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ANN ABBOR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. Í HAUNCEY JOSLYN, ATTORXEY AT LAW, tW Office over the Postoffice. 1 R. WILLIAMS, ATTORXEY AT L.AW, MILAN, MICH. Conveyaneing and Colleotions. t? b.norris, Attornby at Law. Does a general law collection and eonveyanc;ng business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully sollcited. Office In the ourt House. KRAMER & COHBIN, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ak Arbor, Mich. Special attention to Lening Money and all Financial Mattere. AUCTIONEERS. LiREDERICK KRAUSE AüCTIONEEH. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charg-es. For furtuer partioulars oall at the Argus office. BREWERIEStfc BOTTLERS. Sil ARTIN & FISCHER, PROPKIETORSOF THE WESTERN BREWEBY, ANXARBOE, MICIIBrewers of Pure Lager Beer. rpOLEDOBOTTLING WORKS. I have the sole agency in this city for GRASSEK & BRAND'S CELEBRATED PILSENER AND BOHEMIAN BEER, And am now ready to deliver to any part of this city by keg, gallon, quart or pint bottles tree of charge. The satne beer is sold at my business place. No. 4 Detroit Street, by glass or bottle ; also the best of liquors and wines andctgars. Respectfully A. GWINNER, No. 4 Detroit St. CARRIAGE WORKS. i AKKIAGE MANUFACÏURY & PAINTING. Cor. Detroit and North Street. I have in my ernploy one of the bestcarriage painters in the state, and invite all who have a carriag-e, buggy or sleigh to be repainted in a workmanlike manner, to cali at the old reliable carrlage shop of A. R. SCHMIDT, 1 can also show you a flrst class RO AD CAKT of my own make at reasonable prices. DENTISTS. iv w. nichols & a. c. nichols, d. d. s. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Bloek. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of italized air . GROCERIES. iy F. LODHOLZ, WHOLESALE & KETAIL DEALER IN ALL GOODS SOLD BY GROCERS. Nos. i and 6 Broadway 2s!:iSr AEBOE, IsCICH. VITERNER & BRENNER . DEALERS IN Staple asá Faney Btootiits, Butter, Eggs, Cheese. TOBACCOS,CIGAHS AND ALL SMOKERS ARTICLES. Pure Teas, Pure Coffees, Pure Spices. 16 Main St, - - Ann Arbor. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. PLIHU B. POND, JXJSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street, nollections promptly made. Agent for the Union Insurance Company of California. Fair rates. Prompt payment of losses. 19- tf LIVERY BARNS jVT M. GREEN, 'liveisy-. A New and Usefitl Inyenïion. Patent Heater and Lantern. An absolute necessity for any one travelling in a buggy, carriage, wagon, cutter, sleigh, milk and clelivery wagon Invaluable foi hacks and omnibuses. It is a perfect security f rom fire. NO matches being required to instantly light the lantern without disturbing the globe. Rain and wind will not affect it. Gives a nice light to drive by. 17 NORTH FOURTII ST. TT KITKEDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. HVERÏ HACK ASD BAGGAGE IIJÍE, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders for trains, parties, weddings and futierais promptly attended tol Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. pVERYTHING NEW -ATW. G. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE NO. 21 NOHTH MAIN STHEET. BEST TUENOUTS IN THE CITY Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Telephone connection,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News