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Local Brevities

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Walter Toop occupies A. R. Hall's bakery on north Main St. L. J. Taylor's new house on Church street is just being finished. An addition to the house of Dr. Prescott is being built by N. D. Gates. The cold weather of the past week very luckily did not injure peaches. Rev. Dr. Eamsay preaches on Religión in Business next Sunday evening. An ice cream social will be given by the fifth ward Sunday school this evening. Henry Frank purchased the saloon business of George Ularken last Monday. John Finnegan received several carloads of potatoes from Dakotu this vfeek. A reception was given by the Hobart Guild last Saturday, for Bishop Harris. The last social of the season in the Congregational church was held last evening. The acid supplies for the chemical laboratory have been awarded to Eberbach & Son. W. E. Howe is building a new house for himself, on the north side of West Huron street. The Chequamegon Orchestra give a grand concert in Saline next week Saturday evening. There are three new houses in process of erection on the north side of West Huron street. Twenty-eight persons were confirmed at St Andrews church by Bishop Harris last Sunday eveniDg. The residence of Mrs. Lyman Davenport, of York, burned to the ground Wednesday morning. New sidewalks have been built on the north side of l'ackard street between Fifth and Fourth streets. Good music at the strawberry and ice cream festival, at the M. E. church, Thursday evening, May 24. T. D. Kearney, Esq., of this city is a candidate for the democratie nomination for prosecuting attorney. The new directory canvas indicates that Ann Albor has over 10,000 inhabitanta, not including students. Wheat has gone ,up to ninety-two cents. This ought ts make the farmers smile who still have wheat to sell. The Board of Heview begin their work next Tuesday. It promises to be a little more iroublesome than usual. Lewis T. Hessier, of Ann Arbor, has been granted a pension by Uncle Satn. So has Joel W . French, of Ypsilanti. A concert and dance will be given Fridav evening at Germama hall for the benefit of tne Ann Arbor city band. F. Stofflet has sold his bazaar on Huron street to VV. D. Adams, who was formerly-his partner here in the bazaar. The new house being built by Mis. Byron Cheever on Packard street has already been rented to L'rof Beighard . A strawberry and ice creara festival will be given by the Ladies Aid Society, in the M. E. church Thursday evening, May 24. Scanlan, who appears in the Irish Vlinistrel next ïhursday evening is always a favorite here. He cajries his own scenery. The foundations for the new house of Evart Scott have been finished and the cross walls and chimneys are now being erected. George A. Peters, of Scio, was elected a delégate to the Greenback National Convention at Cincinnati, but was unable to attend. Mrs. Lukins is building a new house on Orleans street, near Washtenaw avenue. The excavation for it were made this week. John Sears, of Saline, was badly inured internally by being thrown out of a wagon by a runaway horse Detroit, Wednesday. Probate Register Wm. G. Doty, ha3 been elected Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery of the Michigan Knights Templar. George Miller is the delégate of the Germán Workingmen's Aid Society of this city to the state convention held in East Saginaw in June. Dennis Doyle was given fifteen days in jail for being drank last Saturday and John Carroll was given twenty days for the same offense. At the strawberry and ice cream festival given at the M. E. church, Thursday evening, May 24, young ladies will be dressed to represent the seasons. Right Rev. Bishop Marris preached at St. James church in Dexter last Sutiday moming and at St. Andrew's church in this city, Sunday eveniug. Six new lots in Gott's addition have been sold this veek. ïlieir advertisement on our flfth page and the desirability of the lots olïered, is bearing fruit. B. J. Corrad was elected a member of the prohibition state central committee for this district and also an altérnate to the national prohibition convention. Bob. Tidswell, wMtewasher, shook the dust of Ann Arbor frotn his feet last Friday. Before going he sold al' he owned and some thmgs belonging to his son. John Beahan died yesterday noon of diabetes. He was bom in this city and would have been forty-two years ot asee in October next. He retired from business on May lst. James A. Tipseromb, of this city, sues for a divorce from his