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Michigan State News

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A. L. Crawford, & C'adilao merchant who satisfied a claim held by one J. Lamb, by boarding at the loral bastile, now brings a $10,000 damage suit against the latter gentleman. With agrowing population that nearly reaches 2,500 Red Jacket hasn't a church where the sermón is delivered in the United States language. John Rawlings, a St. Clair county man who ivas found guilty of assaulticg a little girl, will board at the Jackson prison for the next three years. Previous good reputation alone saved Mm from a heavier sentenee. The Holland Crystal creamery is turning out 4,000 pounds of choice butter each week, which finds a ready market. There's usually a demand for a really good article in almost any line. A Bear Lake citizen has been taken in charge by the sheriff because he didn't know any better than to marry a girl less than lfi years old. Sheriff Summers not only keeps a sharp eye on llountealm county crimináis, but also finds time to run a roller grist mili at Sherlidan. White playing with a buggy a little Essex lad got his neck fastened in the spokes of tbe vehicle and was strangled. Sheridan folks complain because a membel of its village councü spends most of his tima in Detroit. And yet there are plenty of towns that wculdn't object a bit if their loca] lawmakers were to stay away all the time. Harrison Baker, a Newport farmer, was killed by the collapse of a shed in which he had taken refuge from a storm last week. The handful of Salvation Army people who were locked up by the Kalamazoo authorities for obstructing business on the streets, think they were damagcd about $10, 000 worth, and have begun a suit in that sum to recover. There's such a demand for houses at East Saginaw that a comfortable cottage costs the renter 812 to $15 per month. A Grass Lake farmer is the owner of a Cock of eighty-six ewes that have brought him 106 lambs this spring. Good, healthy increase. Burglars are making things live'.y at Muskegon. But they're not the only elass that make the (saw)dust fly in that región. A couple of prisoners escap3d from the Grand Rapids jail by sawing oft the bars of their eells, on the 27th, one of whom %vas a counterfeiter of Uncle Sam's coin. A Detroit market gardener has kept a weather record since 1848, and claims that this is the most backward spring in all that time. A Cadillao man goes into swoet seelusion for ninety daye for walloping bis wi(e. This sort of amusement seems to be on the increase. Monroe lias a "gum" club whose members are required to chew gum from 7 to i) o'clock p. ra., but areu't allowed the consolation of talking politics the balance oí the time. That's an organization tnat won't svveop the country - not this year. The dog-poisoner is camping on the trail of Michigan canines in many seotions of the state. IE orüy the worthless curs feil victima to the destróyer, "Barkis would be willin'." Howell hens are great on the lay. One merchant there shipped over 10,000 dozen hen fruit in a single week. Alice Colé, a Genevagirl of 15 summers, planted 1,520 bilis of potatoes for a half day's work. That's a better record than many boys of maturor age ever made. A party of biü-posters emptied the balance of their paste in a Petersburgh street. Several cows came along and partook thereof and died. An explosión of a tweïity-toii boiler at the Marquette ir. i works nearly deatroyed that establishment., killing three men and wounding several others. Loss, $80,000. Low water in the boiler is supposed to have been the cause. The state tax of Michigan railroads, due July], amounts to 8701,344. An immature cyclone rattled around in the vicinity of C'apac one day last wesk, and did a lively business for a few minutes. Several buildings were more or less shattered and nauy trees uprooted. Bronson business men have shelled out a L350 bonus for the privilege of an occasional "halloo" at Coldwater and Sturgis people. The telephone has hallooed its way right to the front. The rickety old fencb surrounding the Petersburg hotel was taken in hand one nisht by a local eommittee while the proprietor was sweetly snoozing, and wben he avvoke next morning was novvhere to be seen, a bonfire having consumed it. Mrs. Robert Peterson, a Sagiuaw county lady, was fatally kicked by a cow tbat she was endeavoring to milk. The Lansing Tribune, that twinkled brightly for a time like a moruing star, bas gone to an early grave. Üccasionaüy the good die young. Over 100 persons are pegging away at berry-box and basket making In the Saugatuck and Douglos factories. The fuise bottoms in the former are fully as deceitful as in former years. A cat that had clambered to the peak of a Muskegon church roof on a prospecting toui d'.dn't know enough to mareta dom again, and was rescued by the fire department af ter baving occupied the lofty pereb for severa] days. F. J. Tompkins, a Girard farmer, is the owner of sixty-eight Southdown ewes that are mothering 100 line sheep. Proliflc flock ■Vhile digaiiií; a trench at Saginaw workraen canie across au Indian grave. The of the dusky brave were aceonipanied by a f uil hunting outfit f rom beads to tomttbawk. Several gaining establishments, some of wbieh were patronized by the bon ton of Grand Rapids society, were pulled by tb pólice reeently. Tbe second city is marcbing to the tune of reform nowadays. A Kalkaskia girl who maiTied in April, becarae tirerl of matrimonial lite and left her liege lord iu May. Aud the disapuointed 1. 