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WANT COLUMN. Wantnotices, for sale, for rent, lost, etc, three Unes lor three weeks in this column for twenty-flve cents. FOR SALE.-HOUSE AND NEAKLY ONE acre of ground 84 W. Liberty. Enquire at No . 4 E . Huron street. 19-21 . 'T H E UNION HOTEL gives a good meal for 26 cents . Bottled beer. Quarts 10 oenta, pinte 5 cents. IS W. Washington street. John Schneider.Jr. 19-30. F OH SALE OR TO RENT- House at end of North Huron St. on Grant St.T.F. McDonald Sixth Ward Store. 19-21 FOR SALE CHEAP. - Pair small nuiles young, sound and kind. Louis P. Hall or E. B. Hall. 18-20 FOR SALE-A GOOD PHAETON CARRIuge in i'luss order. Inquire of G. F. Gwinner, 22 8. Fourth street. 18-20 TO RENT from June lst, Desirable Residence of 7 rooms, pantry, good cellar, etc., on North Fifth St., one block from Court House square. Inquiie of C. S. Elmer, Ferguson Cart Works. 18 tf LOST- In the M. E. Church, or between the church and cornor of 4th and Packard St. An Agate Pin with gold setting. Please return to this office and receive reward. 17-19 ORSALEOR EXCHANGE.- Will exehange valuable farms for valuable city property or will sell on time. D. Cramer 15-17 UOR RENT- A modern house with furnaoe, - gas and water accommodation, in fine location. For particulars apply at 21 North university avenue. 16 tf . ÜOR RENT- A corner front room, 30x22 third - floor, germauia block. Inquire of M. Stabler. 15tf IV ANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try " the horse shoe brand of land fertalizers for sale by M. Stabler, Washington street. lBtf. POR SALE AT A BARGAIN- The store be1 longing to the estáte of M. Clancy, now occupiedbyC. F. Burkhardt, No. 4 Eust Huron Street. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at No. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. 14f T71OK SALE OH EXCHANGE.- Farm of 370 JJ acres. 240 acres under cultivation. Good buildings modern improvements. Land very productive. House in Ann Arbor or farm near city taken in exehange. Particulars given by Bugene K. Frueauff, No. 48, S. Main street. 14-19 TT'OR SALE.- One and one-half story house -T seven rooms, three lots, barn, etc. Terms easy. Eugono K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. COR RENT, Several Very Desirable PIANOS, ■ in Excellent Coudition.- Apply at the AKGUS Office. 48tf FOR SALE.- Twelve acres peaches and small fruits. Good house and barn, two miles, from court house. Terms reasonable. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street, FOR SALE.- Six acres suitable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K. Fru3auff, 48 South Main Street. TAR WALKS.- I make and repair tar walks, als do teaming. Orders will be promptly attended to. Address O. M. Thompson, P.O. Box 1846. FOR SALE.- House and two lots in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at county treas urer's office . FOR SALE --Lot No. 111, Smith's addition, sixth Ward. Long time to one who will build. Eugene K. 'rueaufi, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE, two houses, No. 6 North State street and No. 32 South Thayer. These houses are sold to close up an estáte. N. G. Butts No. 1 . Voland St. tf tr. l. l. white Clairvoyant Physiciak, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit. Especial attention to the troatnient of chronic diseases. UREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notiee at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the Abqus office. r HOWELL, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SÜRGEON, 1OOM 4, MASONIO BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichóls' office, Telephone, No. 100, at the House. Calis Answered Day or Night. 7Ï K. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. ty w. nichols & a. c. nichols, d. d. s. Dbntists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extraeted without pain by the use of "italized air . l?LIHU B. POND, Jtjstice of the Peace And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. Oollections promptly made. Agent for the Union Insurance Company of California. Fair rates. Prompt payment of losses. 19 - tf nn. james c. wood, Office Cor. Huron and Main. Residence6South División st. Office hours from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. "P B. NORR1S, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a general law collection and conveyancing business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully solicited. Office in the Court House. riHAUNCEY JOSLYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J3F Office over the PostofficeTVB.H R. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reached at residence, West Huron St., at the "Prof. Nlehols place by telophone No. 97, and will reply to calis in tne evening. piRAMER & CORBIN, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ann Arbok, Mich. Special attention to Ludning Money and all Financial Matters. CALESME&I Pusliing, Rellablo Men, to 1 vassfor NURSERY STOCK, Per-B I manont Employment Guaranteed. Salary and Expenses Paid. Apply at once, stotiug age. Glen 'Brothers, (Refer to this paper.) KOCHESTER, N. Y


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News