wife, Mary Jane, whom he married in Guelph, Ontario, in February, 1877, on the ground of desertion. Alderman Spokes, of the third ward, is now Fatuer ISpokes, in a domestic 8ense as well as a city father. The young alderman will be of age twentyone years from Wednesday. There will be a "candy kitchen" in connection with the festival at the M. E. church, on Thursday, May 24. The candies will be made to order from receipts in the Jubilee Cook Book. The Kt. Eev. William Stevens, the bishop of Iowa, will preach a special sermón before the Hobart Guild, on this Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in St. Andrews church. All are cordially invited. John Young and Frank Desmond were sent to lonia for ninety days last Friday for stealing a watch from James B. Agnes, of Ypsilanti. When arrested the watch was found in the boot of one the men. Franklin Delos Cummings, of Chelsea, was sent to the insane asylum at Pontiac as a private patiënt Wednesday. He was armed with a revolver, a long bladed stiletto and a sword cane. He posseses considerable wealth. There are 86 members of the senior class, in the high school, 112 in the junior class, 120 in the second year and 176 in the flrst year. Besides there are 92 unclassiüed and special students, making a total of 586 in the school. Sullivan Boles, of Ypsilanti, has been sent to the reform school at Lansing by Justice Joslyn for "absenting himself from school and lounging on ttw public streets." He is to remain there until he is seventeen years of age. Nelson Brundage, of Northfield; died Wednesday of typhoid pneumonía aged 67 years, 9 months, and 10 davs. He had resided in Northfield since 1828. The funeral services will be held at two o'clock this afternoon at the Leland church. The county Agiïcultural and Horticultural Society met ia their room in the court house at two o'clock next Monday afternoon to select the judges for the fair next fall and such other business as may come before it. A full attendance is desired. The Michigan Central will, on May 12th, 15th, and 19th, sell tickets from Ann Arbor to Letroit and return, at the rate of $1.65, including admission to ball ground, retuming on the date of sale, ou account ot league base ball games. 11. VV. Hayes, ticket agent. Invitations haye been issaed tor the marnage on the eveuing of May 30, of Miss Kate F. Celle, sister of Mis. George S. Morris, to Dr. Arthur A. Boyer, of New York City. Dr. Boyer is a gradúate of both the literary and medical departments of the University. Prof. I. N. Demmon is building a fine residence on vvashtenaw avenue. His old residence is utilized as a small part of the projected new one. The first story of the new building will be of stone, the second story ot fancy woodwork. A large rustic porch adds much to the beauty of the plan. N . D. Gates is the builder. Next Wednesday the Ann Arbor Art Club exhibit over 100 pictures at the Ladies Library building. Those who attend will be surprised at the excellence shown in painting by members of the cldb, much of the work comparing extiemely favorably with much more pretentious exhibitions. After two or three weeks of painfui meditation, H. D. Platt concludes that lie doesn't Rnovv whether his horse was fed at the county house more, than the county ?s horse was f ed at his house or not and then evades the issue. What Mr Platt don't know would fill a big volumn. We havn't time for furiher consideration of his remarks this week. George C. Mahou, Lsq., has presented tweuty-two volumns of valuable Irish books to the public school library. This calis anew our attention to the very fine school library in which the residents of thé school district are allowed equal privileges with the students. It comprises over a,000 volumns of well selected literature and is probably one of the very best libranes of its size in the state. The librarían is on hand every day between nine and one, at which hours books may De drawn. Hearing that Joe T. Jacobs had sold his farm, to William Burke our reporter asked him about it last evening. He said the rumor was substantially true. He had sold the part ling south of the road with the buildings ou it taking part cash and part Aun Arbor property. "The fact is" said Mr. Jacobs. "I couldn't give farming and stock raising the necessary attention as the business of J. T, Jacobs & Co., is 4ncreasing so tast. I can put in all the work 1 care to iu the store " When asked about politics; Mr. Jacobs slyly intimated that he was in to that a little, " just for diversion and the good of his country and fellow man."