1. advurtises that the folks in that vicinity needn't trust üer unless they'il tiike the girl f or pay. The Jacksou prison had 759 1 ardurs on J une 1, being seveu less than tlie lirst of the pre vious mouth. Professor J. L. Wagner b.-is bandlod the birchand ferule so satisfaclory at tiraud Ledge tor tb past nineyear that he has been re-engaged assuiriutend 'iit ui schools tor the tentii season. Somo [wüpjo ore noted for their weariag qualities. Burglars nada a nojtunial cali mi Dr. Wade, of Hollv, and relieved htm of $100 in superfluous cash. If they'U cali again tbe doctor will gie 'era a dose of !uad precipitate and not charge 'em l cent. V. R. Hunter, now in the employ of the F. &■ P. M. railway, has been a conductor for the past thirty-six years. He's an old hand at tbe puuching business. Mrs. Bemrose, the Michigan lady who has occupied a somewhat conspicuous place in the state press of late on account of rying a Greek, who was supposed to be wealthy, but when they reached Greece no fortune could be found, has at last reached her native heath at East Saginaw. She'll not take another matrimonial trip abroad - not right away. Devü's Lake, a Lenawee county hamlet, is putting in her bid as a summer resort. Ougnt to be a good exploring field f or Sunday school excursions. L. K. Shaw, the Romeo man who wandered away from home last water and died in a swaïnp. left a widow and a divorced wife behind. He also left some property which just novv figures as a bone of contention in the courts between the above mentioned feminines. Mrs. Edward Wilman, the St. Charles lady who was shot by her husband, will recover and announces her intention of becoming an Adventist inissionary. Tbe F. & P. M. railway is replncing its wooden bridges with solid iron and 'stone structures. The'Lansüig C'ondensed Milk company bas shipped a car load of their product to South America. It ought to be goo.l as the company uses over $100,000 worth of best redned sugar to sweeten it with. Corunna's First National bank is jogging along all right, despite the $50,000 run recently made on it. Some institutions show a heap of vigor in an emergency. A couple of Boston sportsmen came to Michigan in search of game and wandered down into Emmet county to make the ac quaintance of tbe immense flocks of pigeons nesting there. Two weeks of assiduous labor resulted in the capture of just two birds, showing them to be "culchawed" marksmen of the first order. James Crawford, the Gaines man who was injured on the D. fc M. road last winter; receives i'4,600 in cool cash, and the company paya nis doctor's bilis. They carry a high hand at Sault Ste. Marie. An English dude spent four days taking in the Soo sights, and it cost him $250- all the money he had. Charles Armetrong, a Barry county man, while engaged in (ligging a well, was buried by a cave in and killed. He had failed to take the neeessary precautions in curbing the well. Ed K'iingingsmith, a Crooked Lake lad took in a charivari, and a bullet in lus leg the other nigUt. Lots_of fun at these horning bees. A Mecostu county man has been taken in charge bv an agent of Unele Sam because of the curioslty that led him to open letters addressed to a couple of lady acquaintances. A Minden City girl, 15 years of age, built her last flre with kerosene one niorning recently. The funeral was held two days later. A twenty-ton chunk of copper was reeently discovered at Copper Falls. 'Twill all go to feed the insatiate greed of the French syndicate. The Northport farmers who carried over several thousand bushels of potatoes with the expectation of 1 prices, and are now selling for 55 cents, are realizing the uncertuiuty of human caleulations. Henry L. Strong, a Lansing insurance mar is in the toils because he monkeyed with the Old People's company, of Elkhart, Ind. , re;ardless of' what the state law says about jraveyard insurance. Oakland county has a farmer whose conscience was sorely troubled because he kept some money that rightfully belonged to a commission man, since 1874, and soliereturned $23.3fi and is happy. Benjamin F. Osgood, Mendon's postmaster, s less than 22 yeai's old, and is claimed to De the youngest postmaster of the third class m the country. McDonald people are perfumed v.ith the ordor of 100 acres of growing onions. Whew? smell 'em br?ath. Lansing folks have been inspecting a 350 foot balt that's five f eet wide and weigbs 16,000 pounds. 'T wasn't made for hooping a dude. During the month of May the Adrián postoffice put out 21,0110 postal cards on a long suffering public. Grand Rapids' home for motherless boys is ready for their reception. G. W. Cooley, the Mount Morris man who is growing four acres of watermelons, is the owner of a well-trained shot-gun. Capt. Lottie Jackson, of the Kalamazoo detachment of theSalvation Army, who sued that city for $10,000 damages b?cause she wasn't allowed to hold street seances, must forego the pleasure of raking in the coveted prize. On the eontrary she has been fined S10 by a local court for obstructing the streets. Adrian'a canning factories have been preparing for the season's operations by making nearly 500,000 cans. Some of Flushing's young ladies have been experimenting by taking early morning walks, and have found them to be conducive to health, good appetites and good nature. A 11,000 blaze made things lively at South Lyon on the 5th. The loss is divided amoní; eight or ten firms with very little insurauce. Rev. T. S. McCall, au Ionia clergyimn, has quit preaching and will take charge of Liberty college at Glasgow, Ky., a school for young lailits.


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