. In place3 the bark is rouglied up and looks very natural even to a worm hole. It was designed and built by the firm and is a credit to them. Sidnev W. Milhird, captain of Company A, and pressman of the Register office, was manied last Tuesüay evening to Miss Sophie J. Wálz, at the residenceof the bride"s tatlier, Ludwig VValz, by the Rev. Mr. Belser. The ïappy couple very sensibly dispensed with the usual wedding trip and will be found at home. The Aegus joins in the wishes of many friends of a happy future for them. Mrs. Phebe Ann Martin ot the first waid, mother of Oliver AI. Martin, of this city, and Benjamin H. Martin, of Bay City, died at her residence on Liberty street yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock of general debility, aged 7j years and 5 months. Mrs. Martin was born in 1816 at Mottsville, Thompkins Cj., X. Y., and came to Ann Arbor in 1844. The funeral will be held at her late residence at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon . Sotne such item as this from the Ypsilanti Commercial will be written in this city some day, if the boys dou't stop playing ball in the stieets, and. the person of whom it will be written wil not be crossing any commons but sim ply walking on the sidewalk: "Mrs C tas. Woodruff, while crossing the commons on East Congress street, was hit in the forehead by a base ball with which some boys were playing, anc quite badly hurt." Services in fcjt. Andrew's charch next Sunday as follows: 7:30 A. M. Litany and Iloly Gommuuion, 10:30 A. M . , Aiorning Prayer and Sermón, 12 M. Bible Class, 12 M. Sunday school, 7 F. M. Confirmation class in the chapel, :30 P. M. Evening Prayer, Confirmaron and Sermón by the Bishop. A meeting of those interested in the 'ormation of a society for the prevenion of cruelty to animáis was held at íMremen's hall last Friday evening, of which Rev. Dr. Earp was chairman and Drof. V. S. Perry was secretary. A ommittee on constitution and by-laws, onsisting of Zina P. King, Prof. li. E. ichols and V. S. Perry, were appointd to report at the adjourned meeting o be held next Friday evening, May 8th, at which time it is hoped many may be present to assist in tonning ;he organization . Mrs. Sarah A. Vandawarker, an oldesident of this city, died at half-past nine o'clock last Sunday evening of paralysis. Shewas the widow of the ate Jacob Vandawarker and had reïded in this city for flfty years. She was bom in Orange county, N. Y, Sept 16, 1820. She leaves one son. Dr. Frank Vandawarker and two daughters, Mrs II. Krapf,of Ups city and Mrs. Dr. Warren, of Mil ford. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock froro the house on the córner of Fifth and Catherine streets. A very sad death occurred in this city on Saturday morning last, when a i lovely young mother, about twenty years of age, left a ñne boy but three i day3 oíd, and a loviog aad beloved msbandwho is terribly bereaved by his great loss. A. happy home, once gay and cheerf ui with the song of a light ïeart and bright hopes, is darkened forever- the bird is flown to brighter i skies. ïhe husband is Mr. Grant Hall, a senior in the law department. May strengtli be given him to bear this great ordeal through which he is called to pass, and in which his many friends feel the deepest syinpathy. The remains were taken to Hooperston, Illinois. Mr. James Kennedy, one of our old and respected pioneers, died at his home in Northfield last Friday, aged 83 years and three months. Mr. Kennedy carne to this country f rom County Limerick, Ireland, in 1831, and to Michigan in 1835 when he settled on the farm in Northfield upon which he died. He leaves six children, Williarn Kennedy, of South Lyon, Mrs. Mary Burns, of Northern Michigan and Mrs. Julia Donovan, Edward, Michael and Lawrence Kennedy, of Northfleld. The funeral serviles were conducted by the Redemption Fathers, at St. Patrick's church. The services was generally attended, being one of the largest for years.