Gypsies hover about the county. New sidewalks are going down in Saline. Measeis are very plentiful around Stockbridge. A tent of the Maccabees has been organized in Gregory. Dr. G. W. Kishpaugh, of Clintcm, has located at Norvell. A big fourth of July celebration is on the tapis for Dundee. The Oak Grove school, near Nora held a picnic last Friday. Myron Pnce is building a new barn on his farm in Sharon. The Dundee cheese factory uses 6,500 pounds of milk a week. The Washtenaw county medica] society met in Ypsilanti last Friday. Holt & Co., will put some new machinery in the Manchester milis. A Grass Lake boy Killed a dozen woodchucks in one day recently. Next. The new school house in the Beeman district in Waterloo has been painted. The Barton House in Ypsilanti, has a new landlord in Mr. Barton, of Dexter. D. O. Stringham, the new marshal of Manchester, gets $10 a month salary. About 32,000 yards of cloth were in&mifactured at the Clinton woolen milis last week. The graduating exercises of the Manchester high school take place next i. hursday. A new parsonage for the pastor of the Congregational church in Salem vvill soon be built. C. F. Field, of Tecumseh, has charge of the Manchester schools for the remainder of the year. The little station of Cone, near Milan, shipped twenty-three carloads of charcoal last month. The Sharon milis are being repaired. They are being raised and new machinery is being put in the mili. The way a Salem correspondent expresses it, is that "the farmers are at their annual destruction of the roads." Rev. M. W. Fairchild has tendered his resignation of the pastorate of the Ypsilanti Congregational church. Joseph Diebold, of bharon, a young man who had just attained his majority, died of consumption last week. The Michigan Central having erected a fine new depot in Grass Lake, are now fixing up the ground around it. The Manchester village fathers have made up their minds that cows njust not run loose upon the streets of that place. Incendaries attempted to burn up Dundee last Friday. Luckily the lire was discovered before much damage was done. A brother, of the prohibition candidate ior president lives in Clinton. That brother will never be the brother of a president. Mrs. Albert Forsyth,of Ypsilanti, died last Thursday afternoon. She was nighly esteemed by a large circle of acquaintances. Bids will be received for the hay on the Pinckney park. Signs of "keep off the grass" seem to be obeyed in that burg. George Stautz, of Manchester, was married in Adrián recently by Rev. W. K. Spencer to Miss Mary W oermer of that city. Mrs. Zeno Carpenter died at the home ot her son, P. VV. Carpenter in ï'psiianti on VVednesday of last week aged 75 years. Frankie Fitely, son of George Fifely, of Northfield, broke his leg by falling trom a horse last week. He is a nine year old boy. The burglars who obtained $S from Roger's store in Ypsilanti last week, took especial care to replace the pane of glass, they had laken out in order to enter the store. All the scholars of district No. 5 have signed a petition to their schooi board to hire for the next term their teacher Miss Nettie McMullen to whom they said they had become so much attached. Ira T. Colby, for many years a resident of Ypsilanti township, died Sunday,June 3, aged seventy-seven years. He had been greatly afflicted having been blind and physically helpless for some years. The Dexter Leader wants to know vvhy we don't keep writing about the former loose way of running things at the county house. Simply bcause we consider that we have ventilated the matter so thoroughly that nothing remains to be said. To keep nagging away at one individual after the result was accomplished, would savor too much of vindictiveness.